Introduction to your role: I am a person who has never been exposed to yoga. Me: I am a person who has been deeply involved in yoga. Since I started working in yoga, I have found that many people have various unique ideas and insights about "yoga", especially when "do you want to

2024/06/1623:04:32 hotcomm 1538

Role introduction

You: someone who has never been exposed to yoga

Me: someone who has been deeply involved in yoga

Introduction to your role: I am a person who has never been exposed to yoga. Me: I am a person who has been deeply involved in yoga. Since I started working in yoga, I have found that many people have various unique ideas and insights about

Since I have been engaged in yoga, I have found that many people have various unique ideas and insights about "yoga", especially when "Would you like to try yoga?" When this sentence appears in the conversation... something interesting begins. Here are the ten most likely reactions you will have whenever someone suggests taking a yoga class:

Situation 1

Introduction to your role: I am a person who has never been exposed to yoga. Me: I am a person who has been deeply involved in yoga. Since I started working in yoga, I have found that many people have various unique ideas and insights about

You: "No! My bones are really strong and my legs will break."

Me: Modern Man Life is generally stressful and lacks exercise. It is precisely because we can already feel that our muscles and bones are stiff and our physical condition is not as good as before, so we need to make some changes to slow down this situation. For example, if you feel backache, shoulder and neck stiffness after standing for a long time or lifting heavy objects, it means that the body has been oppressed by improper posture and inertia for a long time. Proper stretching can help the muscles and bones to loosen.

When the body is practiced correctly and effectively, not only the long-term tight parts will relax, but the lines and textures of the muscles will also become smoother, and the metabolism and blood circulation will also improve. This is the ideal of all "exercises". the purpose to be achieved.

Most people first come into contact with yoga because they want to loosen their muscles and bones. If my muscles and bones are really stiff and I want to change this, yoga is undoubtedly the best choice!

Scenario 2

Introduction to your role: I am a person who has never been exposed to yoga. Me: I am a person who has been deeply involved in yoga. Since I started working in yoga, I have found that many people have various unique ideas and insights about

You: "I can't put my feet on my head! It feels very easy to get hurt when doing yoga."

Me: Yoga can easily remind people of cartilage exercises. It seems that people who do yoga love to do some Anything that violates ergonomics will make you weak or different from ordinary people - this is a very common wrong stereotype. To be honest, where does this society need so many people who can put their feet on their heads? We are all normal people who hope to improve our health and physical fitness through yoga in our lives. This is more practical.

Yoga is basically about awakening long-dormant awareness through physical practice. It requires a correct mentality and knowledge. If you just blindly want to stretch your muscles and bend them, it is indeed very easy to cause sports injuries and even become deformed. It becomes an invisible form of physical violence. Learning everything must proceed from the shallower to the deeper. It is also important to find a teacher and course that suits you. In the process of learning, understand the structure of the body and how to use them correctly. can return the muscles and bones to their natural order. Over time, We will develop a new habit, and perhaps by this time, the soreness problem will be relieved.

But, you have to practice before you can get started, right?

One step at a time, no one has ever asked you to put your feet on your head in an instant...

Situation 3

Introduction to your role: I am a person who has never been exposed to yoga. Me: I am a person who has been deeply involved in yoga. Since I started working in yoga, I have found that many people have various unique ideas and insights about

You: "But I have never experienced it... I can't keep up. It's very embarrassing. It will hurt the teacher and classmates."

Me: If I can speak fluent and beautiful French, why should I take French classes? Just because I don't know , I want to learn - this is the most legitimate reason!

Just like French classes, yoga classes are divided into elementary, intermediate and advanced. Even each movement has a difference between simple, moderate and advanced. Choose a step-by-step class that suits you to practice, and focus on "with "Get along with your own body" rather than "see who can stretch the muscles the most", will not cause unnecessary psychological burden. Everyone will have some concerns before facing a new attempt or change. It is understandable to feel frustrated and anxious when encountering something that they do not understand or are afraid of not being able to do. But if you are willing to think from another angle, everything will be different, because this will be a brand new learning opportunity. Yoga class is to learn how to relax!

There is a first time for everything, just treat the yoga class as a gift to yourself gift.

Scenario 4

Introduction to your role: I am a person who has never been exposed to yoga. Me: I am a person who has been deeply involved in yoga. Since I started working in yoga, I have found that many people have various unique ideas and insights about

You: "No, yoga is just stretching. I need outdoor exercise that is strong, sweaty and intense."

Me: If you exclude the question of personal preferences, there are two types of reactions. One is from people who have been engaged in a certain sport for a long time and have some experience. The other is the complete opposite: they never exercise, so they think exercise is necessary. Sweating is effective. Novak Djokovic, the world's top tennis professional, said when he won the 2011 Wimbledon Tennis Championships: "The worst failure is not the failure itself, but the decision not to try. "He has publicly stated more than once that the secret to success along the way is "keeping an open heart." This is the key to his long-term yoga training and changing eating habits. Yoga can help develop and improve the body in an all-round way." The overall performance ability of "body" and "mind". If you want to perform well in sports, or just exercise, please seize the opportunity to expand your talents to more perfection and try yoga!

Don't say no Let me remind you, yoga will definitely make you sweat!

Situation 5

Introduction to your role: I am a person who has never been exposed to yoga. Me: I am a person who has been deeply involved in yoga. Since I started working in yoga, I have found that many people have various unique ideas and insights about

You: “Are you going to do yoga? ”

Me: This must be the tone of a few mothers who think that yoga is very similar to aerobic dance. Probably because gyms have all types of courses, so students can go on to yoga after aerobic dance?

In traditional yoga In philosophy, yoga has never been a sport; almost all exercises use strenuous training to increase the heart rate and improve lung capacity. However, the practice of yoga is just the opposite. Through deep breathing, the heartbeat becomes more stable and powerful. , so that the vital capacity can be naturally opened. To describe it, yoga is more like a dynamic meditation. The ultimate goal is to balance the body and mind.

Situation 6

Introduction to your role: I am a person who has never been exposed to yoga. Me: I am a person who has been deeply involved in yoga. Since I started working in yoga, I have found that many people have various unique ideas and insights about

You: "Boy. Can I do yoga? Are there other male students in the classroom? Hmm...well...girls wear very little, isn't that good...? "

Me: Yoga originated from ancient India. In this cultural background, almost all yoga masters are male. In other words, yoga was originally designed for boys.

In foreign countries, such as New York In this cosmopolitan city, yoga classes are evenly divided between men and women. From athletes, artists and even financial executives, uses yoga practice to help develop the strength and depth of the body and mind.

For the crowd. For busy urbanites, you only need the space of a mat to start practicing. It is very convenient and can be carried out even on business trips, vacations, outings or when it rains.

For shy men, I have one. Advice: Practicing is not just about facing physical feelings, but we are also watching our own thoughts and moods. learning to relax in an unfamiliar environment depends on how you interpret such a situation. It can be a dilemma. , or it can be an opportunity.

It’s because men are in the minority, so we need you! If you are afraid of being alone, why not invite more male friends to join?

Situation 7

Introduction to your role: I am a person who has never been exposed to yoga. Me: I am a person who has been deeply involved in yoga. Since I started working in yoga, I have found that many people have various unique ideas and insights about

You: “I’m too old to do it. "

Me: First of all, the first question to sort out is "can't do it" or "don't want to do it"?

If it's the former, it means that you have already felt obvious physical degradation or discomfort, and your physical condition is not as good as before. Things like being unable to lift your hands, joint degeneration, out of shape, and starting to pant after just a few steps... These phenomena are scary, , but the more immobile you are, the faster and crueler the degeneration will be. Yoga is different from other sports. The great thing about it is that it is not a sports competition but a self-study. In the experience of the body over and over again, you can prevent improper exertion of force and improve wrong postures. What is more precious is to cultivate patience and care for yourself during the practice. . Over time, when the body regains a comfortable feeling and the long-term tightness is relieved, the next step can be to build muscle strength and resist gravity.

Secondly, to find a yoga class that suits you, small class teaching or private classes with friends are a good choice. Not only can the teacher adjust it according to personal conditions, but also design an exclusive schedule. Men, women, old and young can be happy and relaxed Do yoga.

If you feel "can't do it", it means that the class is not suitable for you, not that you are not suitable for yoga.

Scenario 8

Introduction to your role: I am a person who has never been exposed to yoga. Me: I am a person who has been deeply involved in yoga. Since I started working in yoga, I have found that many people have various unique ideas and insights about

You: "I can't sit down properly, I can't be still, and I can't meditate."

Me: What is it that keeps you from being still? What makes you shy away from all “quiet” activities?

The ultimate goal of yoga is to allow us to sit (standing or lying down) well.

After a whole class of hard work, the body relaxed and felt comfortable after sweating profusely. When it finally came to a meditative posture, the stable power would enter the heart from the body, and tranquility would be present naturally. It doesn’t matter if you can’t be quiet inside, just keep observing and breathing; it doesn’t matter if you don’t have patience when doing actions, just keep observing and breathing. These processes of facing yourself are part of the practice. allows every true feeling in the moment to emerge. Become someone who can relax and cry and laugh.

Meditation is actually a very advanced action. There is a reason why it is placed in the last stage. "Sitting calmly" is the highest state.

Situation Nine

You: "I don’t know what yoga is doing? Is it Buddhism?...My religious belief does not allow it."

Me: Please rest assured that yoga is not a religious belief because it has nothing to worship or follow. The subject, some just listen to your own body and mind, and learn to respect yourself and others. So in yoga class, you can relax and be yourself. If there is any project that you don't want to participate in, allow it. Yes, no one has to sing OM or put hands together.

Yoga is a way of treating yourself.

Situation 10

Introduction to your role: I am a person who has never been exposed to yoga. Me: I am a person who has been deeply involved in yoga. Since I started working in yoga, I have found that many people have various unique ideas and insights about

You: "Can't raise my hands/bad knees/scoliosis/deviated pelvis/pregnant/hypertension/during chemotherapy... Can I do yoga like this?"

Me: Special ethnic groups need special care . Yoga can be integrated into life according to place and time. In addition to differences in difficulty, there are many different types to choose from, such as: Prenatal or postpartum pregnant women, pregnancy yoga and postpartum yoga, children's yoga Children's yoga designed for preschoolers, orthographic yoga designed to correct body posture, quiet yoga to repair and regulate breath... and so on. Remember to ask before class to understand the course content, express your situation and needs, and find a pace that suits you. If the situation is very special, one-on-one private lessons will be the most appropriate option.

Introduction to your role: I am a person who has never been exposed to yoga. Me: I am a person who has been deeply involved in yoga. Since I started working in yoga, I have found that many people have various unique ideas and insights about

The world of yoga is colorful, regardless of ethnic groups and physical and mental status. It is just through practice that we can bring back our awareness of the body and use it correctly again. When starts, no matter what expectations and goals you have, there will be gains and changes along the way. Maybe, many years later, when we look back on our encounter with yoga, , maybe these "ten reasons why you don't practice yoga" are now the "ten reasons why you should start practicing yoga."

WeChat public account dedicated to yoga: shenguyoulan333 (long press to copy)

I have practiced yoga for many years and share with you every day

Start a yoga journey, cultivate your body, purify your soul, and unite your soul

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