Recently, when I check my mobile phone, I often see live broadcasts about food. The delicious food is delicious and delicious, and the anchor introduces it. The comments are all exclaiming, "It's so good, you only need xx kilometers to eat it."

Don’t worry, read this article before eating!

Recently, when I check my mobile phone, I often come across live broadcasts about food. The delicious food is delicious, delicious and introduced by the anchor. The comments are all exclaiming, "It's really good. You only need xx kilometers to eat it." In addition to those who eat delicious food, there are also those who cook delicious food. With the skillful skills of anchors, chefs or vendors, delicacies seem to be coming out through the screen.

Behind the screen, are you lamenting like the editor that it is too far away to eat, and that you can’t buy a mobile phone that can smell the smell? If there are semi-finished products or snack carts below the live broadcast room of the anchor, you want to buy them back and try shopping. One wave.

Behind this is the huge business experience of Douyin food live broadcast track. If you have a skill in cooking delicious food, you can make money while eating!

Can you make money by cooking delicious food? How to make money?

Food is the most important thing for the people. Chinese people like delicious food. In addition to tasting it in person, feasting their eyes is also essential. Short food videos on all major platforms have long been among the top three in terms of likes. And compared with verticals such as talent and plot, food has a lower threshold and is more maneuverable. Both novices and veterans can get started quickly.

The shooting method and video characteristics, as well as the food category, all vary from person to person. People want to see novel ideas, and as long as their "imagination" is big enough, they will find the corresponding audience.

The monetization method of food short videos is not much different from other short videos, mainly advertising revenue, live streaming, etc. Specifically speaking, there are probably the following three types:

1, planting and selling

The most convenient way to monetize is to sell goods yourself. For example, on Douyin, as long as you authenticate your real name and publish 10 videos, you can open a product display window. You can accept advertising product placement and charge service fees, advertising sharing, or sell it back to your own store.

Li Ziqi, who has never accepted advertising or commercial performances, chose the latter. She created her own brand in 2018 and simultaneously opened her own Tmall flagship store . According to reports, with only 4 products, Li Ziqi’s store sales exceeded 150,000 in less than a week after it went online, with sales exceeding 10 million.

It’s not just big names like Li Ziqi who have strong monetization capabilities. The ability of waistline influencers to carry goods cannot be underestimated either. There are only 21 products in the Taobao store of the guy from West Yunnan, with 160,000 fans. The most popular item has a monthly sales volume of 4,780 pieces.

2, live streaming

Li Jiaqi sold out 15,000 lipsticks in 35 minutes, Simba sold 130 million in half an hour, even a shopping guide who is not a professional anchor, the sales generated by a live broadcast are equivalent to a week in the store class.

’s live streaming is really popular, so it has become the choice for more food bloggers to monetize. Kuaishou’s food blogger drunk goose mother had only 300,000 fans, and a one-hour live broadcast allowed him to choose alcoholic beverages. Sales increased by 15% to 30%.

has a low threshold for live streaming, strong monetization capabilities, and low requirements for food venues. Professional food live broadcast is an all-in-one live broadcast machine + professional microphone + complete lighting equipment. A personal food live broadcast only requires an all-in-one live broadcast machine and a mobile phone to start broadcasting.

3. Food and broadcast shop exploration + traffic diversion

This method of monetization is unique to the food and broadcast bloggers. When food bloggers visit the store, they can use Douyin's POI function to accurately embed the store's location address in the video to divert traffic to offline stores.

Douyin's POI function allows companies to obtain an exclusive and unique address, which is the positioning icon in the video. Click on it to see all the video content in this address. Enterprises can also recommend products, coupons, store activities, etc. to users on POI pages, which can effectively improve user conversions. Blue V users can choose to enable this function in the background.

The food field is a short video category with low entry barriers, and food has a wide audience, so there is still a lot of room for content creation.

If you love to eat good food, know how to cook good food, and want to start a side job, you might as well try to start in the field of food, so that you can eat well and drink enough, and your wallet will be satisfied.