Introduction: Henan's three major "bad liquor brands" can obviously break through to the front line, but they are content with the status quo. Nowadays, no one knows the words of the liquor industry: If Henan liquor can compete for reputation, Moutai's status will not be guarante

Introduction: Henan's three major "bad wines" can obviously break through to the front line, but they are content with the status quo. Now no one knows about it.

Liquor industry words: If Henan liquor can compete for reputation, Moutai status will not be guaranteed.

Henan, as a major liquor consumption province, spends astonishingly on liquor every year, reaching more than 40 billion, second only to Guangdong and Jiangsu. If Guangdong and Jiangsu are on the list because they spend money, then Henan people are on the list all because of their strength. —— drinking capacity!

People in Henan drink a lot, and they are among the best in the country. Those who can serve wine are all "wine putty" , and they have been drinking since they were young.

Because I like to drink, I naturally brew a lot of liquor. The number of liquor brands is one of the best in the country.

Although there are many liquors, their development has suffered repeated setbacks in recent years. Several famous liquors have been produced, but they have basically declined. Only one Yangshao liquor is slightly popular, and the development of the remaining liquors has stagnated.

Not only that, some liquors are not mentioned at all, and even appear to be "bad". The following three major "bad wines" can obviously break through to the front line, but they are content with the Henan market. Nowadays, they are basically unknown in other places.

The founder of the liquor industry - Dukang

is one of the oldest liquors in the world and is known as the "grandfather" of the liquor industry.

This wine is produced in Dukang Village, Luoyang, Henan. It is a famous historical wine in China. I believe many people have heard the sentence "Only Dukang can relieve worries." This liquor describes this liquor, which is named after Dukang's brew.

Compared with Moutai, this wine has a longer history and a deeper heritage, and countless literati and poets have been defeated by its mellow wine quality from ancient times to the present. Therefore, many people feel that if this wine can compete with others, how can it be better? And now Moutai.

But now it seems that there is a big gap between Moutai. Due to various reasons, and Dukang wine is indifferent to fame and fortune, so it has always been tepid and has become a "bad wine".

Seventeen Famous Liquors - Songhe Liangye

Compared with Dukang Liquor, Songhe Liangye is a product that truly ranks among the first-tier liquor brands in the country. At the Fifth National Liquor Appraisal Conference held in Hefei in 1989, it was ranked alongside Maotai and Moutai. Fenjiu , Wuliangye and other sixteen famous wines were tied and won the title of one of the seventeen famous wines in the country. This was the most glorious and last time for Songhe Liangye.

In the 1980s and 1990s in the Lianghe area, basically every household would serve Songhe Liangye to entertain guests, and the sales volume at that time was astonishing.

But it is also because of the belief that "the aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley" that this wine has declined step by step. To put it bluntly, it is still "bad" and does not understand how to advance with the times. It feels that it is an old famous wine and does not promote it. Yes, but I encountered the "Waterloo" of and .

Although its reputation is not as good as it used to be, the quality of the wine has not changed at all, with a rich cellar aroma, a sweet taste and a long aftertaste.

has a profound history - Zhang Gong Wine

This wine has a profound history and rich history and culture. Because

competed for the mainland market, Zhanggong Wine Industry and Zhanggong Laojiu had internal strife at that time. Since then, they have languished and found it difficult to make a comeback. They are truly "bad wines."

This wine is full-bodied, clear and transparent, and fragrant when the lid is opened. It is sweet and refreshing in the mouth, has strong palatability, and is very suitable for drinking.

The three Henan liquors above all have good quality and can clearly stand out from the crowd. However, is content with the status quo and has a narrow vision, becoming a "bad wine".

It’s okay in the short term, but if things continue like this, the development will inevitably be affected. If a liquor wants to go further, the quality of the wine is fundamental, and promotion and publicity are still important. If you abandon one of them, it will be in vain, like the following The two liquors are of good quality, but they don’t pay attention to publicity, so they have always been hidden in the local area.

Bingheng’s story. This wine is brewed by the descendants of Hengxing Shaofang, one of the three major wineries the predecessor of Moutai Distillery . The older generation of winemakers do not pay attention to publicity or publicity . They only know that wine quality is king. Thoughts It's very simple. From the perspective of the development of this wine now, this path simply doesn't work.

is not well-known in other provinces, but is very popular in Guizhou Province.

Because the brewing process is in line with Moutai, the finished wine has a strong Maotai flavor after more than 10 years of cellaring. The quality of can even be close to more than 98% of Feitian Moutai . Compared with the same price, Excellent value for money.

Take a sip, it is mellow, soft, silky and delicate. It is like jade silk in your mouth. Swallowing it in one gulp makes people feel more comfortable. Even hiccups is full of grain aroma, which makes people sigh: good wine!

wuliangchun. Although this wine is not famous, I think you must know its "big brother"-Wuliangye.

Wuliangchun is a low-end product of Wuliangye. It has always had a good reputation in the liquor circle. It is in line with Wuliangye in all aspects of brewing, so the taste of the finished product is 50% similar to Wuliangye.

The wine is full-bodied and mellow. It tastes refreshing and sweet, has a long aftertaste, and has a first-class taste. However, it has always relied on the big brother Wuliangye, so it lacks characteristics and has become a well-deserved "bad wine".


Well, that's it for today's sharing. Thank you for reading. What other "bad wine" do you know? Share it with your drinking friends in the comment area!