The old man in the article is the father of the woman. Because his son-in-law put three tomatoes in the cooking, the old man called the police and asked the police to arrest his son-in-law. He even almost fell out with his daughter because of this matter. As the saying goes, "A s

The old man in the article is the woman's father. Because his son-in-law put three tomatoes in the cooking , the old man called the police and asked the police to arrest his son-in-law. He even almost fell out with his daughter because of this . As the saying goes, "A son-in-law is responsible for half the responsibility." "", but the uncle called his son-in-law a prodigal son and said how could a lavish person live a good life. As soon as he mentioned his son-in-law, the old man became furious and started to open up old scores with his son-in-law. What on earth is going on?

A dispute arose over the child's eating.

The police came to the house to learn about the situation. It turned out that that day, the 1-year-old daughter was hungry and wanted to eat, so she asked her son-in-law to stir-fry rice for the child. However, the old man never expected that his son-in-law would be such a prodigal, and just stir-fry rice. I wanted to put three tomatoes , and then I started scolding my son-in-law. Half a tomato is enough for the fried rice. Putting more tomatoes is a waste. At first, the son-in-law ignored the old man, but the old man became more and more enthusiastic. The son-in-law couldn't stand it and turned back to the old man. A few sentences, "The three of us have too little to eat." The two of them started to argue without letting anyone give in.

When the son-in-law was talking to the old man, he was cutting something with a kitchen knife in his hand. The old man was dissatisfied, so he called the police, claiming that his son-in-law had committed domestic violence against him, and asked the police to arrest him. The son-in-law was cooking There are three tomatoes to put in. My father-in-law thought there were too many and called the police to arrest him. He also complained about how he could live a good life with such waste. There is no clear standard for how many tomatoes to put in fried rice. Even if the old man is used to being thrifty, should not call the police. Catch your own son-in-law, is a family after all, what else is there hidden in this?

The old man started to scold his son-in-law in front of everyone. He not only said something wrong with his son-in-law, but also said that his son-in-law chased him with a kitchen knife.

and the more outrageous he said, he began to scold his own daughter, saying that his daughter got pregnant before marriage because of three tomatoes. She complained that her son-in-law could not live a good life, which would ruin the family sooner or later. , the daughter couldn't bear it, so she came to persuade her father, because there was no need for a tomato to make the matter so big, and the neighbors would not look good when they saw it. But when the old man heard this He was furious.

The daughter he raised did not help him , but even turned his elbows outward, and scolded him and his son-in-law together. The old man thought that everything he did was for the good of his daughter, but when something happened, his daughter actually helped others to speak, bullying As the father who gave birth to her and raised her, the old man was very angry and said that when the two of them were dating, he didn't think highly of them and opposed their relationship. He said that his son-in-law had no ability and no money, and was not worthy of him at all. Daughter, but in order to be together, they even got pregnant before marriage. Fortunately, I saw it right. My son-in-law is really not good at . He not only contradicted himself for a trivial matter, but also chased him with a knife and used domestic violence against him.

They all hold their own opinions, who is right?

But the son-in-law’s explanation was indeed like this. The child was hungry that day, so he made egg fried rice for the child . It happened that the two adults didn’t eat, so they thought of making it together. Obviously eating half a tomato is not enough for three people. , just took three tomatoes. As for what the old man said about chasing him, son-in-law said this. He was cutting vegetables at the time, so he did have a knife in his hand. When talking to the old man, He failed to put down the knife in his hand in time, so the old man said that he was violently raped with the knife. In fact, it was not what the old man said. The old man was not only his father-in-law, but also the father of his wife and children, so then They are their own relatives, how could they attack their own family members?

They all have their own opinions, so let’s hear what the old man’s daughter thinks about this matter. What his daughter said was really shocking. I didn’t expect that my own daughter would say this, saying that it’s really delicious and lazy to cook. , it was the old man who liked domestic violence, and he said that no one in the family had been subjected to domestic violence by him, and his mother was even more severely affected. At that time, would start scolding him whenever he disagreed, and there was no right for others to express their opinions. Even The neighbors all knew about their family's affairs, and their daughter also said that the old man came here just to break up their marriage and would not stop until he achieved his goal.

The old man also has a son, and it is said that the relationship with his son is not very good.

The dispute with his son's family has become more tense. Regarding his daughter's remarks, the old man does not seem to care much about . There is one point in front of him, that is, he wants to give his son-in-law a warning , I hope that when I am away, my son-in-law will not dare to be arrogant in front of my daughter. Finally, after mediation, the family conflict came to an end. My son-in-law apologized to the old man again and said that he would take over all the housework in the house. The old man also promised to do so in the future. Stop interfering in the affairs between them as husband and wife.

Okay, this article in this issue is over. Thank you everyone for watching. If you have any comments on , you can leave a message below for discussion. Follow me. I look forward to seeing you in the next issue!