1. In the English test, Xiaoqiang was caught while flipping through the English textbook. Xiaoqiang: "Xiao Ming also flipped through the textbook, why didn't you catch him?" The teacher glanced at me and said seriously: "He can't find the answer!" 2. The teacher asked: Who can pe

1. In the English test, Xiaoqiang was caught while flipping through the English textbook. Xiaoqiang: "Xiao Ming also read the textbook, why don't you catch him?" The teacher glanced at me and said seriously: "He can't find the answer!"

2. The teacher asked: Who can perfectly combine any two animals. Xiaoli said: Mermaid. The teacher was very pleased and said: Well, very good, what else? Xiao Ming said: Single dog. Teacher: Get out!

3. Teacher: How to identify real and fake coins? Xiaogang: Look at the watermark. Xiaohong: Look at the security thread. Xiao Ming: Pay tuition. Teacher: Get out!

4. The self-study class was extremely chaotic. The teacher wrote the four characters "Silence is golden" on the blackboard. Xiao Ming: "Silence is golden, don't talk to me, I want to save money." Teacher: "Go home and save money!"

5. The teacher said: "Money can't buy love. If I pay 10,000 "Yuan, is it possible for you not to love your parents?" At this time, Xiao Ming asked in a low voice: "Teacher, if I don't love my brother, how much money would you give me?" Teacher: Go home and ask for money!

6. Class teacher: There will be no pie in the sky. Xiao Ming does not agree with this view. One day, Xiao Ming bought a pie early in the morning and was waiting for the class teacher to go to work in the teaching building. When the class teacher entered the teaching building, Xiao Ming aimed at the head teacher from upstairs and smashed the pie down hard. . . Later, Xiao Ming moved to another class. . .

7, Xiao Ming: I want to poop. Teacher: Speak in a civilized manner. Xiao Ming: I have a crotch problem to solve!

8. Teacher: In this society, we can’t just look at faces. Ugly people generally have good grades. Then he pointed at Xiao Ming and said: I think this guy must have top grades. . . Haha, teacher, you are so funny!

9. In class, the teacher was writing questions on the blackboard with his back to the students. The bottom was very messy. The teacher didn’t even look back to see who was talking. He came up and said, "Xiao Ming, get out of here. You are the most restless person in the class!" I opened the door and went in: "Teacher, I'm outside!"

10. Teacher: Xiao Ming, I won't tell you to get out today. You should stay in the classroom. Xiao Ming: Thank you, teacher. Teacher: Students, we are going on an autumn outing today.