# AG Science Popularization Competition Season 2# In the countryside, in addition to the various poultry raised at home, you can also see many wild animals, such as those who enter chicken coops and steal eggs and chicks. Snakes, let me tell you very clearly here. Snakes not only

2024/07/0309:40:34 housepet 1392

# AG Science Popularization Competition Season 2# In the countryside, in addition to the various poultry raised at home, you can also see many wild animals, such as those who enter chicken coops and steal eggs and chicks. Snakes, let me tell you very clearly here. Snakes not only - DayDayNews

Sometimes even the old hen cannot protect the chicks. When we talk about it, we use this non-venomous snake as an explanation. After all, although most venomous snakes are more beautiful, they are also more scary, just like this beautiful snake, although its staple food is some frogs crickets etc. Wait, but like humans, it will also eat some desserts after meals.

It is common for a snake to enter the henhouse. To be honest, I have discovered it several times in my own home. The poisonous ones will be beaten to death, the non-toxic ones, the ones that are too small will be taken out to lose their luck, the big ones will be stewed in soup. After all, if you eat my chicken and don't pay me, then I will have to eat you.

# AG Science Popularization Competition Season 2# In the countryside, in addition to the various poultry raised at home, you can also see many wild animals, such as those who enter chicken coops and steal eggs and chicks. Snakes, let me tell you very clearly here. Snakes not only - DayDayNews

In fact, if you carefully look at the position of this snake, you should be able to understand something. There is no such corner in the wild. Even if it is an abandoned house, its corner will not be so clean.

I remember many people said that it can be used to repel snake and insect bites, but this thing can climb trees and crawl into sewers, so if you can’t prevent it, then you can kill it, or you can only kill it, or sell it for money. After all, you always have to make up for some of your losses.

# AG Science Popularization Competition Season 2# In the countryside, in addition to the various poultry raised at home, you can also see many wild animals, such as those who enter chicken coops and steal eggs and chicks. Snakes, let me tell you very clearly here. Snakes not only - DayDayNews

This is what the green snake Biao in the bamboo forest likes to do the most. The green snake with bamboo leaves has a green body and likes to live on plants, so it is not easy to be discovered. When people pass by its habitat, they accidentally If you touch or approach a snake, you will often be bitten. Since this species is often entangled in trees, bites to the head and neck of people often occur.

This snake is an arboreal snake. It is often found in mountain forests or beside damp mountain streams, in weeds, bamboo forests, or on rocks. It is often hung with its tail wrapped around branches. They especially like to live in the trees next to caves and are more active on rainy days. They go out to look for food day and night, and are more active at night. They feed on frogs, lizards, birds, rats, tadpoles, etc. as their main food, and have a wide range of food habits. It has tube teeth and small venom glands, and the amount of poison it excretes is small. Its toxicity is weaker than the previous types of venomous snakes. Ovoviviparous, the calving period is from July to August, and each litter gives birth to 3 to 15 snakes. It snows so hard that people go into hibernation. This kind of snake sometimes does not run away after being discovered by people, or it swims and dodges, or when there is water around it, it slowly swims towards the water.

# AG Science Popularization Competition Season 2# In the countryside, in addition to the various poultry raised at home, you can also see many wild animals, such as those who enter chicken coops and steal eggs and chicks. Snakes, let me tell you very clearly here. Snakes not only - DayDayNews

I can tell you clearly that this kind of snake is very fast. It just disappears in the blink of an eye. In rural areas, basically every household has a bamboo forest around it, either a Beijing bamboo forest or a magnetic bamboo forest, and the chicken coop is like a chicken coop. It's right next to that, so this thing will often hang around there. Therefore, eggs and chickens are generally easily eaten by this thing. Of course, I would usually kill it if I saw it.

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