Guangdong is full of modernity and vitality, but also retains a strong traditional flavor. Gentleness, tolerance, freedom and equality are the famous brands of Guangdong. "If you eat three hundred lychees a day, you might as well grow up to be a Lingnan native." Su Shi expressed

2024/05/2721:29:33 food 1327

Guangdong is full of modernity and vitality, but also retains a strong traditional flavor. Gentleness, tolerance, freedom and equality are the famous brands of Guangdong. "If you eat three hundred lychees a day, you might as well grow up to be a Lingnan native." Su Shi expressed his love for the scenery of Lingnan in this Huizhou poem.

Cantonese cuisine belongs to the four major cuisines and one of the eight major cuisines . It also has local characteristics and is a real good dish. Come and see how many have you tried?

1, Steamed Spare Ribs with Black Bean Sauce

Guangdong is full of modernity and vitality, but also retains a strong traditional flavor. Gentleness, tolerance, freedom and equality are the famous brands of Guangdong.

Steamed Spare Ribs with Black Bean Sauce is a very famous Cantonese dish. The raw materials used in include pork ribs, ginger, onions, garlic, green onions, Yangjiang Black Bean Sauce.

The key to this dish is the preparation of black bean sauce. First stir-fry the onion, ginger and garlic until fragrant, add black bean , add salt, chicken powder, pepper powder, light soy sauce, oil and other seasonings, then pour in the black soy sauce. Marinate the pork ribs.

After the water is boiled, put it into the pot and steam for 20 minutes. After steaming, sprinkle with chopped green onion. This steamed pork ribs with black bean sauce is simple and quick to make. The meat is delicious and the aroma of black bean and garlic is strong. It’s really hard not to love it!

2, Braised Duck with Ginger

Guangdong is full of modernity and vitality, but also retains a strong traditional flavor. Gentleness, tolerance, freedom and equality are the famous brands of Guangdong.

Speaking of Braised Duck with Ginger, every Cantonese must be familiar with it. The raw materials used in this dish include a native duck , pork belly, green onions, purple ginger, spicy millet, etc. First, cut the native duck into small pieces, blanch it in a pot, and then add spices to the pork belly and stir-fry. Add duck meat for seasoning and stir-fry the seasoning evenly over high heat.

Add a bottle of beer, simmer over low heat, reduce the juice over high heat, add spicy millet when the soup dries up, and the braised duck with ginger is ready. The Braised Duck with Ginger is fragrant and the meat is tender and flavourful. It really makes your mouth water.

3, Shajiang Pork Knuckle

Guangdong is full of modernity and vitality, but also retains a strong traditional flavor. Gentleness, tolerance, freedom and equality are the famous brands of Guangdong.

Shajiang Pork Knuckle is a very delicious Cantonese dish. The main raw materials are Shajiang and pig's trotters. When making it, first process the pig's trotters, then add Shajiang and other seasonings and cook it. The color is good and the taste is very delicious! I think everyone who loves eating pork knuckles will not refuse it!

The tendons on the outside of the pig's trotters are soft and tough, and the taste is extremely refreshing. The sand ginger is warm and degreasing, with a unique fragrance and delicious taste. Are you excited when you see such pig hands?

4, Pigeon Swallowed Wings

Guangdong is full of modernity and vitality, but also retains a strong traditional flavor. Gentleness, tolerance, freedom and equality are the famous brands of Guangdong.

Pigeon Swallowed Wings is a traditional famous dish in Chaoshan, Guangdong. It belongs to Cantonese cuisine and has high nutritional value and is very popular among people. When makes pigeon swallowing wings, it uses squabs that are about four weeks old.

When making this dish, you need a certain amount of patience. The resulting soup is clear and translucent and rich in nutrients.

5, Boneless Kung Fu Pig

Guangdong is full of modernity and vitality, but also retains a strong traditional flavor. Gentleness, tolerance, freedom and equality are the famous brands of Guangdong.

Boneless Kung Fu Pig is a famous dish in Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province. It requires suckling pigs weighing no more than three kilograms. Boneless Kung Fu Pig tastes crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, fragrant on the outside and smooth on the inside, with a good taste. The finished product is golden in color, the skin is crispy but not dry, the meat is fresh and tender but not greasy, and the taste is fragrant.

Take a bite of boneless kung fu pork and you will definitely feel happy instantly!

6, Steamed eel with black bean sauce

Guangdong is full of modernity and vitality, but also retains a strong traditional flavor. Gentleness, tolerance, freedom and equality are the famous brands of Guangdong.

Steamed eel with black bean sauce is a kind of Cantonese cuisine. This dish is made of eel and black bean sauce. It is extremely delicious and nutritious. The raw materials used include fresh eel, black bean sauce, columnar sauce, garlic, ginger, minced green pepper, chopped green onion, tangerine peel, soy sauce, pepper, etc.

Steamed panlong eel with black bean sauce has a great effect on physical weakness, insufficient Qi and blood, and malnutrition.

7, Sour Plum Duck

Guangdong is full of modernity and vitality, but also retains a strong traditional flavor. Gentleness, tolerance, freedom and equality are the famous brands of Guangdong.

Sour Plum Duck is a traditional famous dish in Guangzhou. It belongs to Cantonese cuisine and is a famous specialty dish in Conghua, Guangzhou. The raw materials used in this dish include duck meat, salted and sour plums, ginger, bay leaves, star anise, shallots , oil, soy sauce, sugar, etc. The sour plum duck made by is sour, sweet, tender and delicious, and not greasy at all.

Sour plum duck tastes sour and sweet, and is loved by the elderly and children.

8, Claypot rice

Guangdong is full of modernity and vitality, but also retains a strong traditional flavor. Gentleness, tolerance, freedom and equality are the famous brands of Guangdong.

Claypot rice Claypot rice is a traditional specialty in Guangdong.Claypot rice is a home-like existence for every Cantonese person. Claypot rice is not only simple to make, but also very convenient. When you don’t know what to eat, a bowl of claypot rice is the best choice. There are many types of claypot rice, each with its own unique characteristics.

Claypot rice is so delicious that you won’t want to leave after eating it. It must be the favorite of every Cantonese person!

The above are the eight famous Cantonese dishes I introduced to you. How many have you tried? A like and a comment are all support and encouragement for me. Thank you everyone for your support!

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