Go to Bhutan, the happiest country in the world, and have the happiest meal

Go to Bhutan, the happiest country in the world, and eat the happiest meal (Part 1)

Text|rat two

Chinese people have a lot of money in recent years, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, the United States, Europe and Australia have been counted It’s not worth showing off, Iceland, Antarctica, Dubai, Kenya, Himalayas... there is not the worst, only worse!

Bhutan, located in the valley of the Himalayas and bordering China's Tibet, is one of the least developed countries, but it is also one of the countries with the highest happiness index in the world. This alone makes many Chinese tourists yearn for , What kind of spiritual power can transcend material deprivation and even poverty, and support the happiness and satisfaction of a country?

How poor is Bhutan? Many people who have been there suggest that unless you have a strong appetite and eat well, it is best to prepare enough snacks. Although Bhutanese food is not as spicy as the Indians, it is not "magic", but not everyone can accept it. Affordable, don’t just think about a “spiritual journey” that just walks away. For a foodie like Mouse Er, the journey of not having enough to eat, even the grass that grows like wild vegetables on the roadside can’t wait Come to satisfy your hunger!

Bhutan's diet is very similar to Tibet. Wheat and highland barley are very common staple foods. Butter tea and highland barley wine are also consumed. Because the local believes in Buddhism, hunting and fishing are illegal, so many fish and meat ingredients need to be imported from India or other countries.

Many valleys with hot and humid climate in Bhutan are particularly suitable for growing rice, peppers, and potatoes. In addition, they are almost in the same dimension as Sichuan and Chongqing. Eating peppers is a good way to get rid of moisture. In general, Bhutan’s cuisine is heavily influenced by China, India, and Nepal. It is a singular style. It is not too greasy, but it is really spicy. It also loves cheese, cream and various spices. Girls who don’t like spicy food or are afraid of gaining weight should consider carrying a few more packs of instant noodles.

Travelers who like early adopters, may wish to collect this Bhutanese food guide.

1. Cheese that can’t escape

As mentioned earlier, chili and cheese are the most photographed ingredients in Bhutanese cuisine. Every meal is indispensable. For the Chinese stomach, it’s okay to eat occasionally. I feel like I’m just eating every meal. A walking heat bomb!

Cheese and Chili Stew Ema Datshi

This is Bhutan’s national dish. It will appear at almost every meal. Chili (Ema) and cheese (Datshi) are the main ingredients. Green peppers are cut into strips and stewed with cheese. Sometimes they are also used Dried red peppers or white peppers, with different seasons and regions, the side dishes will also change, the common ones are bracken, green beans, mushrooms, potatoes, etc. Although

appears every meal, but in the hands of different chefs, this dish will also show a different appearance, some are more juicy, some are thicker, and the spiciness is different under the strong cheese blend. , Just eat the rice just out of the pot, the taste is very rich.

Cheese Potato Kewa Datshi

A stew derived from Datshi, most Bhutanese are vegetarian. In the stew made with cheese, in addition to peppers, there are of course various vegetables that can be substituted. There are few local fresh vegetables, and potatoes have become a very common ingredient. Potatoes are already soft. They are sliced ​​and fried with cheese and then stewed. Add a little pepper or tomato garnish. The taste is soft and waxy. It melts in the mouth and tastes better than peppers. Cheese is even better.

Potatoes are eaten in many ways in Bhutan. In addition to cheese, you can also cook potato soup or stew directly with wild vegetables.

Cheese Mushroom Shamu Datshi

is also a Datshi family cuisine. The pepper tastes heavy, and the potatoes are more starchy. Changing to some mushrooms unique to the Himalayas will immediately make this dish a little more delicious and not at all. Spicy, people who don't like spicy can finally eat two bites.

Cheese Beef Shakam Datshi

directly add some air-dried beef cubes to stew with mushroom cheese or cheese or cheese. A few bites are okay, but more is really greasy.

Scrambled Eggs with Cheese Gondo Datshi

Many people have asked Rat Two, how can eggs be fried with a tender and rich feeling of American brunch. In fact, put some butter in the eggs and turn off the fire as long as they are fried until 6 is mature. Toasted. In Bhutan, scrambled eggs are particularly willing to put butter and cheese, and occasionally add some dried chili to garnish, so a bowl of oily and fragrant scrambled eggs is served on the table. Although it is good to serve, the oily bowl, please also Must restrain the urge to feast.

2, a meal, the soup and water are complete

Influenced by Tibet, Bhutanese also love to drink butter tea and highland barley wine every day. Residents in some areas also use grain or fruit to brew rice wine or fruit wine.

butter tea Suja

butter is extracted from milk and goat milk. Pour the milk into a large wooden barrel and beat back and forth repeatedly until the oil and water separate, and then scoop out the layer of light yellow fat floating on it and put it into a leather pocket. After cooling, it becomes ghee. Add ghee and salt to the boiled brick tea or Tuocha and stir repeatedly. The finished butter tea has the flavor of old Beijing oil tea, and Tibetans will add walnuts, eggs, and raisins. This butter tea tastes very good!

Milk tea (Ngadja) can be found everywhere in Bhutan. The taste is very very sweet. It is eaten with small snacks and is very popular with locals.

Highland barley wine

Bhutan's highland barley wine, the wine is clear and slightly yellow, and tastes clear and sweet. Many people think it is like sweet rice wine, eating beef and lamb stewed with cheese, what is more suitable than just highland barley wine? !

The locals often drink their own rice wine, Arra, which is distilled from rice, barley, and wheat. It has a high degree of alcohol. When it comes to Bhutanese, hospitable hosts always have to toast first. Guests You have to drink a few cups.

Creamy vegetable soup Jaju

In addition to butter tea and highland barley wine, eating and drinking soup are also the dietary habits of Bhutanese. Like the Swiss cream hot pot, Bhutanese soup must contain cheese and butter, and then put some Spinach and radish leaves, the soup is milky and rich, but the taste is much lighter than European and American soups.

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