Every midsummer when I was a child, I would take a bamboo pole and a flashlight, and a small water bottle filled with water on my back, and go to the woods with three or five good friends to catch cicada monkeys. This should be the childhood of every northern child, and then catc

Every midsummer when I was a child, I would take a bamboo pole and a flashlight, and a small water bottle filled with water on my back, and go to the woods with three or five good friends to catch cicada monkeys. It should be the childhood of every northern child, and then Sell ​​the cicada monkey and use the money earned to buy popsicles. Many years have passed, and only the old people in the countryside are still catching cicada monkeys. The young people do not care about this small cicada monkey, nor do they understand the childhood happiness of cicada monkeys in the past, and the trend of breeding cicada monkeys. Has also disappeared.

Cicada monkeys are also called golden cicadas, golden cicadas, etc. Folks call them "Tang Monk meat". Eating one is equivalent to eating an egg. Although it is an exaggeration, it is also well-founded. The cicada monkey is not good-looking, but its whole body is full of treasures.

The protein content of golden cicada meat is higher than that of beef. The protein content of beef is about 20g per 100 grams, while the protein content of golden cicada is about 72 grams per 100 grams. It is a truly high-protein food. In addition, every 100 grams of golden cicada meat also contains potassium 0.3g, phosphorus 0.58g, calcium 1.6mg, zinc 8.22mg, iron 1.23mg, ash 1.8g, and a variety of vitamins and trace elements.

The skin of golden cicada is mainly used for symptoms such as exogenous wind-heat, aversion to cold and cough, measles poor hair penetration, itchy skin, sore throat, hoarseness, red and swollen eyes, infantile convulsions, and night crying . It is a delicious Chinese herbal medicine.

Crispy Golden Cicada

If Golden Cicada wants to be delicious, it must go through four processes of soaking, boiling, frying and deep-frying. The skin of the Golden Cicada is fried until it is golden and crispy. When you take a bite, it is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. It is really delicious. Normally you don’t need to eat it, but now that it’s the season, you can’t miss this delicious dish.

1. Handling the golden cicada:

When the golden cicada is first caught at night, soak it in light salt water overnight to let it spit out the soil and prevent it from shelling out and turning into or . If you buy frozen ones online, it is recommended to soak them in water and defrost them, then wash them several times and scrub them clean with a toothbrush.

Boil water in a pot, pour cold water into the golden cicada, 5 grams of cooking wine, and 2 grams of pepper. Blanch the water to remove the earthy smell of the golden cicada. After the water boils, boil it for about 30 seconds, remove and control the water and set aside.

2. Prepare ingredients:

Flatten the garlic and cut into minced garlic; cut the shallot into segments; put a large amount of dried chili peppers and a large amount of Sichuan peppercorns into a small pot and set aside.

3. Start cooking:

Heat a wide amount of oil in the pot. When the oil temperature is 50% hot and the oil surface is slightly smoking, pour in the dried golden cicada and fry over medium heat for two minutes. Fry the golden cicada until crispy. Pour in Output oil control standby.

Leave oil in the pot, add minced garlic, dried chili pepper and Sichuan peppercorns and stir-fry until the spicy flavor develops. For those who don’t like spicy food, you can omit the spicy food. Adding spicy food will make it more drinkable. Pour in the fried cicadas and stir-fry for a while, then add an appropriate amount of pepper, salt and cumin powder. Friends who find it troublesome to use can just add salt, and the fried golden cicada will be more authentic. Then add the shallots and stir-fry evenly before serving. When frying , you should keep pressing the golden cicada with a spatula, so that the fried golden cicada will be more charred and crispy. Put the coriander at the bottom of the plate and put the golden cicada on the plate.

Jinchan is delicious and nutritious, but because the cooking method of deep-frying is unhealthy, don’t be greedy and eat too much. If you want to eat more, you can ignore the frying step and fry it until both sides are golden brown. It may not be too crispy, but the outside is Jiao Linen also has a different flavor, and the preparation method is simpler. Golden cicada is in season, so everyone should give it a try.

(First Food Editor: Cao Cao)