What I want to share with you today is a low-fat dessert that friends who are trying to lose weight can eat with confidence. It is a whole-wheat banana chocolate scone without adding a drop of oil or a gram of sugar! ! The scones sold outside are really delicious and very filling

What I want to share with you today is a low-fat dessert . Friends who are in the stage of reducing fat can also eat it with confidence. It is a whole wheat banana chocolate scone without adding a drop of oil or a gram of sugar! !

The scones sold outside are really delicious, and they are very filling!

But the biggest disadvantage may be that there is a lot of butter, so it has that crumbly texture.

But friends who are trying to lose weight may not dare to eat it without worry. They will definitely feel that eating this is too stressful!

So let’s make some oil-free version . Although it is not as crispy and crumbly as the scones outside, it is also super delicious!

What’s not delicious about bananas and chocolate? It’s so sweet and filling, it’s been all my breakfast for the past few days! !

#whole wheat banana chocolate scone#

. Preparation materials: one and a half bananas, dark chocolate 80g, oat flour 120g, milk 25-30g, one egg yolk, baking powder g.

. Press the banana into banana puree , chop the chocolate and set aside.

. Put the mashed banana, flour and baking powder together in a basin, and add the milk in batches.

The water absorption of each brand of flour may be different, so the milk should be added in small amounts in batches until it forms a ball, and then add the chocolate chips.

. Stir again to form a uniform dough.

. Divide the dough into six pieces, place them in a baking pan, and brush them with a layer of egg yolk to make them more beautiful.

. Preheat the oven at 180 degrees for five minutes. Place the prepared dough into the middle rack of the oven and bake for 20 minutes. Let it cool until the surface cracks and you can eat it! !


. If you use air fryer , bake it at 180 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes until the surface cracks.

. If you don’t use whole wheat flour , you can also replace it with ordinary flour, but you must remember to add baking powder to enhance the fluffiness ~