Product specifications: Patented product (97 kg specially made to celebrate the return of Hong Kong) Brand: Return of Laijiu Packaging: Carton Degree: 53° Flavor: Maotai flavor Ingredients: Water sorghum wheat Capacity: 1000ml Specifications: 6 bottles/box Production date: 1997 A

Product specifications:

Patented product (97 kg specially made to celebrate the return of Hong Kong)

Brand: Return of Laijiu

Packing: Carton

Degree: 53°

Flavor: Maotai flavor

Raw materials: Water sorghum Wheat

Capacity : 1000ml

Specifications: 6 bottles/box

Production date: 1997

Product standard code: Qian D270· Factory: Guizhou Hui Laijiu Co., Ltd.

Factory address: Guizhou Province Product description of

, Maotai Town, Renhuai City:

97 Lai Mao Liquor is a wine that has a special connection with the return of Hong Kong - the special Lai Mao Liquor made after Hong Kong returned in 1997! What you taste is not only the aged flavor of 97-year-old Lai Mao liquor, but also its long-lasting fragrance! And the return to Lai Mao Liquor has its own special meaning! 1997 Lai Mao Liquor (specially made after Hong Kong's return), it will witness China's reunion with us! Only by tasting it can you know the difference, and only by tasting it can you know the depth of knowledge.

For more wholesale group purchase prices, please contact the manufacturer

Manufacturer consultation hotline: 17385827903