Delicious white sliced ​​duck, tender skin and skillful meat, making it yourself is better than the restaurant

When it comes to duck meat, many people think of roast duck for the first time, but duck meat is not only roasted, but can also be made into white cut duck. White-cut duck is a traditional local dish in Guangdong. Its meat is tender, smooth and sweet, and has no taint. You can make it at home.

Let’s learn how to make this white duck.

1 Choose a duck, clean it, pluck the fluff on it, and control the moisture.

2 Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of salt on the duck, spread it evenly, press the stomach, or spread it, and marinate for 20 minutes.

3 Cut the ginger into large slices, cut the green onion into long pieces, boil a pot of water, add the green onion and ginger, and add 20 grams of white wine. Then put the marinated duck in, soak for 2 minutes, then lift the duck to cool for 30 seconds, then soak for 2 minutes, repeat this 3 times to make the duck skin firmer and the duck meat more smooth and tender.

4 After soaking, turn to low heat and cook for 20 minutes, then turn off the heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

5 Prepare the sauce below: Sha ginger does not need to be peeled, washed directly, patted and chopped; peeled ginger, chopped with a knife back into ginger; chopped scallion and white onion. Mix them together, add appropriate amount of salt, a little sugar to make it fresh, add a spoonful of peanut oil, and top with heated peanut oil, add light soy sauce and mix well.

6 Take the stewed duck out, soak it in cold water, and add ice cubes to make the duck more firm.

7 After cooling, take out and drain the water, chop it into chunks, and then you can dip it into the sauce and start eating!

This white-cut duck is a practice in Guangdong and Guangxi. You must dip it in the sauce when you eat it. The skin is smooth and the meat is smooth. The more you chew, the more fragrant you can try.