Hot and sour fish is a Sichuan specialty dish. It is mainly spicy and sour, with a strong flavor and prominent pickle flavor. It has a strong Sichuan folk home-cooked flavor. The main ingredients of hot and sour fish are white silver carp and grass carp.

Spicy and sour fish is a Sichuan specialty dish. It is mainly spicy and sour, with a strong flavor and prominent pickle flavor. It has a strong Sichuan folk home-cooked flavor. The main ingredients of spicy and sour fish are silver carp and grass carp. The finished hot and sour fish is sour in the middle and sweet in the sour side. It is extremely delicious.

Ingredients: grass carp, 1 pickled cabbage, half a green onion, 1 piece of ginger, a piece of garlic, a few cloves of dried red pepper, 1 small handful of star anise, 1 Sichuan peppercorn, 1 pinch of wild mountain pepper A few grains of salt, egg white, starch, pepper, white wine, and cooking oil.

1. Remove the internal organs from the fish belly, scrape the fish scales, cut off the fins and rinse several times to remove the black mucous membrane inside the fish belly. Cut the fish into two pieces with a knife along the main spine. Cut the fish into medium-sized fish fillets. Chop the fish head in half and chop the fish bones into small pieces.

2. Add an appropriate amount of salt to the fish fillets and beat in half an egg white. , 2 tablespoons of starch, a little cooking wine, a little pepper, mix well, marinate for about ten minutes, add a little salt and pepper to the fish head, fish tail, and fish bones.

3. Chop the green onion, shred the ginger, and use the chili. Cut with scissors and remove the seeds, wash and chop the sauerkraut, blanch it in a hot water pot for a few minutes, then remove and drain the water

4. Put 1 tablespoon of cooking oil in the pot, add a tablespoon of lard, turn on low heat, and cool the oil Add half of the chili peppers in the pot, add onion, ginger, star anise, Sichuan peppercorns and wild pepper and stir-fry. Add shredded sauerkraut and stir-fry. Add the fish head, fish bones and fish tails to the pot and stir-fry. Stir evenly and then pour in hot water. Water, add an appropriate amount of salt

5 to the water. After the water boils, turn to medium heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Throw the marinated fish fillets into the water one by one. Once the fish fillets are cooked, turn off the heat. Pour the sauerkraut, soup and fish into a basin. Medium

6, pour 1 tablespoon of oil into the pot, heat over low heat, turn off the heat after the oil is 70% hot, put the remaining dry red pepper segments into the oil, and quickly pour it on the fish in the basin, the pickled fish is ready into