New Year’s Eve, 16 banquet dishes, fast to the table, complete meat and vegetable soup, no matter what guests are not afraid

2019/12/3123:00:21 food 2776

will be celebrating the New Year in less than a month, and the most anticipated is the New Year’s Eve dinner for the whole family. The family sits together, chatting about homely. This New Year’s Eve dinner is filled with not only abundance, but also the family’s full of love, and hope and hope for auspicious and smooth year to come. Today, I will share with you that 16 has a high value, good meaning, and simple method. It can be served on the table in an hour. Even if you entertain relatives and friends, it is also very good. . Z3z

New Year’s Eve, 16 banquet dishes, fast to the table, complete meat and vegetable soup, no matter what guests are not afraid - DayDayNews

1 fans garlic shrimp (smooth)

ingredients: shrimp 11, a fan 100g, a garlic, onion 2, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, salt 3g, 1 tablespoon sugar, white pepper;

New Year’s Eve, 16 banquet dishes, fast to the table, complete meat and vegetable soup, no matter what guests are not afraid - DayDayNews

step approach :Z2z

1. Wash the shrimp, remove the shrimp thread, cut off the shrimp silk, soak the vermicelli in advance, arrange the shrimp, chop the garlic

2. After the pan is heated, fry the garlic and add a tablespoon of light soy sauce. Add salt and white sugar, add a little white pepper to taste, put the fried garlic on the shrimp and vermicelli with a spoon, steam it in the pot with cold water, steam for 5 minutes after steaming, and then steam the shrimp with chives. Wash and chop

4. Sprinkle the steamed shrimp with chopped green onion, then add a spoonful of hot oil and pour it on the chopped green onion

02. Duck blood tofu (Double Happiness)

Ingredients: duck blood 300 grams, 1 piece of tofu, salt ( For blanching) 1 spoon, 2 spoons of cooking wine, 1 spoon and a half of Pixian bean paste, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 2 slices of ginger, 3 small pieces of green onions, 1 large scallion, 3 garlic cloves, 1 spoon of sugar , Water starch appropriate amount, 1 spoon of chicken essence, half spoon of salt, 1 scoop of lard, 1 spoon equal to 1 teaspoon amount

New Year’s Eve, 16 banquet dishes, fast to the table, complete meat and vegetable soup, no matter what guests are not afraid - DayDayNews

Steps: pour the bean curd into small pieces in the duck blood pot. Put the sliced ​​duck blood and tofu cubes into the pot, add a spoon of salt, boil the water for about 3 minutes, and remove it. Use cold water to cool for later use. This will remove the tofu and duck blood. Tofu and bloody taste make tofu and duck blood more smooth and delicious, and tofu is not easy to break when it is cooked. Now

2. Cut the ginger into pieces, cut the green onion into small pieces with an oblique knife, smash the garlic with a knife, chop the garlic, cut the garlic into small pieces, and prepare all the ingredients.

3. Heat up the pot, pour a spoon of lard to heat, we put the chopped ginger, garlic and green onions into the pot to fragrant. Then add Pixian bean paste and fry the red oil, add a spoonful of water and stir evenly with a spoon, add the drained tofu and duck blood, shake the pot with your hands, and use a frying spoon to gently push the duck blood and tofu evenly to prevent Paste pot. Use the spatula in the pot as little as possible to stir fry, avoid frying the tofu,

4. Pour in the right amount of cooking wine, light soy sauce, oyster sauce and sugar to make it fresh, then shake the pot with your hands while gently pushing with a frying spoon to make the tofu in the pot. , Duck blood and condiments are mixed evenly, then add some salt and chicken essence to taste, cook for 2 minutes.

5. Put in the sliced ​​garlic, stir and fry evenly with a frying spoon, add the adjusted water and starch to thicken the juice, shake the pot with your hands, and stir-fry evenly with a frying spoon, then turn off the heat and put on the plate.

03. Braised pig's trotters with soybeans (you can eat pig's trotters during the New Year, so you can spend money in the coming year)

Ingredients: pig's trotters, a large handful of soybeans, a few green onions, a large piece of ginger, 4 teaspoons of light soy sauce, 1 small soy sauce Spoon, 4 teaspoons of cooking wine, a handful of rock sugar, salt as appropriate, add

New Year’s Eve, 16 banquet dishes, fast to the table, complete meat and vegetable soup, no matter what guests are not afraid - DayDayNews


1. Cut the pig's trotter in half, wash and scald; 3. Put an appropriate amount of oil in, add ginger slices; add pig's trotters and continue to fry for a while;

3. Pour in the right amount of light soy sauce; cook into the cooking wine; put in the right amount of rock sugar; add the washed soybeans and green onion knots; add the right amount of water;

4. Bring to a boil and simmer until the trotters are crispy; Add a little salt to the taste, add the dark soy sauce, stir fry for color, and sprinkle a little scallion on top.

04. Steamed sea bass (more than every year)

Ingredients: sea bass, half a bell pepper, 1 scallion, appropriate amount of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of Weishida soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 cooking wine Large spoon, appropriate amount of sesame oil, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

New Year’s Eve, 16 banquet dishes, fast to the table, complete meat and vegetable soup, no matter what guests are not afraid - DayDayNews


1. Remove the scales, gills, and internal organs of the perch. Spread a small amount of salt and cooking wine on the whole, stuffed with green onions on the mouth of the fish, and marinate the ginger slices for an hour to taste.

2. Cut the scallion into thin strips, soak in cold water and remove. Shred ginger, red pepper and garlic.

3. Add the juice again, 2 tablespoons of very fresh soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of sugar, a few drops of sesame oil, and mix in an appropriate amount of water.

4. Put the marinated fish into the pot with the marinade, and steam for about 10 minutes after boiling the water on high heat.

5. After steaming, take it out, remove the green onion and ginger, drop it into the marinade soup, re-spread the green onion, ginger, garlic and red pepper shreds. Spoon the prepared sauce over the fish body.

6.2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to heat up, pour it on the onion, ginger, and garlic to create a fragrance. Very tender and steamed sea bass.

05. Roast Beef with Winter Bamboo Shoots (Bullish)

Ingredients: sirloin 650g, winter bamboo shoots 530g (weight after peeling), two tablespoons of bean paste, a piece of ginger, 5 large cloves of garlic, 8 dried chilies, 3, 40 Chinese peppers, Two teaspoons of salt (used for the first time cooking bamboo shoots), one teaspoon of cooking wine, three or four rock sugar, one teaspoon of white pepper, two coriander, appropriate amount of peanut oil, two spoons of soy sauce, two pieces of dried orange peel, spices (star anise, Cumin, cinnamon, cardamom, hawthorn, clove, Shanna) total 30g, two gardenias:

New Year’s Eve, 16 banquet dishes, fast to the table, complete meat and vegetable soup, no matter what guests are not afraid - DayDayNews

z1. Steps:

z1. Slice ginger and cut garlic with a knife.

2. Boil water in a pot, put two tablespoons of salt, and boil the cut winter bamboo shoots and cook for about 10 minutes. Rinse the boiled winter bamboo shoots in cold water and soak for later use.

3. Cut the sirloin into small pieces. Then blanch the water and cook for two more minutes after the water boils. Pick up the sirloin, rinse the blood and drain it for later use.

4. Heat oil in the pot, and stir fry the ginger slices and bean paste until the oil is 80% hot. Add sirloin and pepper and stir fry together. After the sirloin is fried for two minutes, add spices (star anise, cumin, cinnamon, cardamom, hawthorn, clove, shan Na), and dry chili and stir-fry until golden color. Add enough water to boil

5. After boiling, add cooking wine, soy sauce, rock sugar, gardenia, white pepper, dried orange peel, cover and simmer on medium heat for about an hour. There is half of the soup in the pot, add winter bamboo shoots and garlic, and continue to cook for half an hour.

6. The winter bamboo shoots have absorbed the fragrant juice of the beef broth and are almost ready to be out of the pot. Be careful not to burn this dish too dry, keep a little soup, it tastes better.

06. Braised yuba (prosperous and rich)

Ingredients: yuba appropriate amount, appropriate amount of pork belly, appropriate amount of spices, appropriate amount of garlic seeds, appropriate amount of garlic seedlings

New Year’s Eve, 16 banquet dishes, fast to the table, complete meat and vegetable soup, no matter what guests are not afraid - DayDayNews

zz , Dried chili, cinnamon, bay leaf, rock sugar), garlic, each amount.

2. Heat the pan to remove the oil, pour in the diced pork belly and stir-fry on low heat. Fry until the diced pork belly changes color and the oil overflows. Add the right amount of rock sugar and stir fry with the right amount of water. When the water is dry, turn to high heat and fry it into a caramel color. Pour in star anise and cinnamon, Bay leaves, dried chili, and add an appropriate amount of water, stir-fry the water over high heat to get the aroma of spices. After the water is fried, the diced pork belly sticks to the color of sugar on the fire, pour the yuba, and fry the yuba to remove the moisture and beany flavor. Add an appropriate amount of soy sauce, stir fry evenly, and color.

3. Add the right amount to the yuba, then add the right amount of salt, ginger and garlic seeds, cover the pot and simmer on high heat for 5 minutes, open the lid after 5 minutes, add the right amount of pepper, stir fry evenly, pour in the garlic sprouts, Add appropriate amount of chicken essence and stir fry evenly, and serve deliciously.

07. Crispy meat, fragrant braised pork ribs (rising steadily)

Ingredients: front row 500g, 1 star anise, 3 slices of ginger, 15ml aged vinegar, 10ml soy sauce, 25g sugar, 15ml cooking wine, 4g salt, 1 scallion, 15ml light soy sauce, sweet and sour sauce, 30ml lard, 50g white sugar, 10ml balsamic vinegar or vinegar

New Year’s Eve, 16 banquet dishes, fast to the table, complete meat and vegetable soup, no matter what guests are not afraid - DayDayNews

Steps: clean and cut the ginger ribs.

2. Add the oil and sauté the ginger slices, and pass the oil over the lower ribs until the two skulls are closed. This step is to seal the gravy and bone marrow. Therefore, do not blanch the pork ribs, and the blanched pork ribs should be at least halved.

3. Put water in the pot to boil. Just add enough water to the ribs. Don't add cold water in the middle. Add the ribs, add dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, vinegar, cooking wine, sugar, salt, star anise, and green onions. Hot water must be used here to make the meat delicious. When cold water is poured into the pot, the gravy will be in the soup. Also, at this time, the vinegar should be used boldly and quickly. This is to make the meat delicious and the bones soft. Don't worry about the meat becoming sour, because the acid will evaporate during the braising process.

New Year’s Eve, 16 banquet dishes, fast to the table, complete meat and vegetable soup, no matter what guests are not afraid - DayDayNews

4. Simmer on low heat until the soup is thick, leave some juice, and take out the ribs. If there is a lot of water remaining, the time can be shortened to collect the juice on the fire.

5. Put a small amount of lard in the pot, put sugar, melt over low heat, then pour the ribs in, pour balsamic vinegar along the side of the pot, mix well, because there is juice, simmer on low heat for one minute and then out. Vinegar, mix well, simmer for one minute because of the sauce

08. Kimchi seafood tofu pot

Ingredients: southern tofu 400 grams, 10 shrimps, half a squid, 100 grams of seafood mushrooms, moderate cooking oil, soy sauce One spoonful, one spoonful of oyster sauce, one small spoonful of sugar, two scallions, half a red pepper, two shallots, two slices of ginger, one clove of garlic;

New Year’s Eve, 16 banquet dishes, fast to the table, complete meat and vegetable soup, no matter what guests are not afraid - DayDayNews

z1, soak in salt water for half an hour. . Drain the water and set aside.

2. Shrimp shelling and shrimp removal line, cut the surface of the squid slices with a knife, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, sugar and appropriate amount of water to make a sauce for later use.

3. Boil a pot of water and blanch the squid slices until rolled up.

4. Heat the pan with cold oil and fry the tofu until golden on both sides. Slice shallots, ginger and garlic, and saute with cooking oil. Add tofu, spread squid rolls and seafood mushrooms on the surface, pour in the prepared sauce, bring to a boil, turn to low heat and cook for ten minutes. Add the green onion and red pepper. Spread the shrimps, turn to high heat, cover and cook for about a minute to collect the juice.

09. Boiled cabbage heart

Ingredients: cabbage heart 10 pieces, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of oil, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon of sesame oil

New Year’s Eve, 16 banquet dishes, fast to the table, complete meat and vegetable soup, no matter what guests are not afraid - DayDayNews

z324, add salt to the fresh vegetables. Blanch in hot water and put the blanched heart on the plate.

2. Sprinkle with minced garlic, pour in two spoons of light soy sauce and 1 spoon of sesame oil.

3. Add two spoons of oil to the pot, heat the oil on the minced garlic, soak the medlar and sprinkle it for decoration. The delicious boiled cabbage heart and the thick garlic flavor are delicious and appetizing.

10. Private brine shrimp

Ingredients: river prawns 500g, a box of ice cubes, three or four green onions, 4g ginger, one star anise, a small piece of cinnamon, appropriate amount of salt, half a spoon of cooking wine, pepper 2g

New Year’s Eve, 16 banquet dishes, fast to the table, complete meat and vegetable soup, no matter what guests are not afraid - DayDayNews

zz Scratch it from the back and use a toothpick to pick it out. It’s easy to use a faucet to flush with fine water. Prepare the ingredients: knotted green onion, one star anise, bay leaves, pepper, cinnamon

3. All ready. Put the ingredients into a pot filled with water, a slightly larger pot, put in an appropriate amount of salt

4. One tablespoon of cooking wine, cook until the salt melts. At this time, we take out a slightly larger bowl and scoop it out. After the bowl is slightly cold, put it in the refrigerator and freeze it. The shrimp tastes more flavorful. If you find it troublesome, you don’t need to do this, but if you try it once, you will know that it will be different. Use chopsticks to stir for the first round of boiling and immediately turn off the heat. After the shrimp is fished out, put it into the bowl of frozen soup that was scooped out in advance, and cover it with the ice cubes prepared in advance. Only the shrimps with ice cubes will be firm. Sexual, and more tender. . .

6. Put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate for about ten minutes. Z3z

7. Sauce in a small bowl: a little ginger, steamed fish soy sauce, sesame oil, a little vinegar, and a moderate amount of chili oil

11. Braised tofu skin meat rolls

Ingredients: 2 large sheets of tofu skin, 500g minced pork, a little green onion, ginger and garlic, appropriate cooking wine, appropriate light soy sauce, appropriate pepper, braised sauce (2 scoops of oyster sauce / 1 scoop of light soy sauce / 1 scoop of cornstarch, half a bowl of water / ginger and garlic A little at the end);

New Year’s Eve, 16 banquet dishes, fast to the table, complete meat and vegetable soup, no matter what guests are not afraid - DayDayNews


1. Mince a little green onion, ginger, garlic and put it in the minced pork. Add appropriate amount of cooking wine, light soy sauce and pepper, and whisk in one direction.

2. Use clean kitchen scissors to divide the tofu skin into equal-sized squares.

3. In a bowl, add oyster sauce, light soy sauce, corn starch, half a bowl of water, and a little minced ginger and garlic and mix into a braised sauce.

4. The tofu skin is blanched in hot water to soften it. Take an appropriate amount of meat filling and place it in the center of the tofu skin and make it into strips. Fold up one corner of the tofu skin first, and fold the two horizontal corners in half. Spread some dry starch on the seal, stick the seal, and place the seal on the bottom.

5. Heat a little oil in a pan, add the tofu skin meat rolls, and fry on low heat until golden on both sides. Pour in the prepared braised sauce, cover the pot and cook for about 2-3 minutes, leaving some soup for more delicious flavor. Put the boiled tofu skin and meat rolls on a plate, drizzle with broth and sprinkle with chopped green onion.

12. Eight-treasure rice (completely round)

Ingredients: 150 grams of white glutinous rice, 100 grams of blood glutinous rice, 150 grams of red bean paste, appropriate amount of lard, appropriate amount of walnuts, appropriate amount of red dates

New Year’s Eve, 16 banquet dishes, fast to the table, complete meat and vegetable soup, no matter what guests are not afraid - DayDayNews






zzzzz1 Cooked,

2. Spread a bowl with lard, put red dates and walnuts, spread glutinous rice and press tightly, put red bean paste, and then cover with glutinous rice to flatten, and finally take off the bowl to

13. Boiled pork

Ingredients: 400g pork tenderloin, 1000ml water, 3 baby cabbage, 2 tablespoons of Pixian watercress, 1 egg white, appropriate amount of Chinese pepper, appropriate amount of pepper, appropriate amount of cornstarch, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of cooking wine, appropriate amount of garlic, 3 slices of ginger , Appropriate amount of garlic sprouts, appropriate amount of green onion, appropriate amount of oil, appropriate amount of soy sauce;

New Year’s Eve, 16 banquet dishes, fast to the table, complete meat and vegetable soup, no matter what guests are not afraid - DayDayNews

Method steps:

1. Tenderloin slices, add cornstarch, salt, cooking wine, soy sauce and stir evenly

2. Pour in an egg white, and after the egg is opened, the two eggs will be separated from the shell. , You can also use an egg separator to mix well. I am used to using my hands. If you don’t like it, you can use chopsticks

3. The baby cabbage can be removed, cut in half and set aside, boil it to half-cooked, and spread to the bottom of the bowl for use

4. Heat oil in a pan, add chopped green onion, ginger slices, pepper, chili, sauté until fragrant, add Pixian watercress, mix well and fry until fragrant, add 1000ML of water to boil, add the marinated meat slices, if there are clumps, use chopsticks Stir up. Boil for 3-5 minutes after the water is boiled.

5. Pour the meat slices and soup with meat into the bowl where the baby cabbage is spread. Be sure to choose the size of the bowl. If it can’t fit or is not full, it will not be good.

6. Soup After boiling until tumbling, pour in the marinated fish fillets and cook for about 2 minutes. Pour all the cooked fish fillets into a bowl with fish head and bones.

7. Wash the pot again, add appropriate amount of oil and dried chili, and fry slowly until fragrant. Pour on the fish fillets, sprinkle with chopped green onion, continue to heat the oil in the pot, and evenly pour it on the fish after the blue smoke Just on-chip.

14. Shanghai Braised Pork

Ingredients: first cut 1 pork belly 500g, 1 thin louver, appropriate amount of oil, appropriate amount of soy sauce, appropriate amount of ginger, appropriate amount of star anise, appropriate amount of spring onion, appropriate amount of rock sugar, appropriate amount of old soy sauce 0z


z10 The wide strips are knotted again, the louver knots are washed with warm water and then squeezed out the water. The pork belly is cut into pieces and washed with warm water

2. Add the bottom oil to the hot pan, add the pork belly, fry the meat on both sides until the color changes and then pour out the excess oil. Add star anise and ginger slices until fragrant, pour in cooking wine, add 2 to 1 light soy sauce and dark soy sauce, add boiling water, pour in louver knots and rock sugar, add shallot knots and cover, boil over high heat and cook for one hour , Then first pick up the knots, then turn the heat to collect the juice and turn off the heat

15. Cold cucumber

Ingredients: cucumber 1 root, 3 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 gram of salt, 1 gram of sugar, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 dried chilies Root, garlic, ginger, sesame oil, edible oil,

New Year’s Eve, 16 banquet dishes, fast to the table, complete meat and vegetable soup, no matter what guests are not afraid - DayDayNews


1. Wash the cucumber and scrape it into slices with a scraper. Roll it up and place it on a plate.

2. Mince garlic and ginger, wash and cut dried chili into small pieces. Mix the juice. Add light soy sauce, salt, sugar, sesame oil, and vinegar to the bowl to make a juice.

3. Place the minced garlic, minced ginger, and dried chili on the cucumber

4. Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot, heat it up, and sprinkle on it with a spoon. At this time, it is sounding.

16. Blueberry yam

Ingredients: yam 400g, blueberry sauce 100g, cool boiled right amount, 2 tablespoons of condensed milk, 80g milk

New Year’s Eve, 16 banquet dishes, fast to the table, complete meat and vegetable soup, no matter what guests are not afraid - DayDayNews

z0, add the appropriate amount of water to the pan. Into the steamer. Steam on high heat for about 30 minutes, until the yam is soft (you can prick it with chopsticks, you can use chopsticks to poke through to turn off the heat).

2. Take out the steamed yam and let cool and peel off the skin. Put the peeled yam into a fresh-keeping bag and use a rolling pin to roll it into a fine mud. Put 2 tablespoons of condensed milk in a small pot. Stir well with a spoon. Add 80 grams of milk. Stir thoroughly with a spoon.

3. Take 4 tablespoons of blueberry sauce and put it in a small bowl. Add some cool whiteStir evenly.

4. Put the piping mouth into the piping bag, and add the mixed yam mud. Use the flower spout to squeeze the shape and pour the prepared blueberry sauce onto the squeezed yam puree, and you can start.

​​and the above is all the content for today, if you like it, you can try it when you are free! If you want to know more home cooking recipes, good food ingredients, dry food sharing, please pay attention to Crisp Sugar, update it for you every day~!

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