No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my fun and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously!

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No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and think of some solutions. Yes, food is my fun and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously!


When it comes to rice noodles, Jiangxi people have a strong say. As the birthplace of rice noodles, they "have rice noodles in counties and villages, and the taste is different in every village." The same kind of rice noodles can be transformed into various forms in the hands of Jiangxi people. Food, such as stir-fried noodles , mixed noodles , instant noodles, beef offal powder, pig blood powder, etc. Sometimes I will also eat some rice noodles from other places, such as Yunnan's Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodles, Guilin Rice Noodles , Liuzhou Fusilli powder, etc.

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my fun and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! - DayDayNews

What impressed me the most was Liuzhou Snail Rice Noodles. It is very famous and most people must have eaten it. However, I found a problem. Although the taste of Snail Rice Noodles from different manufacturers is slightly different, it affects the taste the most. The main factor is the cooking method. It seems to be ready to eat. You can tear it open and cook it, and you can eat it after cooking. However, the taste of snail noodles cooked by different people and the same brand will be very different. This is because the cooking method is wrong.

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my fun and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! - DayDayNews

Jiangxi people who love "suo noodle" will teach you how to cook a bowl of snail noodle. You need to keep in mind 3 key points, don't be careless. If we want to cook a bowl of snail noodles, the first thing we need to do is to cook the rice noodles. As the main ingredient, rice noodles will be directly related to the final taste. So what are the three key points to keep in mind when cooking snail noodles?

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my fun and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! - DayDayNews

First, the amount of water needed to add water twice

Many people will find that barreled instant noodles are more delicious than bagged instant noodles, that is, they have a clear water level, so when everyone soaks them, the taste is basically the same. When cooking snail noodles, add water twice. The amount of water is the amount of the entire soup. If you add too much, the taste will be bland. If you add too little, the salt content will increase, which will affect the taste. Therefore, the amount of water added for the second time should be controlled. Generally, 100 grams of dry rice noodles is mixed with about 440ml, which is less than the amount of a bottle of mineral water.

Secondly, the order of placing the seasoning packets cannot be wrong

This will also affect the taste. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of ingredients that must be put in last, one is peanut buns, and the other is yuba. In addition, vinegar There is also chili oil, which should be added last. This can be adjusted according to personal taste. The yuba and peanuts are both cooked and only need to be soaked. Vinegar and chili oil do not need to be cooked for a long time, because Vinegar can evaporate and the sour taste will be much worse.

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my fun and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! - DayDayNews

Third, control the cooking time of rice noodles.

Cooking rice noodles for too long will affect its taste. When you cook it again, it will be easily broken and lack that chewy taste. According to me, I often Judging from the cooking time, the best time to cook the rice noodles is about 8 to 10 minutes. This time will make the rice noodles soft and smooth with a little bit of chewiness, giving it the best taste.

How to cook a packet of snail noodles?

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my fun and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! - DayDayNews. Take out the bag of snail noodles, separate the seasoning packets, and then start cooking.

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my fun and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! - DayDayNews

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my fun and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! - DayDayNews. Pour a pot of water into the pot, add the dry rice noodle packets we prepared, cook for about 8 to 10 minutes, take it out and drain the water.

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my fun and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! - DayDayNews

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my fun and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! - DayDayNews. Add 440ML of water again, add the oil packets, pickled bamboo shoots and side vegetable packets, then add the cooked snail noodles into the pot.

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my fun and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! - DayDayNews

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my fun and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! - DayDayNews. Prepare a large bowl, pour the cooked snail noodles into the peanuts and yuba, then add chili and balsamic vinegar according to your personal taste, and mix it when eating.

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my fun and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! - DayDayNews

[This article was originally created by "Xiaotan Shike", and the pictures were all taken by me. No deletion or misappropriation is allowed without permission. Infringement will be investigated]

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