Recently, a food blogger shot a controversial video, which recorded the entire process of cooking a suspected internationally endangered wild animal (human-eating shark). The video shows the blogger unpacking a package containing a shark in front of a local fish market store. The

Recently, a food blogger shot a controversial video. The video recorded the entire process of the blogger cooking a suspected internationally endangered wild animal ( man-eating shark ). The

video shows that the blogger opened a package containing a shark in front of a store in the local fish market. The size of the shark is larger than that of the blogger. It is estimated to be about 170cm long and weighs 200-300 kilograms. about.

Some popular science bloggers saw the video and reported that this shark belongs to the internationally endangered wild animal man-eating shark.

Also Experts from the China Fisheries Association said after watching the video that this shark is a man-eating shark, also known as great white shark , which is a national second-level protected animal and is currently not artificially bred. According to laws and regulations, fish must be thrown into the sea regardless of whether it is alive or dead. It is illegal to land, sell, or buy fish.

The food blogger then responded: The shark was purchased through formal channels sharp tooth shark and is not an endangered wild animal. He is currently looking for a lawyer and is preparing to sue those who made defamation and rumors.

As of now, the food blogger has hidden the video of cooking shark, and there is no further information from various aspects to confirm the species of shark.

Can you tell what species this shark is?