White-cut chicken White-cut chicken, also called white-cut chicken, is a Chinese specialty dish and a classic Cantonese dish that later became common in southern cuisine. It started in folk hotels in the Qing Dynasty. It is called "white-chopped chicken" because the chicken is bo

2024/05/2415:16:33 food 1773

White-cut chicken

White-cut chicken, also called white-cut chicken, is a Chinese specialty dish and a classic Cantonese dish that later became common in southern cuisine. It started in folk hotels in the Qing Dynasty. It is called "white-chopped chicken" because the chicken is boiled without seasoning and then chopped when eaten. The white-chopped chicken has a beautiful shape, yellow skin and white meat, is tender and delicious, and tastes extremely delicious. It is very delicious. The meat is white and buttery, with the aroma of scallion oil. The scallion segments are decorated with flowers and borders. It is served with ginger, garlic, and soy sauce, which maintains the flavor of the chicken. The food is delicious, authentic and has a unique flavor.

White-cut chicken White-cut chicken, also called white-cut chicken, is a Chinese specialty dish and a classic Cantonese dish that later became common in southern cuisine. It started in folk hotels in the Qing Dynasty. It is called

Roast goose

Roast goose is a special delicacy in Guangdong Province. It belongs to Cantonese cuisine. Roast goose is derived from roast duck. The preferred goose is the black-maned goose. The wings, feet, and internal organs are removed from the whole goose. The goose is blown, coated with five spices, the belly is sewn, scalded in boiling water, super cold water, sugar water, skinned, air-dried, marinated, and finally hung in the oven. Roast it inside or over an open fire, cut it into pieces and put it on a plate, and you can eat it.

Roast goose is golden red in color and delicious. Shenzhen Gongming Roast Goose has become famous at home and abroad as early as the 28th year of the Republic of China due to its excellent color, fragrance and flavor. It is now a special traditional handmade delicacy in Gongmingshang Village, Guangming District. Famous roast goose in Guangdong include "Shenjing Roast Goose" on Changzhou Island, Huangpu District, Guangzhou City, and "Gujing Roast Goose" in Gujing Town, Xinhui District, Jiangmen City.

White-cut chicken White-cut chicken, also called white-cut chicken, is a Chinese specialty dish and a classic Cantonese dish that later became common in southern cuisine. It started in folk hotels in the Qing Dynasty. It is called

Roasted Suckling Pig

Roasted Suckling Pig is the most famous specialty dish in Guangzhou and is one of the main dishes in the "Man-Han Banquet". [As early as the Western Zhou Dynasty, this dish was listed as one of the "Eight Delicacies" and was called "Cannon Pork" at that time. During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Jia Sixie recorded roast suckling pig as an important cooking technology achievement in "Qi Min Yao Shu". He wrote: "The color is the same as amber, but also like real gold. It disappears when you enter it. It is as strong as snow and contains pulp and cream. It is extraordinary and extraordinary." More than 1,400 years ago, the cooking skills of the Chinese Han working people He has such profound attainments, which really amazes the world. Roasted suckling pig has also been one of the sacrifices that Guangdong people have used to worship their ancestors for many years. It is an indispensable part of the festival for every family. After using the suckling pig to sacrifice their ancestors, relatives will gather for dinner.

White-cut chicken White-cut chicken, also called white-cut chicken, is a Chinese specialty dish and a classic Cantonese dish that later became common in southern cuisine. It started in folk hotels in the Qing Dynasty. It is called

Braised pigeon

Braised pigeon is one of the traditional famous dishes in Guangdong Province and belongs to the Cantonese cuisine. The main ingredient is squab, which is characterized by crispy skin, smooth meat, tender bones and juiciness. There has always been a saying among the people that "one pigeon is better than nine chickens". Braised pigeon is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Most people don't even miss the bones when eating braised pigeon, because the pigeon is braised and then deep-fried. Fragrant to the core.

When frying, the oil temperature is very important. If the oil temperature is too high, the above reaction will be accelerated sharply, and the violent reaction will cause the finished product to turn black and produce a bitter taste; if the oil temperature is too low, sufficient chemical reactions will not occur at the appropriate time, and the effect of crispy red skin will not be achieved. Generally, when deep-fried or grilled, the oil temperature should be controlled at 60% hot. Deep-fry in the oil until the color is red and the skin is crispy. Take it out. When frying raw, the oil temperature should be controlled at 40-50% hot. Deep-fry for a long time. When the pigeon meat is mature, increase the oil temperature and fry until the color is red and the skin is crispy. Remove the squab, soybean sprouts, ginger and garlic.

. Clean and chop the squab into small pieces; wash and drain the bean sprouts. Cut green and red peppers, onions, ginger and garlic separately and set aside.

. Heat oil in a pot, sauté ginger slices until fragrant, add squab and stir-fry.

. Add garlic cloves and onions and stir-fry.

. Add cooking wine and stir well.

. Add salt and dark soy sauce, stir well.

. Add appropriate amount of cold water along the edge of the pot, bring to a boil over high heat, and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.

. When the soup becomes less, add soybean sprouts.

. Add green and red peppers and stir-fry until raw; sprinkle in pepper and adjust the taste.

White-cut chicken White-cut chicken, also called white-cut chicken, is a Chinese specialty dish and a classic Cantonese dish that later became common in southern cuisine. It started in folk hotels in the Qing Dynasty. It is called

Honey barbecued pork

Honey barbecued pork is one of the top ten classic dishes in Hong Kong and one of the traditional famous dishes in Guangdong Province. It belongs to Cantonese cuisine. " barbecued pork " is developed from "barbecued pork". It is mainly made from pork (lean), barbecued pork sauce, oyster sauce, garlic, light soy sauce, cooking wine, honey, sugar, and peanut oil. Since a pig only has two tenderloins, people came up with a method of roasting them. Over time, the name of roasted pork was replaced by barbecued pork. It has the effects of nourishing the kidneys and blood, nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness, increasing memory and strengthening the brain.Honey BBQ pork is one of the "Chinese dishes" released on September 10, 2018.

White-cut chicken White-cut chicken, also called white-cut chicken, is a Chinese specialty dish and a classic Cantonese dish that later became common in southern cuisine. It started in folk hotels in the Qing Dynasty. It is called

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