The shape of lychee is very unique, like a full heart. Red and round. Its coat is specially made, with a texture like tortoise shell, one piece next to another until it is connected into a piece, and the texture is rough when touched by hand. Peel off the coat, and the pulp is re

2024/05/1308:03:32 food 1278

The shape of lychee is very unique, like a full heart. Red and round. Its coat is specially made, with a texture like tortoise shell, one piece next to another until it is connected into a piece, and the texture is rough when touched by hand. Peel off the coat, and the pulp is re - DayDayNews

The shape of lychee is very unique, like a full heart.

is red and round.

Its coat is specially made, with a texture like tortoise shell, one piece next to the other until it is connected into a piece, and the texture is rough when touched by hand.

Peel off the coat, and the pulp is ready to come out, crystal clear, and accompanied by the slowly overflowing juice, it is brilliant.

Lychees are ripe and picked fresh. They have a rich fruity aroma, which is refreshing and fresh in the mouth.

It's just that the old man often says: "One lychee brings three fires." If you are greedy and eat too much, you will inevitably get angry, so you need to control it.


Lychee is very angry.

If it is placed in the refrigerator and refrigerated for a few hours, the anger will be reduced a lot.

Chilled lychees are more delicate and firm in the mouth, not as soft and slippery as freshly picked ones, mainly because they can relieve the heat.

But what is more popular than litchi is its popularity.

In history, there are both the wonderful poem "The concubine riding in the world of mortals laughs, no one knows the lychees are coming", and the heroic saying " I eat three hundred lychees every day, and I will continue to be a Lingnan native".

also has many famous works such as " chanting litchi ", "eating litchi" and so on.

As soon as the lychee entered history, its worth seemed to have become higher and more elegant.

Which variety of lychee is delicious? What kind of background? Where is it produced? There are too many to list them all, so I guess I can only choose based on my personal taste. The hometown where


is located is rich in lychees, so much so that one of the areas was directly named after lychees.

dates back to history. The most famous ones are the existing Tang Dynasty Guli and Song Dynasty Guli.

Among them, the ancient Li "Song Jiaxiang" from the Tang Dynasty is the most famous. It has a history of more than 1,200 years and has spread to Europe and the United States and has a high reputation.

has now been listed as a key cultural relic under local protection.

Guli, as the name suggests, has existed since ancient times and has a long history.

It is rare to be old, but it is also prolific and fruitful. It is full of vitality and has many leaves, which makes it even more precious.

Once you taste one, your soul will feel as if you have traveled through thousands of years and are in line with history.


Living in a city of lychees, every season, you are surrounded by a sea of ​​lychees.

Those hanging on trees, sold in supermarkets, hawked in alleys, and sold on the roadside are all crimson, forming a bright scene in the city. You can enjoy them even if you don't eat them.

Of course, the way to eat lychees is also researched and knowledgeable.

" Lychee Spectrum " once wrote: "In midsummer, go into the forest at dawn, pick off the dew, and soak in the cold spring. The shell will be crispy and the meat will be cold, and the color, flavor and flavor will not change."

The ancients believed that lychees The most refreshing way to eat lychees is to pick them at dawn when the dew is still wet and soak them in cold spring water before eating them.

According to legend, the romantic Emperor Qianlong was also a huge fan of lychees.

The history of Nai Ho is precious and rare. It is often tossed and turned over how to eat and distribute it, and it is even recorded in a book by a special person.

Even the pampered concubines in the harem only occasionally get a lychee each, which shows.

Of course, there is the most tangled way to eat it, and there is also the most wealthy way to eat it.

That is the Su Dongpo bachelor who eats three hundred lychees a day.

Compared with the ancients, we are now free to eat lychees, and of course we are more creative in how we eat them.

can be brewed into lychee wine, made into lychee yogurt, made into fruit, , fried shrimps lean meat... There are different ways to eat it, and the taste is unique.


Lychee is not only a product of history, but also has many beautiful stories that people talk about.

Its shell will break with just a pinch.

Its stories and beautiful words cannot be explained and explained in one sentence.


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