Many delicacies in the northwest are made of flour, and the staple food is mainly noodles, steamed buns, pancakes and other pasta. However, there is a kind of food that is also made of flour, which is very different from other pastas, and that is dough-stirring. In the 1960s and

Many delicacies in the northwest are made of flour, and the staple food is mainly noodles, steamed buns, pancakes and other pasta. However, there is a kind of food also made of flour, which is very different from other pasta, and that is dough. In the 1960s and 1970s, tuantuan could be said to be a life-saving meal for farmers. There are many ways to eat tuantuan, but now it seems that the most common ones are shuiweicheng and yuyu.

A woman from Sichuan went to Xi'an to visit, and she and her friends were looking for Xi'an specialty food restaurants on the street. However, they couldn't find the one they liked, so they randomly entered a restaurant to eat stir-fried dumplings. Unexpectedly, they were completely amazed after eating.

This store is quite big, and there are a lot of customers inside, but the overall style is very Chinese. As soon as I walked in and sat down, a waiter came to ask the women in Mandarin with a Xi'an accent what they wanted to order. After some introductions, the woman decided to create a water siege to stir up the group.

The weather is hot now, and my appetite has become worse. Let’s order a stir-fried dough ball. It is sour and spicy, which is just right to whet your appetite. The essence of stir-fried dough lies not only in the making of multi-grain dough, but also in the sauce. The preparation of the dough is very important. This determines whether the dough is delicious. The dough looks very tempting.

Their dough is made fresh. The multigrain dough is made with cornmeal and wheat flour. First, take some cornmeal and wheat flour in a certain proportion, then add half of the wheat flour and some water to stir into a batter. Boil water and add the mixed batter, stirring while pouring the batter.

Then add the other half of the wheat flour while stirring. After stirring into a ball, add jade noodles . Stir until there are no more gnocchi. Cover the pot and simmer. Be sure to pay attention to the process of stirring the dough. Turn on low heat. After five minutes, open the lid of the pot and continue stirring. Then cover the pot and simmer for 3 minutes. Finally, open the lid and turn off the heat. In this way, the dough is ready. The dough will bounce around and be very delicate.

The next step is the preparation of the sauce. When preparing the sauce in Xi'an, fried leeks is indispensable. Just add a little salt when frying the leeks. The most important step is to simmer the garlic oil. In a bowl with minced garlic, put some chili noodles, a little salt and a lot of sesame . Put the oil in the pot and heat it until it smokes. Turn off the heat and leave it for seven Divide the heat and stir the hot oil into a bowl. The aroma of garlic, chili and sesame will instantly spread out.

Then sauté the onion and ginger until fragrant, add tomatoes and stir-fry until the juice comes out, then put it into a basin and set aside.

All the preparations are completed. Finally, put the dough in a large bowl, pour in the tomato soup, add an appropriate amount of chili oil, and finally add the fried leeks. When eating, divide the dough into pieces with a spoon. Piece by piece, let each piece of dough be soaked with the sauce. It tastes not only the aroma of chili oil, the sourness of tomatoes, and the umami flavor of leeks, it is sour and spicy, and it tastes particularly appetizing.

The woman took a bite and was immediately amazed by the taste. Although the dough is soft, it is very elastic and can be eaten cold or hot.