When I was a child living in the countryside, my mother would plant some cucumbers, beans, loofah and other seasonal vegetables in the open space of the yard every year. In the summer, the crops matured one after another. Throughout the summer and even early autumn, the family ba

When I was a child, I lived in a rural area. My mother would plant some cucumbers, beans, loofah and other seasonal vegetables in the open space of the yard every year. In the summer, the crops matured one after another. Throughout the summer and even early autumn, the family basically did not need to buy vegetables. In particular, beans are a high-yielding vegetable in midsummer. In addition to daily consumption, the fresh beans at home cannot be eaten all. My mother will use various methods to preserve the beans for winter consumption. After all, supplies are scarce at that time. These beans are rare and delicious dishes.

Although now we no longer continue to grow various vegetables at home, and we can still eat fresh beans all year round, my mother will still buy a bag of beans every summer when they are cheap, store them after simple processing, and keep them for autumn and winter. Eat in season. would like to share with you two methods that mothers often use to store cowpeas. Sun-dried beans and pickled sour beans are simple and delicious and will last for a year.

Type 1: Dried beans

Ingredients to prepare: fresh long beans and appropriate amount of salt.

. Sun-dried beans do not have much requirements on the tenderness of the beans. Fresh and tender beans only need to be pinched off the head and tail, while for older beans, the old tendons of the beans need to be torn off, and then washed in clean water for a few times. all over.

. If there are a lot of beans, it is best to use a large pot at home. You can cook more at a time to save time. Add enough water to the pot, add 3 spoons of salt and bring to a boil over high heat. Adding salt to the pot can not only sterilize and disinfect the beans, making them easier to store, but also make the dried beans salty, making them taste better.

. After the water boils, put the cleaned beans into the pot, bring to a boil over high heat and continue to cook for about 5 minutes until the beans turn slightly yellow, then you can take them out. 10 pounds of beans are cooked in about 4 times.

. After taking out the green beans, place them in a clean container without water and oil. After drying until they are not hot to the touch, put them on a shelf or spread them flat on a breathable bamboo mat and expose them to the sun for about 2 days until the green beans are dry. Completely dehydrate and turn into dark brown, then store in a sealed bag.

Second: Make sour beans

Prepare ingredients: 3 pounds of fresh long beans, white wine, millet pepper and pickled pepper.

. When pickling sour beans, try to choose fresh and tender beans. Regardless of whether you buy beans at home or grow them at home, you must pick out the old beans and leave fresh beans. Remove the heads and tails of the long beans and wash them in light salt water. clean.

. Place the washed beans in a bamboo basket in a ventilated and sunny place, and dry the moisture on the surface completely. It is very important to dry the beans. You must dry them completely to prevent the beans from becoming moldy and deteriorating during the pickling process due to the raw water in the beans. Moreover, the drying process can also allow part of the water in the beans to evaporate, making the pickled sour beans more crispy.

. While the beans are drying, boil some water for pickling the beans. Add about 3 liters of mineral water to the pot, pour in about 150 grams of salt, cook for about 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and let cool. If you like spicy food, you can Add appropriate amount of millet pepper and pickled pepper according to your preference.

. After the beans are completely dry and the juice is completely cool, put the soy milk into a jar prepared in advance, pour in the ingredients water and 20 grams of high-strength liquor, cover it, seal it, and store it in a ventilated and cool place. It will be ready to eat in about a month. The amount of water must be enough to cover the beans. You can find a clean heavy object to hold down the beans to prevent the beans from floating on the water and easily deteriorating when exposed to air.

- Lao Jing said -

There are two points to pay attention to when drying beans. First, the beans are not completely dried on the first day. Do not pile them into a pile at night. When the weather is hot, piled beans are easy to spoil and need to be spread out. . Second, the beans must be completely dried without leaving any moisture, so that they will not deteriorate easily when stored.

When pickling sour beans, you should also pay attention to two points. First, the beans must be dried after being washed and cannot contain raw water. Second, the jar for holding the beans must be sealed and sterilized in advance before pouring. Appropriate amount of white wine, shake the jar so that the inner wall is covered with white wine, fully sterilize and disinfect, then pour out the excess white wine.

I am a food hunter in the market. I have been dealing with the world for many years, but I still remain bright and full of interest! I like to focus on eating, drinking and having fun in the market, and I update recipes and food anecdotes every day. Follow me and enjoy the food without getting lost.