When it comes to the hottest time of the year, it has to be July and August, because in these two months, the most sultry dog ​​days will usher in. This year’s Dog Days will begin on July 16 and last for 40 days. After entering the ambush, the temperature will get higher and high

2024/05/2117:14:32 food 1609

When it comes to the hottest time of the year, it has to be July and August, because in these two months, the most sultry dog ​​days will usher in. This year's Dog Days will start on July 16 and last for 40 days. After entering the ambush, the temperature will get higher and higher, and the air humidity will also increase. The hot and humid unbearable weather will inevitably affect people's condition.

When it comes to the hottest time of the year, it has to be July and August, because in these two months, the most sultry dog ​​days will usher in. This year’s Dog Days will begin on July 16 and last for 40 days. After entering the ambush, the temperature will get higher and high - DayDayNews

I remember that every year when the dog days of summer were approaching, my mother would cook some soups and water at home to relieve us from the heat. She often whispered in my ears that young people should not always drink cold drinks and ice water to quench their thirst. This is not good for the body. They should drink more summer-relieving soups made from natural foods. Among the soups she often makes, she includes the " five-bean soup " that she is about to share with you.

The reason why it is called "Five Bean Soup" is because when making this soup, five kinds of beans are needed, including mung beans, black beans , adzuki beans , soybeans, white lentils . Five bean soup is very suitable for consumption in the dog days of summer. It is not only delicious, but also can reduce heat and relieve heat, making people feel that the hot weather is not so difficult.

When it comes to the hottest time of the year, it has to be July and August, because in these two months, the most sultry dog ​​days will usher in. This year’s Dog Days will begin on July 16 and last for 40 days. After entering the ambush, the temperature will get higher and high - DayDayNews

"If you eat the five bean soup during the Futian period, you will have no worries during the Futian period." After the Futian period in July, these five kinds of beans are a perfect match. Drink a bowl of them every day and you will be energetic during the Futian period. Now, I will share with you how to make five bean soup that I learned from my mother. It is perfect for eating in the dog days of summer.

Five bean soup

Ingredients preparation: 1 small handful of mung beans, 1 small handful of black beans, 1 small handful of adzuki beans ( red beans can also be used), 1 small handful of soybeans, 1 small handful of white lentils, appropriate amount of rock sugar

1. Combine these 5 kinds of beans Clean it and soak it in water for 2 hours in advance. You can also refrigerate it in the refrigerator one night in advance and soak it overnight. You can take it out of the refrigerator and cook it the next day;

When it comes to the hottest time of the year, it has to be July and August, because in these two months, the most sultry dog ​​days will usher in. This year’s Dog Days will begin on July 16 and last for 40 days. After entering the ambush, the temperature will get higher and high - DayDayNews

2. Pour in the 5 kinds of soaked beans. In the pot, add enough water to the pot. If you want to cook soup instead of porridge, you must add more water. After the water boils over high heat, turn to low heat and cook until the beans bloom in the pot;

When it comes to the hottest time of the year, it has to be July and August, because in these two months, the most sultry dog ​​days will usher in. This year’s Dog Days will begin on July 16 and last for 40 days. After entering the ambush, the temperature will get higher and high - DayDayNews

3. Add to the pot. Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar and continue to cook for about 5 minutes until the rock sugar is completely melted, then serve. If you have a pressure cooker at home, you can skip the step of soaking the beans and the cooking time can be shortened accordingly.

When it comes to the hottest time of the year, it has to be July and August, because in these two months, the most sultry dog ​​days will usher in. This year’s Dog Days will begin on July 16 and last for 40 days. After entering the ambush, the temperature will get higher and high - DayDayNews

The reason why many people are too lazy to cook is because they think cooking is a very complicated matter and it tests their cooking skills. In fact, it is not the case. Making soups like "five bean soup" does not require any cooking skills. It can be done in three simple steps. The key is to use the right ingredients and cook them to the right level.

【Lazy Meow's Experience】

After July, the weather is hot. When you go out, you will be sweating profusely and feel hot and thirsty. At this time, you might as well cook a pot of five-bean soup at home in advance, and drink a bowl when you get home. It will reduce the heat and relieve the heat. It will make people feel cool all of a sudden, and the sleepiness caused by the bitter summer will be wiped away. .

When it comes to the hottest time of the year, it has to be July and August, because in these two months, the most sultry dog ​​days will usher in. This year’s Dog Days will begin on July 16 and last for 40 days. After entering the ambush, the temperature will get higher and high - DayDayNews

Although the method is relatively simple and can be easily made by people who have never cooked, there are some things that need to be paid attention to when cooking five bean soup. Before cooking, you must be patient and read the following 3 points. , these are all experiences I have summarized for you from practice:

1. Many people have never been able to distinguish the relationship between adzuki beans and red beans. If you pay more attention to "food supplements", remember to use adzuki beans, which are slender and long, and are easy to distinguish. , you can also judge whether you are buying adzuki beans by looking at the outer packaging label;

2. When cooking these types of beans, if you don’t have a pressure cooker at home, you must remember to soak them in advance to soften them, otherwise, when cooking, you will You will find that it is not rotten after being cooked for a long time and cannot be chewed at all;

3. If you want to eat it as a natural Futian drink, you can put less beans and more water. If you want to eat it as a staple food, then put more beans, but , then it is not five bean soup, but five bean porridge .

Use vernacular to talk about food. I am a lazy cat. Friends who like food, feel free to follow me~

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