Pre-made dishes, which have attracted much attention, have also caused a lot of controversy. Title picture: Photo Network Writer: Liang Pan A few days ago, the Prepared Dishes Channel wrote an article titled "The battle for the capital of prepared dishes has begun, who will be th

2024/06/3011:17:32 food 1501


Pre-made dishes that have attracted much attention have also caused a lot of controversy.

Pre-made dishes, which have attracted much attention, have also caused a lot of controversy. Title picture: Photo Network Writer: Liang Pan A few days ago, the Prepared Dishes Channel wrote an article titled

Title picture: Photo Network

Written by: Liang Pan

A few days ago, the prepared dish channel wrote an article titled "The battle for the capital of prepared dishes has begun, who will be the final winner". After the article was published, it attracted hundreds of readers to leave comments, and the comment area was even more noisy.

In fact, in the past two years, with the popularity of prepared dishes, the controversy about prepared dishes has not stopped. Some people are optimistic, and some are negative. Some people have become loyal fans of prepared meals, while others sneer at the mention of prepared meals.

Pre-made dishes can attract people, why are they so attractive? What concerns do consumers have when it comes to prepared dishes?

We try to get a glimpse of the truth from the comments of many consumers.


Save time, effort, and reduce burdens.

Prepared dishes solve cooking problems.

" Carrots Everyone has their own preferences for vegetables. People's consumption habits can be cultivated, so don't underestimate the prepared dishes. Prepared dishes can not only be cooked Takeout can also be a lazy economy. "

- Netizen Hello Mr. Li 777

"I really love pre-made dishes. I have the illusion that I am a master of cooking, and cooking is not that difficult, and the same is true for pre-made dishes. A way out for the catering industry.”

——Netizen Naozizi

“Time will change a lot of things. People who like to buy luxury goods will also visit Taobao, Jingdong , and even people who like to eat in restaurants will also choose pre-made products. Pre-prepared dishes can reduce too much waste, are environmentally friendly, hygienic and economical, and the country will also issue policies to promote the development of this type of enterprise. "

- Netizen Lu Yao Lu Tu

"It takes a long time to cook, so where are the young people. time. You can’t spend all your free time at night preparing for tomorrow’s meals. So it’s good to promote pre-made dishes and simple meals.”

——Netizen yishengzaishi

Pre-made dishes, which have attracted much attention, have also caused a lot of controversy. Title picture: Photo Network Writer: Liang Pan A few days ago, the Prepared Dishes Channel wrote an article titled

△Photo source: Photo Network

“China. The land is vast, the resources are abundant, the population is large, and the pace of life is accelerating, and there is an international market to explore. I am very optimistic about the development prospects of prepared dishes. "

- Netizen's favorite

"I have been locked at home for several months and cook at home every day. , I have too much say in the matter of pre-made dishes. In fact, the cost of cooking by yourself is very high. Not to mention the abnormal vegetable prices during the epidemic, the cost of going from the vegetable market to dining table is also far away. Beyond personal imagination, this does not include time cost and labor cost. Cooking a meal is a mood, and cooking it every day is a burden. Pre-made dishes are definitely the future direction. "

- netizen guan_15823396911355

"Pre-made dishes are definitely the direction. When cooking at home, buy a few pre-prepared dishes, which are simple, clean and save time. You don’t want the pre-prepared dishes to taste as good as the ones made by the chef, just better than what you usually make. Nowadays, fewer and fewer young people go to the kitchen. Prepared dishes solve a big problem. More importantly, food waste in the city will be reduced a lot. "

- Netizen Tomato Daddy

" Actually, I don't know why people react so much when it comes to pre-made dishes. Anyone who has done catering knows that prepared dishes are actually very common in the catering industry. For example, the most common dishes in Guangdong include plain-cut chicken, roasted meat, braised meat, etc., all of which are prepared in advance. "

- Netizen Yinzhu Qiuguang

" Dishes such as pork tripe chicken, beef bones, and fried lamb chops can be cooked well only by a few locals. It is difficult for outsiders to make them by themselves, and it is not easy to make them delicious. thing. We had a hard time getting the flavor right with the sauce alone. As the economy develops and the pace of life becomes faster, pre-prepared dishes, a product that is convenient for home use and rich in taste, saves a lot of cooking time and economic costs. I think pre-prepared dishes are very good."

- Netizen lacquer carving Wuye


lacks fresh taste and sense of ceremony,

Some consumers do not pay for pre-made dishes

"Dishes that have been frozen for a long time, no matter how well seasoned they are, will not taste right at all. Don’t look down on pre-prepared dishes and try to eat fresh ones. "

- Netizen 2049 Wanbang Laichao

" When doing catering, deviating from the principle of fresh ingredients is acting like a hooligan. Full of additives..."

- Netizen Augusta 591

"I bought two batches of pre-made dishes, one from Guangdong and one from Northeast China. They have everything in terms of taste. The only problem is that the portion is not enough. There are too many vegetables in one package. 120g, the smallest is only 75g. It mainly relies on oil and salt for energy. It is absolutely not suitable to eat it for a long time. "

- Netizen guan_15776048772846

"People who really cook carefully will not use pre-made dishes, because the vegetables will deteriorate and taste bad if they are cut for a long time. "

- Netizen waited lonely zbh

"If it can be pre-made, I can pre-make it in the refrigerator myself. If it cannot be pre-made, I have to pay attention to freshness and can only buy it in the market! No solution! "

——Netizen Yue Jiedushi

Pre-made dishes, which have attracted much attention, have also caused a lot of controversy. Title picture: Photo Network Writer: Liang Pan A few days ago, the Prepared Dishes Channel wrote an article titled

△Picture source: Photo Network

"The biggest obstacles to prepared dishes are freshness and hygienic conditions. How many people who can buy pre-prepared dishes to cook at home would care about spending more time putting them away? "

- Netizen zbszcc

"The smell of fireworks in the world has been eliminated step by step by industrialization. Now when you go to restaurants, many dishes and snacks have been unified and have no unique characteristics. "

- netizen optimist tit QW

" There is a lack of supervision in terms of quality. "

——Netizens have a smooth future

" If the prepared dishes win, the food culture will lose. "

- Netizen Magic Mango

" Hygiene issues are the biggest risk point. If hygiene issues are not managed well, it will be difficult for the industry to grow. "

- Netizen Lu Bu of Red Rabbit Horse and Diao Chan

"Vegetables in this sealed state will never be as fresh as the vegetables bought at the vegetable market that day, and there will definitely be many food problems in the future. "

- Netizen Hedgehog emmmmm


Some people are optimistic, and some are pessimistic.

The prepared dish industry still has a long way to go.

The prepared dish channel noticed that there are still big differences in the market in terms of the development prospects of prepared dishes. Among them, there are already optimistic ones. , there are also naysayers. But this is actually a necessary stage for the development of any new thing.

People who are optimistic about pre-made dishes will think that:

Pre-made dishes save time and cost, and allow people who are not good at cooking to experience it. The feeling of "being a chef" breaks the limitations of "you can't make it if you want to eat it" and "it's too expensive to eat out"

Pre-made dishes are also easy to store and a good choice for stocking up. They provide life convenience during special periods such as the epidemic. A lot of convenience;

In addition, various complex dishes can be reproduced through pre-made dishes, and pre-made dishes also allow more consumers to eat delicious food from other places.

People who dislike pre-made dishes also have objective concerns. For example, there are hidden concerns about food safety. Currently, prepared dishes lack relevant national standards and strict quality supervision in production and processing. At the same time, due to the indispensable use of additives and preservatives in the production process, it is difficult for consumers to eat with confidence

. Another example: the taste is not good. There is still room for improvement in the taste of pre-prepared dishes. At the same time, some consumers are resistant to the uniform taste of industrial mass production.

Generally speaking, pre-prepared dishes are still in the growth stage, and consumers are not interested in pre-made dishes. There is room for further improvement in the awareness and acceptance of dishes in the future.In the future, if prepared dishes want to open up the C-end market and win the recognition of more consumers, they may need to put more effort into dish research and development, and food safety issues cannot be ignored.

After all, the industry can usher in better development only when products become standardized.

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