―Nowadays, many middle-aged and elderly people go to the hospital for various minor physical problems. Have you ever thought that the problem may lie in diet? I suggest that middle-aged and elderly people please don’t be too frugal. Don’t be reluctant to spend money on these 4 he

-Nowadays, many middle-aged and elderly people go to the hospital due to various minor physical problems. Have you ever thought that the problem may lie in diet? I suggest that middle-aged and elderly people please don’t be too frugal. Don’t be reluctant to spend money on these 4 healthy dishes. You must eat more of them. People are like iron rice and steel. Only when you eat well can your health be good. Without further ado, I will follow. I will share with you the recipes of these 4 healthy dishes

1, Stir-fried shrimps with cashew nuts. Stir-fried shrimp with cashew nuts is a healthy dish. You must eat more of it. Cashew nuts are rich in protein. Eating more can make you more energetic. Fresh shrimps are also rich in calcium. Eat more to strengthen your bones. Let me share with you how to make this dish. Pour the fresh shrimps into the pot under cold water for 30 seconds. Pour out and set aside. Prepare some celery as a seasoning. Pour the water for ten seconds and set aside. Add a spoonful of oil to the pot, grab a handful of cashew nuts and fry until When golden brown, take it out, add oil to the pan, stir-fry the green onions until fragrant, put the shrimps and cashew nuts into the pan, add some salt, chicken essence and MSG seasoning, stir-fry evenly, and then put it on the plate. It is delicious.

2, whitebait omelette. Whitebait omelette, this health-preserving dish, you must eat it often. Whitebait is rich in carbohydrates and protein. It is especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to eat healthily. It is also delicious when paired with raw eggs. Delicious, let me share with you how to make it. After cleaning the whitebait bought at the market, put it into a basin immediately, cut the green onion into sections, add a spoonful of salt, then add six eggs and mix thoroughly. Heat up the pot, add some oil, then put the stirred raw eggs into the pot, fry until golden brown on both sides, stir them up in the pot and serve. Whitebait omelette, middle-aged and elderly people, please don’t be too frugal. Don’t forget to make this whitebait omelette.

3, tiger skin quail egg . Tiger quail eggs are a healthy dish that you must eat regularly. Quail eggs are much richer in nutrients than raw eggs. They are especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people. Here is how to make budgie quail eggs. , share it with everyone. After buying the eggs, put them in the pot under cold water and cook for five minutes. After boiling, peel off the shell and put some dark soy sauce to spread evenly. Add more oil to the pot and set the temperature to 60%. Put the eggs in the pot and fry them until the surface becomes flaky. Remove the skin, then take it out and soak it in cold water for later use. Then simmer the onion and garlic in the pot, add a spoonful of oyster sauce, a spoonful of light soy sauce, a small amount of salt and sugar, and then add a spoonful of cold water, then put the eggs in the pot, cook for five minutes, and then put it on the plate It's bright in color and especially beautiful. Middle-aged and elderly people, please don't be too frugal and be sure to eat more of this dish.

4, steamed prawns. It is suggested that middle-aged and elderly people should not be too frugal. You must eat steamed prawns as a healthy dish often. Prawns are particularly rich in protein and calcium. Eating more of them is particularly good for the bones of middle-aged and elderly people. Let’s share the recipe with you. Everyone. After buying the shrimp, open the back and remove the shrimp line. Put some green onion and ginger cooking wine in the pot under cold water. Boil the water and skim off the foam. Cook for 3 minutes. After boiling, place it on a plate. Then prepare an empty bowl and put it in. Some ginger vinegar sesame oil, just eat it as a dip. Please don’t be too frugal for middle-aged and elderly people. You must not forget to make this dish. Middle-aged and elderly people must not treat their bodies badly because it is cheap. The body is the capital of the revolution. If you are not willing to eat, your body will be unable to hold on sooner or later. Therefore, everyone must be kind to themselves. Eat more healthy food and your body will get better and better.