In summer, you would rather not eat meat than eat more of it. It is high in potassium and low in sodium. Eat it mixed with this, it is refreshing and appetizing! The weather has been extremely hot recently, and I am sweating every time I stay at home. Among my three meals a day,

2024/05/1701:50:32 food 1017

In summer, I would rather not eat meat but eat more of it. It is high in potassium and low in sodium. It is refreshing and appetizing to eat it mixed with it!

In summer, you would rather not eat meat than eat more of it. It is high in potassium and low in sodium. Eat it mixed with this, it is refreshing and appetizing! The weather has been extremely hot recently, and I am sweating every time I stay at home. Among my three meals a day,  - DayDayNews

Recently, the weather has been extremely hot, and I am sweating every time I stay at home. Among my three meals a day, there is obviously no big fish or meat, and instead there are various refreshing and appetizing cold dishes. When making cold dishes, I often use seasonal vegetables. These seasonal vegetables are rich in nutrients, refreshing and delicious, fresh and cheap. The operation is also very simple. Just cook and mix and serve. They are cool and delicious, delicious and not fattening. You don’t have to be busy in the kitchen for a long time, and you can accomplish more with one stone. So what should we use to make cold dishes during this season? In this season, anything can be mixed, but what I make the most is using the most common potatoes.

In summer, you would rather not eat meat than eat more of it. It is high in potassium and low in sodium. Eat it mixed with this, it is refreshing and appetizing! The weather has been extremely hot recently, and I am sweating every time I stay at home. Among my three meals a day,  - DayDayNews

As we all know, the dog days of summer are coming soon. This is the hottest time of the year, and you sweat a lot. Along with the sweat, there are a variety of trace elements, including potassium ions Loss of potassium will make the body feel weak easily, which is why many people tend to lose energy in summer. Therefore, at this time, we need to eat more high-potassium and low-sodium foods to replenish the nutrients lost by the body. Potatoes are a kind of food with high potassium and low sodium. They are rich in potassium. The potassium contained in potatoes can replace the sodium in the body and excrete sodium from the body. It is beneficial to people with high blood pressure and nephritis and edema. Many of us Eating potatoes can prevent constipation, lose weight and improve beauty, lower blood sugar and fat, and also help prevent cardiovascular disease.

In summer, you would rather not eat meat than eat more of it. It is high in potassium and low in sodium. Eat it mixed with this, it is refreshing and appetizing! The weather has been extremely hot recently, and I am sweating every time I stay at home. Among my three meals a day,  - DayDayNews

Potatoes are usually steamed and mashed into small cakes, or cooked with pork and other ingredients. Some people like to have a plate of spicy and sour potato shreds or green pepper potato shreds, which are very appetizing and delicious. Come summer , I like to eat it cold. It is very simple. Just add seasonings and mix it after cooking. It is refreshing and appetizing. I will share the steps with you.

In summer, you would rather not eat meat than eat more of it. It is high in potassium and low in sodium. Eat it mixed with this, it is refreshing and appetizing! The weather has been extremely hot recently, and I am sweating every time I stay at home. Among my three meals a day,  - DayDayNews

Name of dish: [ Cold Shredded Potatoes ]

Main ingredients : 2 potatoes.

seasoning : 2 spoons of cooking oil, a little salt, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 2 spoons of balsamic vinegar, a little sugar, 1 handful of chives.

operation time : about 5 minutes.

Operation steps:

The first step is to wash the potatoes and shred them . Wash two potatoes, peel off the skin with a paring knife, then cut into thin strips, put them in water, wash off the starch, and drain the water.

In summer, you would rather not eat meat than eat more of it. It is high in potassium and low in sodium. Eat it mixed with this, it is refreshing and appetizing! The weather has been extremely hot recently, and I am sweating every time I stay at home. Among my three meals a day,  - DayDayNews

The second step is to blanch the water . Add water to the pot, bring to a boil over high heat. After the water boils, add the washed shredded potatoes , bring to a boil over high heat, blanch the water for 1 minute, take it out, put it into the prepared cold boiled and let it cool. This way the potato shreds will have a crispier texture.

In summer, you would rather not eat meat than eat more of it. It is high in potassium and low in sodium. Eat it mixed with this, it is refreshing and appetizing! The weather has been extremely hot recently, and I am sweating every time I stay at home. Among my three meals a day,  - DayDayNews

The third step is to add the seasoning . Then, take the shredded potatoes out of the cold boil, put them into a large bowl, add a little salt, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, a little sugar, and 1 handful of chives.

In summer, you would rather not eat meat than eat more of it. It is high in potassium and low in sodium. Eat it mixed with this, it is refreshing and appetizing! The weather has been extremely hot recently, and I am sweating every time I stay at home. Among my three meals a day,  - DayDayNews

The fourth step is to use . Then, add 2 tablespoons of cooking oil to the wok. When the oil is hot, pour it on the seasoning to bring out the aroma of the seasoning, and stir evenly.

In summer, you would rather not eat meat than eat more of it. It is high in potassium and low in sodium. Eat it mixed with this, it is refreshing and appetizing! The weather has been extremely hot recently, and I am sweating every time I stay at home. Among my three meals a day,  - DayDayNews

The fifth step is the finished product picture . The cold shredded potatoes made in this way are crispy and tender, sour and appetizing. It tastes refreshing and refreshing. It is much more enjoyable than eating big fish and meat. Friends who like it can try it.

In summer, you would rather not eat meat than eat more of it. It is high in potassium and low in sodium. Eat it mixed with this, it is refreshing and appetizing! The weather has been extremely hot recently, and I am sweating every time I stay at home. Among my three meals a day,  - DayDayNews

------"Warm Tips"------

1, When eating potatoes, remember to peel them and dig out any buds to avoid eating bad things. Cause physical discomfort.

2 Cut shredded potatoes or potato slices cannot be soaked in water for a long time, because soaking for too long will cause the loss of water-soluble vitamins and other nutrients.

3, when buying potatoes, be careful not to buy potatoes that are green in color or sprouted. These potatoes have deteriorated and contain toxins. Eating them will cause poisoning.

How to make the most delicious cold shredded potatoes? Do you have any other good methods to recommend? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area and share it with Aixi. My cooking skills are limited, so please give me your advice.

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