Ice cream is familiar to everyone, especially when the hot summer comes, it has become one of everyone's favorite foods. Regarding the memory of ice cream, my most profound memory is a kind of old red popsicle and a kind of pure cream ice cream wrapped in paper when I was a child

2024/05/2508:47:32 food 1228

Ice cream is familiar to everyone, especially when the hot summer comes, it has become one of everyone's favorite foods. Regarding the memory of ice cream, my most profound memory is a kind of old red popsicle and a kind of pure cream ice cream wrapped in paper when I was a child. Although the most expensive ones I ate later were sundae and Haagen-Dazs , my most profound memory is the classic ice cream like the Torch I ate when I was a kid. At that time, anyone who could eat an ice cream cone during recess was very enviable in the class.

Ice cream is familiar to everyone, especially when the hot summer comes, it has become one of everyone's favorite foods. Regarding the memory of ice cream, my most profound memory is a kind of old red popsicle and a kind of pure cream ice cream wrapped in paper when I was a child - DayDayNews

Some people say that ice cream/ice cream and popsicles are not the same thing. Some people say that the boxed ones are ice cream, and the ones with sticks are ice cream; some people say that the soft ones are ice cream, and the hard ones are ice cream. But there is no need for us to dwell on this issue for the time being. In the United States, there are sundaes and golden chocolate ice cream, and in Europe there are various creamy chocolate ice creams, but I only focus on Chinese ice cream. Chinese ice cream has creamy ice cream that has a lingering milky aroma, and there are also old popsicles that give you a whole body of ice cream with one bite. .

I like our Chinese-style ice cream, those beautiful summers engraved in my memory. Double stick ice cream, Tianjie big fruit, big head torch, salt water popsicle , milk brick, Wangwang crushed ice, Wuyang brand cone, small pudding, ice factory ...

Ice cream is familiar to everyone, especially when the hot summer comes, it has become one of everyone's favorite foods. Regarding the memory of ice cream, my most profound memory is a kind of old red popsicle and a kind of pure cream ice cream wrapped in paper when I was a child - DayDayNews

As a post-90s generation, I have been addicted to ice cream in my life. This period of ice cream success coincides with the explosion of Chinese ice cream. From wandering around with a two-cent sugar popsicle in his mouth, to bragging and betting with small puddings as currency in elementary school, to gritting his teeth and asking the girl he likes to eat thirty yuan a ball of Italian ice cream, ice cream has become more and more colorful.

Do you remember the yellow packaging bag of Old Torch and the ice cream that looks like a banana fan? The photo of the packaging bag was still printed on the old freezer, but even after searching the entire city, they were nowhere to be found. Did those strange and distant summers, the chasing and fighting yards, the white sun, and the endless chirping of cicadas, ever exist? None of this would count without those ice creams.

Ice cream is familiar to everyone, especially when the hot summer comes, it has become one of everyone's favorite foods. Regarding the memory of ice cream, my most profound memory is a kind of old red popsicle and a kind of pure cream ice cream wrapped in paper when I was a child - DayDayNews

I remember when I was a kid, there would be people on the back seat of their bicycles dragging two boxes of popsicles outside the school gate in the summer. At that time, if our parents wanted to take us home smoothly, they would have to buy a popsicle. Later, as we grew up, the varieties of ice cream also multiplied. Green Tongue is a magical ice cream from and Luxue that perfectly combines jelly and ice cream. It costs one piece for five pieces. It is hard when you take it out of the refrigerator, but it will soften after being held in your mouth for a while. For junior high school students whose brains and strength are almost fully developed, this is a natural prank weapon. Various delicious ice creams from Wangwang Crushed Ice and Zhongjie Daguo also began to appear in large numbers in the freezers of supermarkets and canteens, setting off a revival of long straight popsicles.

Ice cream is familiar to everyone, especially when the hot summer comes, it has become one of everyone's favorite foods. Regarding the memory of ice cream, my most profound memory is a kind of old red popsicle and a kind of pure cream ice cream wrapped in paper when I was a child - DayDayNews

While foreign ice cream capital is penetrating into the mainland, Greater Guangdong’s national ice cream Wuyang brand is also standing out among the others. As early as the 1960s, Wuyang Brand began to enter the field of cold drinks. Wuyang brand ice cream has become the dominant summer product in South China since its birth. Wuyang brand cones sold for 30.4 cents when they first came out. They sold for 1.5 yuan when we were young, but now they have risen to 3 yuan. While foreign brands are coming one after another, countless different brands of old popsicles have emerged with a nostalgic appearance, which can be called the Renaissance of the ice cream industry. But they all lost to the two major milk brands in Inner Mongolia - Yili and Mengniu . Of course, these two brother companies have also been competing fiercely in the ice cream market, such as Yili Ranch Little Pudding and Mengniu Pudding Ice Cream. But the battle between little puddings and pudding ice cream is not the real beginning of that stage. When Yili launched Ice Factory, Mengniu launched Ice+: When Mengniu launched Green Mood, Yili launched Yili Mood: When Yili and Mengniu couldn’t even name similar products, they were called Xiangxueer Cup and Xiangxue Cup respectively: We Only then did we realize how outrageous the monopoly competition between these two ice cream overlords located in the same city has reached. However, these business competitions have little to do with me. The only thing that matters is that I can eat new varieties of ice cream.In this regard, I can only say that the hawthorn flavored ice factory is quite delicious. It allows me to eat candied haws in the summer!

Ice cream is familiar to everyone, especially when the hot summer comes, it has become one of everyone's favorite foods. Regarding the memory of ice cream, my most profound memory is a kind of old red popsicle and a kind of pure cream ice cream wrapped in paper when I was a child - DayDayNews

Of course, today's young people rarely eat our traditional ice cream. Everyone is beginning to pursue high-end ice cream. They are starting to eat Martier, Baxi and Zhongxue Gao , as well as foreign Meiji ice cream. , Nestle ice cream and Haagen-Dazs. You may think that ice cream originated in Western countries, but this is not the case.

Ice cream is familiar to everyone, especially when the hot summer comes, it has become one of everyone's favorite foods. Regarding the memory of ice cream, my most profound memory is a kind of old red popsicle and a kind of pure cream ice cream wrapped in paper when I was a child - DayDayNews

The popularity of ice cream did begin abroad. In 1904, at the World's Fair in St. Louis, the first American-made ready-to-sell ice cream machine appeared. Some people say that Americans began to eat ice cream at the end of the 19th century. It is said that when Washington took office as the president of the United States in 1789, the United States set up a shop to make ice cream and sell it, which was very popular. The United Kingdom had ice cream earlier than the United States. It was in the early 17th century. It is said that King Charles I of England held a palace banquet and sent people to invite "ice cream experts" from France to make ice cream. It is said that in 1550 AD, the name "ice cream" first appeared on the recipe of a Paris cafe.

Ice cream is familiar to everyone, especially when the hot summer comes, it has become one of everyone's favorite foods. Regarding the memory of ice cream, my most profound memory is a kind of old red popsicle and a kind of pure cream ice cream wrapped in paper when I was a child - DayDayNews

In fact, the first country to have ice cream was China. The "Book of Songs·Bin Feng" written in 2000 said: "The second one is to dig out the ice and charge it, and the third one is to accept the Ling Yin." "Ling Yin" is the room for storing ice. During the Zhou Dynasty, people used ice to offer sacrifices and entertain guests. This is the origin of popsicles. The origin of ice cream is a little later, around the Yuan Dynasty. By the time of Kublai Khan, the founder of the Yuan Dynasty (about 700 years ago), there was a food similar to today's ice cream in the palace, called ice cream. It wasn't until the Italian traveler Marco Polo left China to return home that Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty had someone teach him how to make this treasure. After Marco Polo returned, he passed this production method to the Italian royal family. The Italian royal family kept this method secret for about 300 years. In 1533, after the French king married an Italian, the method of making ice cream became popular. Introduced to France from Italy. Ice cream advertisements appeared on the streets of New York in the United States in 1777. Therefore, almost all foreign ice cream originated from the Yuan Dynasty of China.

Ice cream is familiar to everyone, especially when the hot summer comes, it has become one of everyone's favorite foods. Regarding the memory of ice cream, my most profound memory is a kind of old red popsicle and a kind of pure cream ice cream wrapped in paper when I was a child - DayDayNews

Unfortunately, the traditional ice cream craftsmanship left by our ancestors has almost no additives, and today's ice cream production adds various additives in order to pursue tricks. Especially recently, a netizen revealed that she placed a sea salt-flavored Zhong Xuegao ice cream at room temperature of 31°C. After half an hour, the ice layer on the surface of the ice cream melted and became creamy. This incident aroused great concern among netizens. The manufacturer said that this is a new type of jelly sorbet, and it is normal for it not to melt completely. Experts pointed out that this may be caused by excessive addition of thickener . Investigations by relevant departments found that the amount of food additives in ice cream is related to the price of ice cream. A box of ice cream priced at 3 or 4 yuan usually has more than 10 kinds of food additives; a box of ice cream priced at 20 to 30 yuan mostly has five or six kinds of additives; and a box of Baxi ice cream priced at 27 yuan has only 5 additives.

Ice cream is familiar to everyone, especially when the hot summer comes, it has become one of everyone's favorite foods. Regarding the memory of ice cream, my most profound memory is a kind of old red popsicle and a kind of pure cream ice cream wrapped in paper when I was a child - DayDayNews

In addition to the additives, what I want to express most is the price issue. Ice cream was originally a summer necessity that everyone could afford, but now its value is getting higher and higher. Not to mention Baxi and Zhongxue, even Yili and Mengniu ice cream have doubled in price, which makes the editor really stingy! But my preference for ice cream makes me have to splurge. After all, those beautiful summer memories must be savored slowly while eating ice cream.

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