Looking at the Mongolian’s three meals a day, it’s no wonder they are so strong, and most people can’t afford it.

2020/03/2811:24:03 food 2728

Looking at the Mongolian’s three meals a day, it’s no wonder they are so strong, and most people can’t afford it. - DayDayNews

There are three main types of Mongolian food, namely meat, milk, and grain. There are few vegetables in pastoral areas, and wild onions, wild leek, mushrooms and so on are often eaten. In the morning and at noon, they usually drink milk tea, milk food, meat, fried rice (Mongolian Lebad, or Baole Sheng Bada), and eat hand-made meat, noodles, dumplings, etc. in the evening. Roasted whole lamb is a traditional delicacy for Mongolian and other ethnic minorities to entertain foreign guests and distinguished guests. It is also a meat product that Chinese people like to eat.

Looking at the Mongolian’s three meals a day, it’s no wonder they are so strong, and most people can’t afford it. - DayDayNews

Grilled meat is a kind of red food. The Mongolian people call meat food red food, and Mongolian called "Ulan Yide". As the name implies, “hand-caught meat” means hand-caught lamb, a traditional Mongolian food for thousands of years, and a common meal for herders. The method of grilling meat by hand is to disassemble the boned lamb according to the joints, put it in a large pot without salt and other seasonings, and cook it with the original juice. When eating, grab the bones of the lamb with one hand, and remove the lamb with a Mongolian knife in the other, and eat it with the seasoning.

Looking at the Mongolian’s three meals a day, it’s no wonder they are so strong, and most people can’t afford it. - DayDayNews

Mongolian milk tea, called "Sutaiqi" ​​in Mongolian, is a milk product popular among Mongolian people. It is made from brick tea and has a salty taste. Drinking this milk tea is a traditional Mongolian dietary custom. In addition to quenching thirst, it is also a major way to supplement human nutrition.

Looking at the Mongolian’s three meals a day, it’s no wonder they are so strong, and most people can’t afford it. - DayDayNews

Mongolian pie is a flavored pasta with a history of more than 300 years. It was first made with local special soba noodles, with beef, lamb and pork as the stuffing, and it was made by dry braising.

Looking at the Mongolian’s three meals a day, it’s no wonder they are so strong, and most people can’t afford it. - DayDayNews

Mongolian homemade horse milk wine not only tastes round, creamy, sweet and sour, milky and fragrant, but also warm in nature. It has the effects of dispelling cold, invigorating blood, relaxing muscles, and strengthening stomach.

Looking at the Mongolian’s three meals a day, it’s no wonder they are so strong, and most people can’t afford it. - DayDayNews

Mongolian buns are the favorite food of grassland herdsmen. Mongolian steamed buns do not need fermented noodles to make their skins. They use wheat flour and hot water to make the skin. Mongolian steamed buns have a unique taste

●Lunch two bogey

1. Avoid carbohydrates. Mainly, if you eat rice, noodles, bread, sweet desserts and other foods that are rich in sugar and starch, people will feel tired and it will be difficult to concentrate at work.

2. Avoid eating convenience foods instead of lunch, such as instant noodles, western-style fast food, burgers or other junk foods. These foods are low in nutrients and are not good for your health.

●Lunch Liangyi

1. Eat protein (protein supplement products, protein supplement information) quality (protein products, protein information) and meat, fish, poultry eggs and soybeans with high choline content Products and other food. Because the high quality and high protein in this kind of food can increase the tyrosine in the blood, keep the mind sharp, and play an important role in understanding and memory function.

2. It is advisable to eat more lean meats, fresh fruits or juices and other low-fat foods, and to ensure a certain amount of high-quality protein intake such as milk, soy milk or eggs, so that people can react flexibly and think quickly.

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