13 different ways to make steamed buns, everyone who has eaten them will like it. Say goodbye to white steamed buns.

1. [Fragrant fried steamed bun slices]

Main ingredient: 2 steamed bread

Accessories: amount of oil


1 .Put oil

2. Steamed bun slices

3. After the oil is hot, put the steamed bun slices

4. Fry until one side is golden

5. Fry the other side

2. [Red bean buns]

Main ingredients: wheat flour 150g, red bean paste 100g

Accessories: edible soda amount


4da 1. Mix red bean paste and flour

2. Knead the dough with warm water, cover it, and leave it naturally.

3. The dough has been fermented the next day, slightly sour

4. Add some Soda neutralizes the sourness. Use this as little as possible.

5. Knead the soda into the dough evenly, expel the gas, and let it rise for more than 15 minutes.

6. Pull the noodles into an agent

7. Tuancheng steamed bun

8. Put the steamed bun on the curtain in the steaming pot and steam for 25 minutes.

9.25 minutes later, turn off the power, open the lid after 2 minutes, and the steamed buns are ready.

Three. [Pumpkin spiral buns]

Main ingredients: wheat flour 560g, pumpkin puree 150g

Accessories: yeast powder 2g


1. Separately with two pieces of dough: 150g pumpkin puree plus 280g flour, 1g yeast powder and into pumpkin dough, 280g flour plus 1g yeast powder and into white dough 饧发

2. Roll out the dough after making them separately Into a larger round cake

3. Overlap the two cakes, the white flour cake is on the bottom, the pumpkin cake is on the top

4. Roll up and cut into sections

5. The cut side faces up

6. Roll out

7. Put the excess leftover material into a ball

8. Wrap it into it like a bun

9. Close the mouth downward for the second round

10 . Make cold water in a steamer, put the raw embryos in a medium heat and steam for 20 minutes.

IV. [Milk Butterfly Mantou]

Ingredients: 200g black rice flour, low Gluten flour 400g, milk powder 30g

Accessories: 1 egg, 8g yeast, 60g sugar, 4g salt, appropriate amount of fresh milk


1. Make the black dough first: 200g black rice noodles , 100 grams of low powder, 30 grams of milk powder, 1 egg, 4 grams of yeast, 2 grams of salt, and 40 grams of sugar, pour into a container and mix well, then add an appropriate amount of fresh milk and knead the dough

2. Make white again Dough: Add 300 grams of low powder, 4 grams of yeast, 2 grams of salt, and 20 grams of sugar, add an appropriate amount of fresh milk to knead the dough

3. Put the black dough into the oven for the first fermentation, remember to put it in the oven A bowl of boiling water

4. Put the white dough in a steamer with hot water for the first fermentation.

5. After about an hour and a half, the black dough will be doubled in size.

6. Send the white dough to its original double size

7. Two types of dough exhausted and rolled into long long noodles

8. The black noodles are on the bottom, and the white noodles are on the top. Roll Rolled

9. Cut the dough into the same size

10. Take a piece of noodles and cut it from the middle with a knife but do not cut it

11. Cut into this shape

12. Use chopsticks to pinch it into the shape of a butterfly

13 . Put the finished steamed buns and noodles in a pot with warm water to wake up for 30 minutes, and then steam for 20 minutes to get out of the pot

14. The tempting fragrance of milk wafts all over the house, and it was wiped out by me as soon as it was out One

Five. [Yellow rose flower steamed buns]

Main ingredients: wheat flour 300g, pumpkin 200g

Accessories: yeast powder 4g, salt, milk 140g


1. The pumpkin is steamed and peeled

2. Mashed into puree

3. Put the pureed pumpkin into the bread machine, add milk, salt

4. Add flour and yeast powder, start the dough mixing program

5. Finish the dough

6. Make the dried noodles, and roll them into skins

7. Make five skins Put them together

8. From the first sheet to the last sheet, roll it into a tube shape

9. Cut it from the middle with a knife, and it will become two roses:)

10. Do the same until all the noodles are used up. Let the noodles stand for 20 minutes.

11. Bring water to a boil in the steamer, steam on the steamer for 20 minutes, then low heat for 5 minutes, then

6. [Shoutao Mantou]

Main ingredient: flour 1000g

Auxiliary material: appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of yeast


1. Yeast, the package has instructions on how much to use

2. Put some salt in the bowl

3. Put warm water in the bowl and pour it into the flour with the yeast added several times.

4. Then it will be combined by hand Noodles, hard work, mother

5. After kneading the dough, you should wake up for 2-3 hours.

6. Take out the awake dough and add some flour, and knead it for a while.

7. Then divide it into several pieces. A round dough

8. Prepare the knock of the shoutao

9. Dip the round dough with dry flour, and then press the dough into the knock.

10. Then turn and knock Just buckle out, cover with cotton cloth before steaming and wake up for an hour Steam it on the pot

7. [Lotus leaf folder steamed buns]

Main ingredients: flour 600g

Accessories: appropriate amount of yeast, appropriate amount of water


1. Add appropriate amount of yeast powder and water to the flour, stir evenly, knead into a dough, cover with plastic wrap, and leave it in a warm place to ferment. If the volume swells, the fermentation is good.

2 .Knead the fermented dough into smooth dough

3. Divide into small dough

4. Use a rolling pin to roll it into an oval dough

5. Fold in half and knead out the lotus leaf shape

6. Use Use a clean comb to press out the veins and let it stand for a while to wake up

7. Then put it on the steamer and steam for 20 minutes.

8. [Pumpkin steamed buns]

Main ingredients:

flour 250g

Accessories: pumpkin 120g, white sugar 20g, yeast 1g


1. Peel and remove the flesh and cut the pumpkin, and steam it on the pot.

2. Steamed and mashed, add sugar and mix well, let it melt for a while.

3. Add flour and yeast and knead well

4. Knead until Sanguang

5. Ferment to double the size, Squeeze the air out of the dough and knead it evenly

6. Roll into a rectangle

7. Roll up and cut into sections

8. The whole dough will be fermented for 20 minutes

9. Cold water pot, medium heat, 20 minutes after boiling, turn off the heat and simmer for 2 minutes. It will be ready.

9. [Tomato steamed buns]

200g, tomato juice 100g, sugar 20g, condensed milk 10g, salt 3g, yeast 2.5g, olive oil 10ml

Accessories: White vinegar appropriate amount


1. Put all the main ingredients into the bread machine Inside, start the bread machine, and when mixing into a dough, add white vinegar until the dough is smooth and not stick to the elastic dough; take out the bread machine bucket, cover with plastic wrap, and place it at room temperature for the first fermentation;

2. After about 1.5-2 hours, the dough expands to 2-2.5 times the original size, and the dough structure is honeycomb, then the fermentation is completed; (specifically, it depends on the expansion of the dough to 2-2.5 times)

3. Take out the dough, vent it, and knead it again into a smooth dough that does not stick to your hands;

4. Divide the dough into several equal parts, round it, and relax for 20 minutes;

5. Roll it round again and put it in the pad On the steaming rack with scarf;

6. Put it in the pot (you can add some hot water to the pot to speed up the proofing and shorten the time), and cover for proofing; when proofing is completed, the dough expands to the original It is 1.5 times as big as it is, and there is a very light feeling on the hand, the wake-up is complete;

7. After boiling on high heat, turn to medium heat and steam for 15 minutes, then simmer for 3 minutes after turning off the heat;

8. Take out the pot, take out the buns while it is hot and let cool.

10. [Little Bear Mantou]

Ingredients: low powder 200g, water 100ml, sugar 20g, condensed milk 10g, salt 1.5g, yeast 1.8g, olives Oil 5ml

Accessories: White vinegar appropriate amount


1. Pour milk into the bread machine, add sugar and condensed milk, pour low powder, add yeast and salt, start the mixer, and mix into a dough Add oil and white vinegar, and stir until the dough is smooth and not sticky;

2. Take out the bucket of the bread maker and place it at room temperature for the first fermentation. After about 1.5-2 hours, the dough will expand to the original 2-2.5 When the dough is doubled and the dough structure is honeycomb, the fermentation is completed; (specifically, it should be based on the expansion of the dough by 2-2.5 times)

3. Divide the dough into small doughs, round and relax for 15 minutes;

4 . Then take an appropriate amount of dough, knead it into a round cake shape, knead it into a bear shape;

5. Put it on a steaming rack lined with gauze, put it in the pot and cover it for proofing (at room temperature) ;

6. When the proofing is completed, the dough swells to 1.5 times its original size, and there is a light feeling on the hand, then the proofing is completed;

7. Cold water pot, high fire After boiling, turn to medium heat and steam for 15 minutes. Turn off the heat and simmer for another 3 minutes before serving. Take out the buns while they are hot and let them cool before serving.

11. [Knife cut steamed buns]

Main ingredients: flour 500g

Accessories: old noodles appropriate amount


1. Proofed dough

2. Knead the dough into a large cake, roll it into strips

3. Use a knife to cut into equal small buns

4. After the water is boiled, put it in the steamer and steam for 15 minutes, and it will be out of the pot. After the pot is out, there are layers of sweet buns

12.【Chrysanthemum buns】

Main ingredient: flour 500g

Auxiliary material: appropriate amount of yeast


1. After the yeast is boiled with warm water, pour it into the flour, mix well and knead until it becomes Smooth the dough, and then hair for two hours.

2. After kneading the dough made by 饧 for the second time, extract the appropriate size agent.

3. Rub the tablets one by one into strips.

4. The strips are coiled from both ends, as shown in the figure.

5. Use chopsticks to sandwich it in the middle, and it's like this.

6. Then cut the top ends of the four circles into a chrysanthemum shape.

7. Ten minutes after the second haircut. Steam in a pot on cold water for 15 minutes, turn off the heat and steam for five minutes, open the lid and take out the pot.

13. [Corn bun rolls]

Main ingredients: fruit corn 50g, all-purpose flour 200g

Accessories: yeast powder 2g, water 60g, soft sugar 10g


1. Juice the fruit corn with water, pour it into the basin, add yeast and sugar and mix well,

2. Pour the flour,

3. Stir it into a flocculent ,

4. Knead the dough, 40 minutes,

5. Knead the made dough,

6. Cut into 4 agents,

7. Round the agent and roll it into an oval,

8. Put fruit corn kernels in the middle,

9. Wrap the corn kernels,

10. Roll into a roll, close the mouth with some water To make it stick more firmly,

11. Put it in the steamer for 15 minutes,

12. Bring the pot to a high heat, turn to medium heat and steam for 15 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 3 minutes.

14. [Salt and pepper steamed buns]

Main ingredients: wheat flour 300g

Accessories: appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of pepper powder, appropriate amount of warm water, 10g sugar, fermentation Powder 2g


1. 300g flour, add appropriate amount of sugar and yeast.

2. 160g of warm water.

3. Stir the flour and add warm water to the synthetic dough to ferment for 2 hours.

4. Add appropriate amount of pepper noodles to the wok and stir fry, over low heat.

5. Then add appropriate amount of refined salt and stir fry over low heat. Stir fry until fragrant.

6. After the flour is fermented, exhaust the air.

7. Roll into dough.

8. Sprinkle in salt and pepper and roll up.

9. Cut into suitable steamed buns.

10. Grease the bottom of the steamed buns and put them in the steamer.

11. After steaming, steam for five minutes.

15. [Coconut steamed buns]

Ingredients: low powder 250g, milk 125ml, sugar 20g, condensed milk 15ml, yeast 3g, olive oil 10ml

Accessories: 2 drops of white vinegar, coconut filling 100g


1. Put all the main ingredients into the bucket of the bread machine, start the bread machine, and when it is mixed, add two drops of white vinegar and stir until the dough is smooth , Stop the bread machine, let the dough ferment in the bread, and leave it at room temperature;

2.About 1.5-2 hours, the dough expands to twice its original size, and the dough structure is honeycomb, then fermentation is complete;

3. Take out the dough and knead it again to form a smooth dough (if you feel sticky, you can dip some low Knead the dough with the flour, and finally knead it into a smooth non-sticky dough;

4. Then divide into 8 small pieces of dough, round and relax for 15 minutes

5. Roll into a round cake, put in coconut filling;

6. Rolled into an olive shape or kneaded into a semicircle (the chicken cage shape as the saying goes)

7. Put it on the bread steaming rack and proof it at room temperature;

8. After 20-30 Minutes of proofing, the dough swells to 1.5 times its original size, and feels light in the hand, proofing is complete;

9. After boiling water in a cold water pot, turn to medium heat and steam for 15 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 2 -3 minutes, you can take it out;

10. It is best to take out the steamed bun while it is hot so as not to stick to the gauze towel;

11. Let it cool and you can eat it.