The land of pre-Qin Dynasty and the ancient capital of thirteen dynasties, Shaanxi has been a good place that literati and heroes have longed for since ancient times. Shaanxi has a complex terrain and a large climate difference between the north and south. It is mainly divided in

The land of pre-Qin Dynasty and the ancient capital of thirteen dynasties, Shaanxi has been a good place that literati and heroes have longed for since ancient times.

The terrain of Shaanxi is complex, and the climate between the north and the south is very different. It is mainly divided into three regions: Northern Shaanxi, Southern Shaanxi, and Guanzhong. Due to the unique geographical location, the cultural customs of the three regions are also different; due to the unique Due to the climatic conditions, drinking has become a common practice here.

When it comes to Shaanxi wine, the most impressive one is Xifeng Wine. It has a history of thousands of years and has a deep foundation. The unique phoenix aroma supports half of the world of Shaanxi wine. It has been included in "China" together with many famous wines. The famous liquor "" is still active in the national liquor market and can be said to be enduring.

But as one of the important wine-making places in the country, Shaanxi’s good wines are not limited to Xifeng wine. Today we will talk about one of the many good wines in Shaanxi. It was once as famous as Xifeng wine. In its glory days, it was popular all over the country, but now it is Only locals know about it, and it is even called "failure wine".

This wine, like Xifeng wine, has a history of thousands of years and has witnessed the development of Chinese wine history. There are different opinions on its history. It is Taibai wine.

"A drop of Taibaijiu, the fragrance of grass and trees ten miles away" , from a few simple words, you can feel the charm of Taibaijiu.

Taibai liquor is produced in Meixian, Shaanxi. Its trademark was registered in 1942. Taibai Distillery was officially established in 1956. The brewing process of Taibai liquor is very particular. It uses high-quality grain for high-temperature koji making, saccharification and fermentation. The water is from Taibai liquor. The snow melt water of Baishan , combined with the blessing of traditional brewing technology, produces wine with a unique flavor, mellow and elegant, and has always been widely praised.

After years of hard work, Taibaijiu, which has been working silently and hard with excellent wine quality, was finally discovered and ushered in a glorious moment in the 1970s and 1980s.

Taibaijiu at that time participated in various wine tasting events across the country and achieved good results. It won numerous awards, including China Time-honored Liquor, Provincial High-Quality Product, Shaanxi Famous Liquor and other titles. It became the brand for a time. The "star" of Shaanxi liquor not only saw a surge in sales, but also became popular all over the country. Even Xifeng Liquor had to be given "three points". In Shaanxi at that time, many people were proud to work in its winery.

Unfortunately, its glory has not been continued. At the end of the last century, the national liquor industry was in turmoil, and the development of Taibaijiu also gradually showed a decline.

Many wineries made timely adjustments to their policies in order to keep up with the market. However, Taibaijiu was too late to respond and missed the opportunity. In addition, due to constant internal competition, its wineries were constantly exposed to quality problems, resulting in The reputation of Taibaijiu in the minds of consumers continued to decline, and eventually it was overwhelmed and began to decline, gradually becoming a "failed wine" in people's minds.

Today’s Taibaijiu has long lost its former glory, but after experiencing the turmoil, it appears to be more stable, and the quality has returned to what it once was. But if it wants to return to its former glory, there may still be a long way to go.

Among the many liquors across the country, there are not a few who have similar experiences to Taibaijiu. The quality of many liquors is remarkable, but due to negligence in certain aspects during the operation process, they have not developed well. The following 2 This is the case with wine.

The first is Sichuan's Yuchan Daqu . This wine once had a smash hit. As the most classic strong-flavor liquor in Luzhou, Sichuan, it made many wine drinkers intoxicated in the last century.

Yuchan Daqu insists on pure grain brewing when brewing, mainly using traditional laojiao fermentation Daqu process . The brewed wine is clean and translucent, and is full of flavor when you drink it. Although the taste is simple, it is very delicious. Tempting . Unfortunately,

did not manage well during the critical period of development, and unfortunately exited amid fierce competition. Today, the quality of Yuchan Daqu is still very stable, but it seems a bit lonely after losing its former halo.

Next is Guizhou’s Handong Master Liquor . Not many people know this wine. With the rise of sauce wine craze in recent years, it has entered the national liquor market. It looks inconspicuous, but its winery also has its own unique characteristics. has a history of more than 30 years, which can be regarded as accumulated, and its brewer Zeng Chuanzheng is a direct disciple of the father of soy sauce, so he can be regarded as a famous teacher.

People who have tasted this wine have spoken highly of it. It is brewed from pure grains and adheres to the ancient Kunsha process. has a grainy and cellar aroma, which is elegant and delicate. The wine is blended with 10-year-old wine, and the aged flavor is obvious. , is full of flavor after drinking, which is unforgettable. It stands to reason that such a sincere work like

has already been famous for a long time. Unfortunately, publicity was neglected during the development process, resulting in it never leaving the local area. Now only local people know about it.