I still remember that in my childhood, when supplies were not as plentiful as they are today, my grandmother liked to use sour plums to make sauce. Sometimes she would mix it into the porridge to make it a meal. Time flies, and my grandma passed away when she was ignorant, but he

still remembers that in childhood, when supplies were not as plentiful as they are today, my grandma liked to use sour plums to make sauce. Sometimes she would mix it into the porridge to make it a meal. Time flies, and grandma passed away when she was ignorant, but her special feelings for sour plum sauce are still preserved at home. When she has a bad appetite, she will use it to mix porridge, and the refreshing taste can always moisturize the taste buds like a clear spring. In your spare time, use it with seasonal fish. No matter whether it is steamed or cooked, the flavors always complement each other so well. Not only can it be paired with fresh fish, but you can also use it a little when steaming pork ribs . It is also an excellent choice to relieve fatigue and increase the fragrance.

In the past, sour plum sauce was just a dance between sugar, salt and sour plums. After I became an adult, I came into contact with spices and found that after adding appropriate spices to the traditional sour plum sauce, its taste will take on a new look. . The spices selected naturally need to have a sweet and sour taste, such as the commonly used licorice , which is very suitable for making sour plum sauce. The sweetness of licorice is not blunt. It can enrich the sweetness of sour plum sauce, which is mainly derived from white sugar. The various sweetness can make the taste more three-dimensional.

The main flavors of sour plum sauce are sour and sweet. Since we have started using spices to modify the sweetness, the sourness naturally cannot make it appear monotonous. Among our commonly used spices, tamarind is a very suitable spice. It has a sour taste and is often used in some sweet and sour dishes. If it is used in some hot and sour flavors, it is best to add sour plum sauce. Very suitable. With the addition of licorice and tamarind, the plum sauce made at this time is actually very different. Of course, if you still feel that the taste should be more diverse, then spices such as fenugreek can also be added to the production.

Fenugreek has the aroma of caramel, which is not inconsistent with the sweet and sour taste. Its addition can give the sour plum sauce an extra aroma in addition to sweetness and sourness. Making sour plum sauce using the spices Xiao Ming just mentioned is actually not complicated. You only need to clean green plums first, then marinate them with salt for an hour, and then put the plums and salt into the stored earthen jar . Then spread the spices we just mentioned, and finally sprinkle with sugar. After sealing, place it in a cool place. It can be opened and eaten in about three months. A special mention here is to remove the pit when using tamarind to avoid odor. Finally, there is a question of dosage. One pound of green plums is about 50 grams of salt, about 350 grams of sugar, about 85 grams of licorice, about 40 grams of fenugreek, and about 75 grams of tamarind.