My daughter-in-law, Lao Bai, said with concern, go to the hospital quickly and don’t hold on if you are sick. Lao Hei shook his head and said, the hospital is too far away and back pain is not a serious illness. Why go to the hospital? I'll look for Three Hands.

(original and first published by Farming Story Club)

Lao Hei has been suffering from back pain for the past few days, and the pain makes him grimace when he bends over. My daughter-in-law, Lao Bai, said with concern, go to the hospital quickly and don’t hold on if you are sick. Lao Hei shook his head and said, the hospital is too far away and back pain is not a serious illness. Why go to the hospital? I'll look for Three Hands.

"Three hands?" Lao Bai didn't understand.

"Yes." Lao Hei said.

"Looking for a thief to see a doctor?" Lao Bai continued to stare in confusion.

Lao Hei reacted, smiled, and said to Lao Bai, "No, it's Mr. Guo, the miracle doctor." Lao Bai said, "You don't speak clearly. No wonder people can't understand. Which village are you from?" Is it far? Lao Hei said, Qiaotouguo is 20 miles away, neither far nor near.

"Why haven't I heard of this miracle doctor?"

"You must have never heard of it."

"What?" Lao Bai just stared at him, and Lao Hei was confused again. Lao Hei criticized Lao Bai and said, "Having spent half my life with you, I haven't noticed that you are thinking about things in your head and turning corners. What's wrong?" If you don't know three hands, it means you are in good health. Who among those "medicine jars" in the village doesn't know three hands? I just listened to what old cold leg told me. Lao Bai thought about it and smiled. After laughing, Lao Bai said, I'm a little curious, why do people call him three hands?

Lao Hei said that according to Lao Han Leg, Mr. Guo’s hand can feel the pulse accurately, like a hand from a god; when he reaches out, he will get income, and he is a money-grabbing hand. Therefore, people gave him the nickname "Three Hands". When Lao Bai heard this, he reminded Lao Hei that his medicine must not be cheap. If you go to see him for medical treatment, bring more money. Lao Hei nodded while covering his waist.

This morning, Lao Hei was ready to push the tram out of the courtyard gate. Lao Bai came out and said, "Don't show off if your waist is weak. There's nothing important if I stay home, so why don't I drag you along?" Lao Hei said that the road leading to Qiaotouguo is a cement road, which is wide and flat, and there are not many cars on the road. It will be no problem, just take it in your mind. Lao Bai said that you should drive slower. Lao Hei said yes. After saying that, he got on the tram and was out of the alley in a flash. Out of the alley, Lao Hei said to himself, Lao Bai, with your riding skills, you still want to pull me away? If you can't get to the three hands, you'll have to dig a ball in the ditch.

Lao Hei was lucky that day. He came to Guo Sanshou's medicine hall in Qiaotou. There were not many people queuing up to see a doctor. In just one cigarette, Lao Hei sat in front of Sanshou.

Three Hands He is short in stature, in his sixties, fair and chubby. He is completely different from the image of the miracle doctor in the TV series and in Lao Hei's imagination. But when he saw the banners on the wall, Lao Hei felt at ease.

The three hands first asked Lao Hei where he felt uncomfortable, then looked at his eyes and tongue, and then asked Lao Hei to stretch out his hand to feel his pulse. After checking his pulse, Sanshou said, "It's not a big problem. I'll give you a few injections and a few plasters. Just go home and rest for a few days. I'll make sure you don't come back a second time." Lao Hei said thank you three hands. After saying this, he felt something was wrong. He smiled sheepishly and said, no, thank you to the miracle doctor Mr. Guo. Three Hands said, it's okay, whatever you call me is just a title. After saying that, the three hands gave Lao Hei a few injections and put a plaster on his affected area. It was done in less than half an hour.

Lao Hei slowly stood up from the stool, moved his body, and took two steps. His low back pain was significantly relieved. "It really lives up to its reputation, it's awesome!" Lao Guangming admired himself. Before leaving, Three Hands told Lao Hei that your waist disease appears to be caused by fatigue and internal heat, but is actually caused by Yang and kidney deficiency. Acupuncture and moxibustion plasters only treat the symptoms. If the problem is not fundamentally solved, overwork will recur in the future.

"How many more traditional Chinese medicine treatments should I prescribe?"

"I won't prescribe any medicine for you."

"What about it?"

At this time, Three Hands smiled and said: I have a dietary prescription here called "18 "It's a dish." If you go home and use it for a month, you'll be fine. When Lao Hei heard this, he said thank you very much. Please give me the prescription and I will eat it when I get home. Three Hands said there was no need to write down the prescription, it was very simple, I said just write it down, Lao Hei said yes. So, Three Hands told Lao Hei the "18 dishes". Lao Hei nodded while listening. After Three Hands finished speaking, Lao Hei said thank you, Mr. Guo, I wrote it down.

As soon as Lao Hei entered the house, Lao Bai said he would be back so soon? how much did you spend? When Lao Hei heard this, he became angry and said that you, a stinky bitch, care about money more than you care about me. When I came back from the doctor, you didn't ask me if my back still hurt. You first cared about how much I spent. I'll tell you, it's cheap. It only costs 60 yuan to relieve pain in the waist.

Lao Bai smiled and said, "Why are you asking?" Your waist has straightened up. If I ask, don't you have to scold me for being stupid? Lao Hei smiled and said, "This three-handed man not only has good medical skills, but also has good medical ethics." Lao Bai asked Lao Hei, if you are so powerful, how can you be treated with three hands? Lao Hei told Lao Bai the process of treating him with three hands. When it came to the dietary prescription that could cure the root cause, Lao Hei said, starting from today, I will eat 18 dishes in three days for a month.

"What did you say?" Lao Bai was shocked.

Lao Hei quickly explained that instead of eating an average of 6 vegetables a day, the three-hand formula is "two leeks in three days", which means that you need to eat leeks twice in three days.

"That's just two dishes. Where did 18 dishes come from?"

"One leek (9) is nine, how much are two leeks?"


"Isn't that inappropriate?"

"I'm scared to death. "I'm done."

Lao Hei stared at Lao Bai, and then said: Leeks are warm in nature and have the functions of nourishing the kidneys, warming yang, promoting qi and activating blood . The root cause of my back pain is in the kidneys, and I also have constipation. Three Hands said, Eating leeks regularly can cure this problem.

When Lao Bai heard this, he said to Lao Hei, it's almost noon, I will go to the field to cut leeks now.