Hilarious classic coworker funny joke: A coworker wants to have a second child, and persuades his son that having a younger brother or sister will bring many benefits: "I will play with you and be your little follower."

1. Hilarious classic colleague funny joke. A colleague wanted to have a second child. He persuaded his son that having a younger brother or sister would have many benefits: "I will play with you and be your little follower." As a result, the son calmly asked: "Snacks will Why didn’t you say anything about being divided in half?” When my son was in the first grade of junior high school, his teacher called him and said that his essay was suspected of plagiarism. After school, I took out my son's composition book and looked through it. I saw one composition, and the first sentence of my son wrote: I remember when I was in the third grade of junior high school.

2. Search and follow Tiantianyixiaoxiao.com to see more funny jokes. The little girl next door did something bad and her mother got angry and ignored her. Dad gently told her: Mom is waiting for you to admit your mistake, go ahead. She went over and said to her mother with tears in her eyes: You...are you Fan Bingbing ? "What?!" Mom was confused. The little girl continued to burst into tears: I admitted my mistake...

3. Funny jokes about embarrassing sleeping situations. She was wearing pajamas and taking a nap with her 5-year-old daughter at noon... A buddy called: What are you doing? I said: I’m sleeping with someone else’s wife! The guy was surprised: Where is your wife? I said: Watching TV next to me... My brother is in a mess...

4. My daughter was in a kindergarten class and was complained on the first day of school. The reason was that the whole class was crying but she didn't cry and sat there calmly watching the teacher. After coaxing her and finally calming down, she said: Mom and Dad don’t want you! Immediately the whole class burst into tears again.

5. A man and a woman met on a blind date. The man was very dissatisfied with the woman's appearance. He just called. The man answered the phone and said: "Hey~~um~~, what are you doing? Watch a movie~~Godzilla..." This is the woman's phone number It also rang, and the woman answered the phone and said: "Hey~~um~~, what are you doing, watching TV~~Ultraman..."

6. During the Chinese class, the teacher asked the students to use the newly learned idiom "scowl" "Make a sentence with "Laughter and smile". Doudou answered quickly: "When the salary is paid every month, my father always hands the money to my mother with a sad face, and my mother counts the money with a smile on her face."

7. A group of friends went to to roller skate ! One of the guys has a good figure, a tall face and a fair face! It’s just pretty boring and not slippery! Wear a pair of shoes and quietly lean on the railing to look cool! Just watch, one girl will fall down in front of him! They looked up at my brother, and my brother looked at them indifferently! We laughed to death! Dear girls, don’t be sad, it’s not that he doesn’t want to but that he doesn’t dare to let go!

8. I looked at my girlfriend affectionately and said, "I only have eyes for you." My girlfriend grabbed my ear. I screamed in pain and asked her quickly: "Did I say something wrong?" She yelled: "Yesterday you said you only have me in your heart, but today you only have me in your eyes. Who do you think you have in your heart now???"