When boiling lard, do not put it directly into the pot. Do one more step and add two more ingredients. The lard is white and fragrant, not fishy and not bad. Now speaking of it, not many people actually eat it. Many people think it tastes bad. Some people feel that it is too trou

Don’t boil lard directly into the pot. Do one more step and add two more ingredients. The lard is white and fragrant, not fishy and not bad.

Lard, now that we talk about it, not many people actually eat it. Many people think it tastes bad. Well, some people feel that it is too troublesome to do, so they would rather spend high prices to buy cooking oil in the supermarket.

However, it is still very popular in our house. It is not used for stir-fried meat, but it must be stir-fried with lard for vegetables.

Not only when frying vegetables, I sometimes have time to make desserts at home, such as egg yolk crisps , etc. I also use lard, and the taste is improved more than a little after adding it.

The snow-white lard is pleasing to the eye. Take a spoonful to make lard bibimbap , and the taste is really delicious!

Speaking of boiling lard, it is actually quite simple, as long as you can buy pork suet or fat pork. However, even with such a simple method, many people don't understand it. It always tastes bad when made, even has a strong fishy smell, and is prone to spoilage.

In fact, when cooking lard, it is best not to put it directly into the pot. If you want the lard to be white, fragrant, not fishy and not bad, do one more step and add two more ingredients.

[Boiled lard]

recipe: 400g lard, salt, pepper, soybeans, water

1. After buying the lard, put it in water, rinse briefly, and then cut into small pieces. After cutting the pork suet, do not boil it directly in the pot. There is still a key step to do - blanch.

2. Put the pork suet in the pot under cold water, start to blanch it on high heat, skim off the foam after boiling, then take out the pork suet, rinse it with clean water, and that's it. Blanching it in this way will reduce the fishy smell a lot. Prepare a clean pot again, pour the lard into it, and then pour water into it.

3. The amount of water is just enough to cover the lard fat. Next, turn on high heat and bring to a boil. After boiling, turn to medium-low heat and start to simmer slowly. The whole process will be a bit long. Simmer over medium-low heat for about 20-30 minutes. You can see larger bubbles appearing inside and the lard will turn slightly yellow.

4. At this time, you need to stir continuously with a shovel until the water is boiled out and oil begins to appear below. Wait until the lard residue changes color, turns brown, and floats on the oil surface, then you can fish it out. This lard residue can be kept for cooking or used to make lard rice.

5. Prepare a clean bowl, add a little peppercorns and soybeans into it, remember to clean it in advance. Then filter the lard and pour it in, add salt and stir evenly. Let it sit for a while, the lard will solidify and turn white.


When boiling lard, do not put it into the pot directly. Remember two tips. First, blanch the lard in advance. Second, if you want the lard to be stored for a longer time, remember to add a little pepper and soybeans at the end. .