Introduction: The universal method for cooking pork and stewed ribs: remember "1, put 3, don't put"! The meat is full of flavor and has no fishy smell. Pork can be said to be the most common meat product in daily life. Every family will store some pork in the refrigerator, and it

Introduction: The universal method for cooking pork and stewed ribs: remember "put 1 and don't put 3"! The meat is full of flavor and has no fishy smell

Pork can be said to be the most common meat product in daily life. Every family will store some pork in the refrigerator, and it is often seen on the dining table. Although pork has become so common in daily life, many people still cannot cook it well, especially stewed pork and stewed pork ribs. After stewing, many people will find that the soup is not fresh and the meat has no flavor and is extremely fishy.

Whether it is stewed meat or stewed ribs, there are actually skills. As long as you master the skills, the stewed soup will be delicious, the meat will be fragrant, and there will be no fishy smell. Today let’s take a look at the universal formula for stewing meat or ribs: “Put 2 and leave 3 out”!

"2 put"

. Soak in water

The reason why the pork smells fishy is because the blood in the pork has not been cleaned. Some people may wonder, it has been rinsed many times! Just rinsing is useless. Rinsing can only wash away the blood on the surface of the pork, but not the blood in the pork.

At this time, the pork must be soaked in clean water for an hour to soak out the blood and impurities inside. When soaking, remember to add a little salt, soak in light salt water, and change the water once in the middle, so that the blood and impurities in the pork can be completely soaked out.

. Put cold water

Whether it is stewed pork or stewed ribs, you must put cold water. Many people think that stewing with hot water is faster. However, if you stew it in hot water, the blood in the pork will solidify quickly, making it impossible to cook it out, and the stewed pork will be particularly fishy. Moreover, when stewing in hot water, the pork is not evenly heated, and sometimes the outside is cooked but the inside is not fully cooked.

The correct method is to put the pork into the cold water when the water is cold. During the process of slowly boiling the cold water, the blood in the pork will also cook out and float on the water. At this time, we need to remove the scum on it. Skim it off to make the soup more fresh. During the process of boiling cold water, the pork is heated evenly and slowly, so that the inside and outside of the pork are basically cooked together.

"3 is not added"

. Do not add Sichuan peppercorns

Sichuan peppercorns are the most commonly used by many people when stewing meat. They think it can add flavor to the pork. However, when stewing pork, the smell of Sichuan peppercorns is too strong and will overpower the pork itself. of deliciousness. The soup stewed in this way has a very strange taste and no meat flavor. Moreover, the particles of Sichuan peppercorns are very small. If they are stewed together, it will be particularly troublesome when drinking soup. All the Sichuan peppercorns are floating in the soup. Therefore, there is no need to add Sichuan peppercorns when stewing pork. If it is braised or grilled, you can add a little more.

. Do not add lemon juice

Lemon juice can remove the fishy smell and make the meat stew faster. This can be added when stewing beef, but it is best not to add it when stewing pork. Because lemon juice is sour and pork itself is an acidic food, if acid is added to acid, the stewed pork will definitely not taste good. In addition to lemon juice, do not add sour ingredients such as hawthorn and balsamic vinegar.

3. Do not add cooking wine

Cooking wine has always been a little helper for us to remove the fishy smell when cooking, but remember not to add cooking wine when stewing pork. Because the alcohol in the cooking wine cannot evaporate during stewing, it will soak into the soup and meat, so the stewed broth will not be delicious and the meat will not be fragrant.

This universal formula of "put 2 in and 3 out" can be used whether you are stewing pork or stewing ribs. The pork and ribs stewed using this formula are not only delicious and fragrant, but also have no fishy smell. They taste very good. If you don’t believe me, you can try it at home.