Hello, everyone, I am the editor who is keen on sharing food. Friends who are passing by, if you like food as much as me, you can move your little hands and add a follow, so that you will not miss every share! So what the editor wants to share with you today is how to make delici

2024/05/2110:27:34 food 1162

Hello, everyone, I am the editor who is keen on sharing food. Friends passing by, if you like food as much as me, you can move your little hand and add a follow, so that you will not miss every share! So what the editor wants to share with you today is how to make delicious cold noodles. By the way, I will also share two tips for cooking noodles. I guarantee that after reading this article, the noodles you cook will be smooth and chewy. Of course, if you have delicious noodle recipes, you can share them with us in the comment area!

Hello, everyone, I am the editor who is keen on sharing food. Friends who are passing by, if you like food as much as me, you can move your little hands and add a follow, so that you will not miss every share! So what the editor wants to share with you today is how to make delici - DayDayNews

I wonder if you have ever seen when cooking noodles, the cooked noodles are too soft and sticky, have a bad texture and are not delicious? As a pasta star lover, I really can’t stand such noodles, so I deliberately looked for some methods. Now I will share these two important tips with you. Once you learn them, you don’t have to worry about the above problems. Guaranteed The noodles you make are smooth and chewy every time, let’s see how they are made!

Hello, everyone, I am the editor who is keen on sharing food. Friends who are passing by, if you like food as much as me, you can move your little hands and add a follow, so that you will not miss every share! So what the editor wants to share with you today is how to make delici - DayDayNews

[Ingredients preparation]: noodles, cucumber, garlic, small green pepper, millet pepper , shallot, coriander, cooking oil, oyster sauce, edible salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce, sesame oil, balsamic vinegar, sugar, pepper.

Step 1: Cook noodles

First, we need to prepare enough noodles. The editor here chooses to use thicker and rounder noodles. This kind of alkaline noodles is more resistant to cooking, not easy to boil, and has a better texture. You can prepare it according to your own taste and preferences.

The next step is to boil water. We need to boil a large pot of water. When the water temperature reaches about 60 degrees, add a spoonful of edible salt to the pot, then continue to stir to dissolve the salt and then prepare Put all the good noodles into the pot. During the cooking process, you need to use chopsticks to stir the noodles from time to time.

The first little trick comes at this time. When the noodles in the pot start to boil, we add an appropriate amount of cold water to the pot. The purpose of adding cold water is to make the noodles taste smoother and more chewy after they are cooked.

Hello, everyone, I am the editor who is keen on sharing food. Friends who are passing by, if you like food as much as me, you can move your little hands and add a follow, so that you will not miss every share! So what the editor wants to share with you today is how to make delici - DayDayNews

Step 2: Cool the Sprite

Depending on the softness and hardness of the noodles you like to eat, when you feel that they are almost cooked, you can take out the noodles and put them into a large bowl.

Here comes the second tip. After putting the noodles into a large bowl, add Sprite to the bowl to cool the cooked noodles. The noodles after cooling with Sprite will not only have a Sprite fragrance. , the noodles are also distinct, and the texture of the noodles is strong and delicious. Everyone can try this method. It is best to add the amount of Sprite that can cover the noodles.

Hello, everyone, I am the editor who is keen on sharing food. Friends who are passing by, if you like food as much as me, you can move your little hands and add a follow, so that you will not miss every share! So what the editor wants to share with you today is how to make delici - DayDayNews

Step 3: Cut the side dishes

After the noodles are cooked, we can prepare other side dishes. First, clean the cucumber, slice it into slices, and then cut the cucumber slices into shreds. Next, prepare two to three millet peppers and small green peppers, and cut them into pepper rings. The two colors will look good when mixed together. But if you can’t eat spicy food, don’t add millet chili pepper, because it is quite spicy, and you can add chili pepper or not.

Then take out four to five scallions, separate the scallion whites and scallion leaves, and then cut them into small segments. Then take out a few more heads of garlic, cut the garlic into minced garlic, and cut the coriander into sections. Place all other garnishes except the cilantro in a small bowl.

Hello, everyone, I am the editor who is keen on sharing food. Friends who are passing by, if you like food as much as me, you can move your little hands and add a follow, so that you will not miss every share! So what the editor wants to share with you today is how to make delici - DayDayNews

Step 4: Add seasonings

Heat the oil in a pan. After the oil is hot, pour the oil into a small bowl with side dishes, and then add seasonings to the bowl. Add appropriate amounts of salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, balsamic vinegar, sugar, and pepper. You can add the amount of seasonings according to your own taste preferences. After all the seasonings are added, we use a spoon to stir all the seasonings evenly.

Hello, everyone, I am the editor who is keen on sharing food. Friends who are passing by, if you like food as much as me, you can move your little hands and add a follow, so that you will not miss every share! So what the editor wants to share with you today is how to make delici - DayDayNews

Finally, after cooling, pour out the remaining Sprite in the bowl, then spread the cut cucumber shreds on the noodles, put the coriander on the noodles, pour the prepared seasoning on the noodles, and then use chopsticks Stir the seasonings and noodles evenly before eating. In this way, a delicious and refreshing cold noodle is ready. The taste and texture are first-class. It is very delicious. Everyone should make a portion and try it. Don’t forget to Let’s use our little noodle cooking tips.

Hello, everyone, I am the editor who is keen on sharing food. Friends who are passing by, if you like food as much as me, you can move your little hands and add a follow, so that you will not miss every share! So what the editor wants to share with you today is how to make delici - DayDayNews

The above is all the content shared today. Have you learned the method in this article? If the method in this article is helpful to you, you can forward and share this article with your relatives and friends, and share it in your circle of friends, so that people around you can also learn how to cook noodles that are smooth, chewy and delicious. Let the practical life tips be passed on to millions of families! You can also like the editor to encourage me to share more life tips and food recipes with you. You can also express your opinions and views in the comment area, discuss or share with us, and everyone can interact with each other. study! Thank you for reading and sharing, and I wish you a happy life!

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