Introduction: In the past, I only ate fruits, but actually the stems and leaves are the treasure. Simply mix them together and they will be crispy, delicious and not irritating! Hello everyone, I am Shajie Cuisine. The weather in July is colorful, and my face changes very quickly

Introduction: In the past, I only ate fruits, but actually the stems and leaves are the treasure. Simply mix them, and they will be crispy, delicious and not irritating!

Hello everyone, I am Shajie Cuisine. The weather in July is colorful. It changes faces very quickly like a child. The weather after rain is cool and comfortable. On sunny days, the sun hangs high in the sky like an oven, scorching. With our faces, there is no place to hide. After it rained today, I went to my grandma’s small vegetable garden. Many of the vegetables she grew, such as persimmons, beans, and potatoes, were very delicious. I saw that the sweet potatoes she planted were also particularly strong.

Talking about sweet potato stems naturally reminds me of my childhood. I remember that the living conditions of every household at that time were very poor. If you can eat steamed buns, you are a very good family. It is very common for people in my grandma's generation to eat bran-thick vegetables. . I remember one time, I saw other people's children eating big white steamed buns, and I clamored to eat them, crying so hard that my grandma exchanged a handful of sweet potato stems for half of the other people's steamed buns. Grandma said that they would come to the sweet potato fields every time during this season, pick some sweet potato stems and take them home, either fried or eaten cold. At that time, there were not all kinds of seasonings like now, only salt and vinegar. Your family will have a sweet meal! Today I also picked a handful and asked my elderly grandma to cook them. Sure enough, they taste much better than ordinary vegetables!

Sweet potato stems are also a kind of vegetable. Sweet potato stems are cool in nature and bitter in taste. They are rich in nutrients, including dietary fiber, mucus protein components, trace elements, etc. Eating more bitter vegetables during this season can clear away heat and enhance immunity. Regular consumption can also promote metabolism. Now is the season to eat it, it’s fresh and green, has a smooth taste, and it doesn’t cost a penny, so try it now! Today I will share with you how to make delicious sweet potato stems.

[Cold Sweet Potato Stems]

The ingredients prepared are: sweet potato stems, garlic, ginger, red pepper, salt, rice vinegar, oyster sauce, chicken essence, sesame oil, cooking oil, and salad oil.

Step one: The sweet potato stems picked after the rain are particularly crystal clear, juicy and tender. Whether you are picking vegetables or sweet potato stems, you should get up early or after the rain. The vegetables at this time are relatively fresh and tender, otherwise the vegetables will be left in the sun for a day. It will wilt and have no moisture. Remove the leaves from the harvested sweet potato stems and wash them several times with clean water to remove any dust or insect eggs on the surface of the sweet potato stems.

Step 2: This step is very important. When eating sweet potato stems, you must remove the outer skin of the sweet potato stems. This skin is hard and affects the taste. Like the picture above, peel off the outer skin of the sweet potato stem from top to bottom. It is easy to tear off, so that it tastes crisp.

Step 3: Prepare three cloves of garlic, pat it with the back of a knife so that it is easy to remove the garlic skin, and then chop it with a knife; wash the red pepper and cut it into small sections about 1 cm long; peel the ginger, chop it and put it in In a bowl, pour hot oil around 80 degrees. The oil should not be too hot, otherwise the peppers will be fried. Add 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, a little salt, chicken essence, and sesame oil and stir with chopsticks. This is my grandma’s secret recipe for 30 years. It can be used as a salad dressing for various vegetables.

Step 4: Clean the sweet potato stems and cut them into small pieces of about 5 cm, then put them into a colander and boil them in a hot water pot. During the blanching process, add a few drops of salad oil to lift the sweet potato stems. color.

Finally, I poured grandma’s secret sauce on the sweet potato stems. The whole room was filled with the aroma of garlic, which was very appetizing. The color was bright and green, delicious and went well with rice. I finished the whole plate. As expected of grandma, the food is delicious. The sauce is poured on the rice and I eat 3 bowls of rice in one go.

The sweet potato stems made in this way are crisp, smooth, beautiful and delicious, and the more you eat them, the more delicious they become. Have you ever eaten sweet potato stems? What other delicious ways to make sweet potato stems? Welcome to leave a comment below and let us share our food experiences together! That’s it for today’s sharing. Thank you for reading, thank you for your support, and see you tomorrow!