Entering the hot summer, I introduced you to 3 delicious delicacies to relieve the heat in the last issue. Today, I will continue to introduce 2 homemade drinks to refresh you all summer long.

Entering the hot summer, I introduced you to 3 delicious delicacies to relieve the heat in the last issue. Today, I will continue to introduce 2 homemade drinks to refresh you all summer long.

一, Passion fruit lemonade

Ingredients: passion fruit, lemon, yellow rock sugar, honey


1, Lemon peel Wash with salt for a while, then cut into thin slices and remove the seeds (otherwise it will be bitter) )

2, take a clean, water-free and oil-free glass jar, pour a layer of honey, then put a layer of lemon slices, a layer of passion fruit pulp, yellow rock sugar, stack them repeatedly, and finally pour a layer of honey, seal it and put it in the refrigerator Refrigerate for 2~3 days.

3, scoop a spoonful of passion fruit lemon honey, add some ice cubes and boiled water, stir well and taste it. The taste is the same as that of Mixue Bingcheng, ice cold, super delicious!

Two, lime mojito

Ingredients: rum200ml, 1 bottle of soda water or Sprite, lime2 pieces, mint, ice cubes


1, cut the lime into small pieces, and mint leaves Put together into a cup and press gently to get the juice. Remove the seeds to prevent the taste from becoming bitter and add ice cubes.

2, pour half of the rum into the glass, and top it up with soda water or Sprite.

3, and finally garnish with lime slices or mint leaves, and you can enjoy the refreshing and tipsy feeling brought by mojito .