Recently, national football star Gao Lin has once again become the focus of media and fans. Gao Lin became the focus not because of his outstanding performance on the field, but because he sold his more than 400-square-meter mansion in Guangzhou. Gao Lin's mansion was sold for mo

2024/07/0309:26:33 sports 1175

A few days ago, the famous national football player Gao Lin once again became the focus of media and fans. Gao Lin became the focus not because of his outstanding performance on the field, but because he sold his more than 400-square-meter mansion in Guangzhou. Gao Lin's mansion was sold for more than 100 million yuan, which aroused heated discussion among many fans. At that time, when Gao Lin bought this luxury house in Guangzhou, the unit price was 100,000 yuan per square meter. Just a few years later, the unit price rose to 330,000 per square meter, which means that Gao Lin will make a net profit of almost 100 million by selling this house. Therefore, Gao Lin became the focus of the football world and considered him to be the big winner in life.

Recently, national football star Gao Lin has once again become the focus of media and fans. Gao Lin became the focus not because of his outstanding performance on the field, but because he sold his more than 400-square-meter mansion in Guangzhou. Gao Lin's mansion was sold for mo - DayDayNews

Indeed, Gao Lin has caught up with the golden period of Chinese Super League Jinyuan Football. After playing for Evergrande for many years, his total income should easily exceed 100 million. Gao Lin is an absolute veteran in Evergrande, because Evergrande started to introduce him as soon as he joined the Guangzhou team . At that time, Gao Lin was in his prime and was an active international player. So in this case, Gao Lin chose the Evergrande team, which is still in the Chinese League One, which surprised many fans. Gao Lin received an annual salary of tens of millions at Evergrande and became a big winner in life. Gao Lin won the Chinese Super League and the AFC Champions League for Evergrande and made great achievements in both.

So in this case, Gao Lin originally hoped to play at Evergrande until he retires. It's a pity that Evergrande encountered a business crisis in the later period and wanted to purge a group of high-paid players. Gao Lin, Feng Xiaoting, Zeng Cheng, the three Evergrande heroes, have no chance to continue playing for the team. After comprehensive consideration, Gao Lin finally chose to join the Shenzhen team. Originally, Evergrande fans expected Gao Lin to play for the Shenzhen team for a few years and then return to the Guangzhou team to hang up his boots and retire. Now that Gao Lin has sold his mansion in Guangzhou, it is not difficult to see that he does not plan to return to Evergrande to play football. In the future, Gao Lin will most likely choose to play with the Shenzhen team until he retires, and then transition into coaching.

Recently, national football star Gao Lin has once again become the focus of media and fans. Gao Lin became the focus not because of his outstanding performance on the field, but because he sold his more than 400-square-meter mansion in Guangzhou. Gao Lin's mansion was sold for mo - DayDayNews

The news that Gao Lin sold a mansion for more than 100 million yuan is still continuing to ferment. Because this triggered the hatred of rich people among some fans, they believed that Gao Lin shouldn't live in a mansion because he was so bad at playing football. In fact, the reason why Gao Lin can easily get an annual salary at Evergrande is because there are too few outstanding players like him in Chinese football. As Gao Lin said in an interview, if there are 100 Gao Lin and Zheng Zhi in the Chinese football transfer market, then he will definitely be worthless. Gao Lin can earn tens of millions of dollars in annual salary at Evergrande. In the final analysis, his ability is at a level that stands out among local players.

Recently, national football star Gao Lin has once again become the focus of media and fans. Gao Lin became the focus not because of his outstanding performance on the field, but because he sold his more than 400-square-meter mansion in Guangzhou. Gao Lin's mansion was sold for mo - DayDayNews

Gao Lin chose to go to the Shenzhen team in his career. His performance in the Shenzhen football team in recent seasons is obvious to all. Gao Lin, who is 36 years old this season, can still complete the offensive for the Shenzhen team, which makes the fans sit up and take notice. Therefore, Gao Lin has a tendency to get better and better as he plays in the Shenzhen team. Gao Lin has become the core of the offense in the Shenzhen team, and his role is no less than that of foreign players. I hope Gao Lin can perform well in the Shenzhen team and strive to help the team achieve good results in the league as soon as possible. For Guangzhou fans, it is also a pity that Gao Lin cannot hang up his boots at Evergrande. After all, Gao Lin is a player who has made great achievements for Evergrande and deserves to be treated well by the team.

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