Liancheng Baiya and Xinquan Shunjiumentou under the lens of Fujian Southeast Satellite TV, I am hungry after watching!

2020/10/2517:48:09 food 515

Liancheng Baiya and Xinquan Shunjiumentou under the lens of Fujian Southeast Satellite TV, I am hungry after watching! - DayDayNews

Liancheng Baiya and Xinquan Shunjiumentou under the lens of Fujian Southeast Satellite TV, I am hungry after watching! - DayDayNews

The new style of wealth creation in eight Fujian Liancheng and the food tastes more fragrant

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Liancheng Baiya and Xinquan Shunjiumentou under the lens of Fujian Southeast Satellite TV, I am hungry after watching! - DayDayNews

Liancheng white duck

Liancheng Baiya and Xinquan Shunjiumentou under the lens of Fujian Southeast Satellite TV, I am hungry after watching! - DayDayNews

black bill, white feather, black feet, this is the unique characteristic of Liancheng white duck. Z2z

Liancheng Baiya and Xinquan Shunjiumentou under the lens of Fujian Southeast Satellite TV, I am hungry after watching! - DayDayNews

Liancheng White Duck is an excellent local duck species in my country and a rare germplasm resource in China. It was a tribute during the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty. It is rich in 17 kinds of amino acids and 10 kinds of trace elements that are necessary for human body. Whether eating meat or drinking soup, it can achieve the effects of clearing heat and detoxification, nourishing yin and nourishing kidney, appetizing and invigorating the spleen. It was named "the only medicinal duck".

Liancheng Baiya and Xinquan Shunjiumentou under the lens of Fujian Southeast Satellite TV, I am hungry after watching! - DayDayNews

Nowadays, the number and scale of Liancheng white duck breeding has been expanding year by year. The county has 20 standardized breeding bases. With years of breeding experience and innovative ideas, Liancheng people have further upgraded on the basis of standardized breeding bases and tried to breed white ducks in rice fields. mode.

Liancheng Baiya and Xinquan Shunjiumentou under the lens of Fujian Southeast Satellite TV, I am hungry after watching! - DayDayNews

As of now, there are 274 poor households in Liancheng County who have participated in white duck breeding. The average annual income of each household has increased by 5200 yuan. The industry drives poverty alleviation and promotes industrial development. Liancheng White Duck brings hope to the people on this land to get rich. .

Liancheng Baiya and Xinquan Shunjiumentou under the lens of Fujian Southeast Satellite TV, I am hungry after watching! - DayDayNews

If talking about the cooking and eating of white ducks,

naturally connects with the city. The locals are the most particular. After half an hour, the white duck's own fat is slowly precipitated under the action of steam. At this time, pour in water, seasoning with salt, and put a few duck eggs in it, which means a reunion and completeness. After the plastic wrap is sealed, it is heated again in the steamer. The simple method of

Liancheng Baiya and Xinquan Shunjiumentou under the lens of Fujian Southeast Satellite TV, I am hungry after watching! - DayDayNews

can make a good bowl of soup. The ingredients are delicious and do not need to be seasoned too much, which is enough to conquer everyone's taste buds.

Liancheng Baiya and Xinquan Shunjiumentou under the lens of Fujian Southeast Satellite TV, I am hungry after watching! - DayDayNews

Liancheng Xinquan Town, a city famous for its food, has the titles of "Chinese Hakka Food Town", "Fujian Food Town", and "Fujian Hakka Chef Town".

Liancheng Jiumentou

Shabu Jiumentou, also known as "Jiupin", is a delicacy that combines medicinal food and food. It is named "a plate of nine crisp" in the gourmet industry. Its flavor is not only fresh, tender and crisp, but also makes people feel refreshing, and has the effects of invigorating the stomach and kidney, dispelling cold and removing dampness.

Liancheng Baiya and Xinquan Shunjiumentou under the lens of Fujian Southeast Satellite TV, I am hungry after watching! - DayDayNews

, because the meat of the nine parts of the cow eaten almost contains the main essence of the cow, so there is also the saying "eat one cow for a meal". Was rated as the top ten classic dishes in Fujian. Zhu Ba is crisp, but it has the same effect as Jiu Men Tou. Eight parts of the pig are selected for cooking. Both dishes are extremely test the chef's skills.

Liancheng Baiya and Xinquan Shunjiumentou under the lens of Fujian Southeast Satellite TV, I am hungry after watching! - DayDayNews

Jiumentou requires Hakka rice wine, and the taste is the most mellow when brewed at home in the same town.

Liancheng Baiya and Xinquan Shunjiumentou under the lens of Fujian Southeast Satellite TV, I am hungry after watching! - DayDayNews

is an important ingredient for making Jiumentou. The locals call it "spicy potato" and its scientific name is Polygonum serrata. It has a rich fragrance and has the effect of removing dampness and removing greasiness. Most of the raw materials of Jiumentou and Zhuba crispy are internal organs, and it takes a lot of effort to clean them. Chinese medicine soup needs to be cooked in advance for later use, and Hakka rice wine and spicy potatoes should be boiled together. All the work on the chopping board of

Liancheng Baiya and Xinquan Shunjiumentou under the lens of Fujian Southeast Satellite TV, I am hungry after watching! - DayDayNews

has been processed, and the nine kinds of materials for the Jiumentou are all ready, such as beef tongue peak, beef louver, beef, tripe tip, beef tripe, beef cardiovascular system, beef liver, tripe wall Prepare them one by one. At this time, the rice wine has boiled, and the spicy potatoes are taken out, and it is the most important moment to wash Jiu Mentou.

Liancheng Baiya and Xinquan Shunjiumentou under the lens of Fujian Southeast Satellite TV, I am hungry after watching! - DayDayNews

Hot meals are served on the table, and the whole family sits together, chatting and laughing. Probably all the beauty in the world is better than this "home".

Liancheng Baiya and Xinquan Shunjiumentou under the lens of Fujian Southeast Satellite TV, I am hungry after watching! - DayDayNews

Source: Southeast Satellite TV is running, things around Xinquan people

Web editor: Wu Qinglan, Luo Liting Wu Qiujing

Review: Ye Xianfeng

Producer: Li Yongguang

Liancheng Baiya and Xinquan Shunjiumentou under the lens of Fujian Southeast Satellite TV, I am hungry after watching! - DayDayNews

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