In the morning, I had a Northeastern-style breakfast at my second sister’s house: celery meat buns made by my second sister’s husband for each person, freshly cooked millet porridge with beetroot juice, a plate of freshly roasted walnuts and peanuts, and a boiled egg for each per

In the morning, I had a northeastern-style breakfast at my second sister’s house: celery meat buns made by my second sister’s husband for each person, freshly cooked millet porridge with beetroot juice, a plate of freshly roasted walnuts and peanuts, and a boiled egg for each person. My brother-in-law also made cappuccino with freshly ground coffee beans. The breakfast that combines Chinese and Western elements is nutritious and delicious. It can be seen that the second sister's husband lives very carefully.

After breakfast, we were invited to have dinner at the eldest sister’s Poly King Champagne Community not far away. Here, let’s get to the important point. All the green vegetables in the picture below are grown by the elder brother-in-law himself or dug from the wild.

The top left plate of green vegetables on the table is wild vegetables similar to those of mother-in-law, and the others are coriander, pepper, shallots, etc. The vegetable in the green vegetable and tofu soup is Chinese cabbage

My eldest brother-in-law’s family is in the countryside of Tonghua . When I was a child, I grew vegetables with my parents. Yes There are deep feelings about the land. After the eldest brother-in-law retired as a division-level cadre from a higher vocational college in Changchun, he felt that one cannot sit idle. On the one hand, he accepted the appointment of the school's working committee and the retired cadre branch secretary, and on the other hand, he returned to his old business and reclaimed nearly an acre of land in the wasteland next to the wetland in front of Polykin Champagne where he lived (no one was in charge, and many urban residents were there). Vegetables are grown there). Every winter, my brother-in-law would go outside to pick up dog excrement and put it on the reclaimed land. When the snow melted in spring, he would bury the dog excrement in the ground. My brother-in-law’s farming work begins when spring comes and the flowers bloom.

These are shrimp, pork, and leek dumplings stuffed with leeks grown by my brother-in-law.

Maybe I don’t sleep much as I get older, and the sun rises very early in the Northeast. The busy farming season begins. My eldest brother-in-law goes to work in the fields at 3:30 every morning, plowing the soil and planting seeds. , went to the river to carry water and catch insects, and were busy until about eight o'clock in the morning. The eldest brother-in-law went home to have breakfast. After breakfast, he went to the fields like a farmer and was busy until he came home for lunch at noon. The eldest brother-in-law grows more than ten kinds of crops in his land, including eggplants, beans, cabbage, coriander, green onions, water radish, corn, etc. The vegetables grown by my eldest brother-in-law do not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides. They are irrigated with natural river water nearby. They are purely organic vegetables.

This is the lettuce grown by the eldest brother-in-law

Throughout the summer, the vegetables grown by the eldest brother-in-law were basically enough for the eldest sister and the second sister’s family. Sometimes when I meet a stranger asking for food, the eldest brother-in-law will give him a big bag without hesitation. I said, brother-in-law, the vegetables you grow are so precious. In Europe, America, and even Hong Kong, this kind of purely organic vegetables sell for very high prices!

This is the green onion planted by my brother-in-law.

This is the cucumber planted by my brother-in-law. It has already begun to bear fruit.

This is the green bean planted by my brother-in-law, but it has not yet produced results.

This is the cabbage planted by my brother-in-law. It does not use pesticides and catches insects manually.

This is what my brother-in-law planted. Coriander

My brother-in-law planted corn, but the seedlings are too small. If I wait for a month, I might not be able to eat them

Is this a radish?

We felt full of happiness from today’s meal! In Changchun City, the provincial capital city, at today’s lunch party, all the green vegetables were grown, picked, washed and cooked by my brother-in-law himself. Most of the vegetables were eaten raw with dipping sauce. Only the baby cabbage was made into cabbage tofu. Soup , leeks are made into shrimp, pork and leek dumplings. After retirement, my brother-in-law's life has become another beautiful scenery. Seeing his relatives eating the fruits of his labor with relish, at that moment, a bright smile appeared on his brother-in-law's face.