Introduction: The king of private sales! Raw coconut latte with double cream roll, beautiful and delicious! This cake has really been selling like crazy recently. The raw coconut latte double cream roll, you can eat the coffee and cake you want together ~ you can have two flavors

Introduction: The most popular private house! Raw coconut latte with double cream roll, beautiful and delicious!

This cake has really been selling like crazy recently. The raw coconut latte is paired with cream roll. You can eat all the coffee and cake you want together ~ you can have two flavors in every bite, it is really satisfying! The color is fresh and suitable for summer. It’s great to give as a gift~

As a big egg consumer, it’s really important to have good eggs at home. You can use them for breakfast, boiled eggs, fried eggs, scrambled eggs, or for making desserts. It's good. I always have this egg at home. The egg is fresh and nutritious and tastes particularly good. The cake is made, and when it is baked, the aroma of eggs fills the room, so my big cakes are more delicious than others! Today I share this beautiful and delicious cake roll with everyone, make it if you like it ~

[Raw coconut latte double cream roll]

5 eggs, low-gluten flour 60 grams, butterfly pea 5 grams of pollen, 50 grams of pure milk, 245 grams of coconut oil, 60 grams of fine sugar, 2300 grams of light cream, 23 grams of black coffee, 10 grams of coconut milk, 20 grams of fine sugar

, separate the egg yolks, and put the egg whites Put it in the refrigerator for later use. Sift the butterfly pea pollen and low-gluten flour into a bowl. Heat the coconut oil to 85 degrees Celsius and pour it into the flour and mix well.

, pour in the milk to emulsify completely, then add the egg yolk and mix well.

3, add the fine sugar into the egg whites in 2 batches and beat until short hooks appear. First put 1/3 of the meringue into the egg yolks and mix well.

4, then pour it back into the original meringue and mix well. The cake batter made in this step must be delicate, shiny and non-defoaming.

5, put it in the middle and lower layers of the oven, bake the upper and lower tubes at 150 degrees for 30 minutes, take out the cake and let it cool before demoulding.

6. Beat the light cream with fine sugar until it reaches 80%. Divide into 2 portions and add black coffee. Continue to beat the coconut milk. Apply the cream on both sides of the cake body. Use a rolling pin to help roll it up and put it in the refrigerator to set for 2-3 hours.

Take it out and cut it into pieces and decorate it. The beautiful and delicious raw coconut latte double cream roll is ready. In the hot summer, eat a piece. It is rich in milk and cold and sweet. It is really a relief from the heat~ Come on Try it!

A greedy cat who loves life, a food blogger, an original food author, and millions of fans on the Internet. He is good at baking and home-cooking. He shares all kinds of delicious, fun and creative food with everyone every day. If you like Greedy Cat’s delicacies, please follow me! Please also like, collect and forward it. Your forwarding is the greatest encouragement to Greedy Cat! These pictures and texts are all original creations of Greedy Mao who loves life. Any unauthorized text or pictures will be prosecuted!