No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my pleasure and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously!

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and think of some solutions. Yes, food is my pleasure and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously!


Cabbage is a very common ingredient, but it is also cabbage, but the taste is different. I remember that I also grew cabbage at home before. When it was mature, it tasted particularly sweet and soft when fried. When I went to work in the city, I would often buy cabbage to cook, but the taste was not as good as before. I always felt that it didn’t have the same taste as before. Later, a friend of mine reminded me that it was the wrong variety of cabbage. As for variety, cabbage is equally delicious.

Cabbage is also called cabbage. It has many varieties, but we don’t need to understand too much. We only need to know the two broad types, loose cabbage and tight cabbage. After distinguishing the two, you You can quickly find your favorite cabbage. When buying cabbage, pay attention to distinguish between tight cabbage and loose cabbage. The taste is very different, and learn to tell your family.

Let me first explain what loose cabbage and tight cabbage mean. The tightness mentioned here refers to the density of the buds and leaves after the cabbage is mature. Those that are tightly wrapped are called tight cabbages, and those that are loosely wrapped are called loose cabbages.

The difference between loose cabbage and tight cabbage:

Loose cabbage is generally an early-maturing variety and relatively high-yield. Its leaves are very loose and relatively crisp and tender. You will obviously feel a smell when you eat it. It has a sweet taste. When cooking, we can stir-fry it directly or make it into a salad. Compared with cabbage, it has a sweet taste and loose leaves, so it is very suitable for making a salad.

This kind of cabbage is generally grown in the south and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. If you like cabbage with a sweeter taste, loose cabbage is your first choice.

Tight cabbage is prone to ball breakage when mature. Its appearance is relatively better-looking. It is spherical and very neat. After balling, the leaves are very tight and crispy when eaten. The yield of this kind of cabbage is relatively high, and the maturity period is relatively low, basically 2 months.

This kind of tight cabbage is actually a hybrid variety. High temperature or long-term low temperature will affect the quality of the fruit, and this kind of cabbage will be harder when fried.

If you like to eat softer and sweeter, I suggest you choose loose cabbage, which has a better taste and high sweetness. If you want to eat crispier and softer taste, then you can choose tight cabbage. , for me, I prefer to eat loose cabbage, which is soft, sweet and delicious when fried, and goes well with rice.

Next, I will share with you a tomato stir-fried cabbage

Specific method:

. Clean the tomatoes and cut them into pieces. You can cut them into larger pieces. Peel the garlic and cut it into slices. Prepare 3 dried chili peppers. into segments.

. Wash the loose cabbage, tear it into small pieces directly with your hands, then put it in a basket to drain the excess water, and fry it for a while to make it more flavorful.

. Put the vegetable oil in the pot, heat it up, add the dried chili peppers and garlic we prepared, then add the tomatoes, and start stir-frying over high heat.

. Put the torn cabbage into the pot, put a little balsamic vinegar on the edge of the pot, stir-fry until soft, add some salt and soy sauce, and finally add a little chicken powder, stir it evenly, and you can start eating.

[Shi Ke Shuo]

When frying tomatoes and cabbages, we can also use lard to fry them. In this case, the texture will be softer. The cabbage fried with tomatoes will have a sweet and sour taste, and it will be very delicious. It's an appetizer. If you are at home and like to eat cabbage, you can try this recipe.

[This article was originally created by "Xiao Tan Shi Ke" and may not be deleted, modified or misappropriated without permission. Infringement will be prosecuted]