This picture book tells the story of a cat who lives a million lives. Although these people also love it, the cat is not happy. This time he decided to be himself.

This picture book tells the story of a cat who can live a million lives.

cats have experienced various things, but they are all other people's cats. Although these people also love it, the cat is not happy. This time he decided to be himself. This time it found the value of living.

There is a cat who has lived a million times.
It has died a million times and lived a million times.
It is a very majestic cat with tiger stripes.
A million people loved this cat, and
a million people cried for the cat when it died.
However, this cat never shed a tear.

Once, it was the king's cat,
it hated the king.
The king was very good at fighting and fought all year round.
He put the cat into a special basket and
took it with him to the battlefield.

Once, a cat was raised by a thief.
It hated the thief.
thieves always take cats on the dark streets.
walks lightly like cats.
thieves only go to the homes of people who have dogs to steal things.
takes advantage of the dogs to bark at the cats to pry open the vaults.
One day, the cat was bitten to death by a dog.
The thief held the cat and the stolen diamonds in his arms.

Once, the cat was no longer a cat raised by anyone.
It was a wild cat.
The number one cat For the first time, he became his own master, and the
cat liked him the most.
was originally a cat with beautiful tabby , but now
has of course become a very majestic wild cat.

All the cat ladies wanted to marry this cat.
Some gave big fish, some gave high-quality rat meat,
Some gave it precious gifts, and some licked its fur.
The cat just said: "I have died a million times!
No one can compare to me."
The cat likes himself the most.

There was only one beautiful white cat . Without even looking at the cat, the cat walked up to the white cat and said:
"I have died a million times!"
The white cat just said "Yes" "?" The cat responded.
The cat was a little angry, because it liked him so much. On the second and third days, the cat came to the white cat and said:
"You haven't even finished your life yet." , right?"
White Cat also responded with "Really?"

Once, the cat walked up to the white cat.
It turned three somersaults in the air and said:
"I used to be a circus cat!"
The white cat still just said "Really?" After a cry,
"I have lived a million times..."
Cat said halfway, he changed his words and asked the white cat:
"Can I stay by your side?"
The white cat said: "Okay."
Cat Since then, he has been staying with White Cat.

The white cat gave birth to many cute kittens.
The cat no longer said:
"I have lived a million times...".
cats like white cats and kittens more than they like themselves.

Finally, the kittens grew up and had to leave them.
"These children have become very stylish wild cats!"
The cat said with satisfaction.
The white cat purred softly from its throat,
The white cat became more and more like an old woman,
and the cat also became more gentle,
It also purred softly from its throat,
It hopes to live with the white cat forever.

One day, the white cat was lying next to the cat.
was quiet and motionless.
The cat cried for the first time. He cried from morning to night,
cried from night to morning again,
cried for a hundred times. Thousands of times,
day after day passed, one day at noon,
the cat stopped crying,
it lay next to the white cat,

The cat never came to life again.