Don’t just use water to boil the corn. Add these two things to make the cooked corn soft and sweet.

2019/10/1209:50:14 food 669

When the delicacy is too lazy to make breakfast, he will cook some miscellaneous grains such as sweet potatoes and corn, which is simple, convenient and nutritious. Autumn is also the harvest season of corn and peanuts. Looking at the golden corn kernels, I feel that the sadness of autumn has faded, and all I feel is the affinity of nature. The fragrance of corn is refreshing, and it can also evoke many memories of childhood.

Meal Jun remembers that he always went back to his hometown with his family during summer vacation. The grandparents who were guarding the countryside in the hometown were so happy to see our grandchildren. They couldn't wait to bring out the best of the family. I usually don't want to eat the native eggs that I have saved for selling, but at this time, they boil them as a big pot, as a snack for us grandchildren.

Don’t just use water to boil the corn. Add these two things to make the cooked corn soft and sweet. - DayDayNews

At that time, I was not sensible, so I wanted to eat corn, but the corn in summer has not fully grown, but my grandparents are afraid of sweeping our children’s interest. Still took our group of bear kids to the cornfield. Even though the corn had grown ears of corn at that time, it was also preliminarily shaped, but the corn kernels in it hadn't grown well yet. But grandparents still picked off several of our children, and listening to our joyous laughter, they also felt it was worth it. When I got home, I wanted to cook it with excitement. As soon as I peeled off the corn leaves, I realized that the pitted corn kernels didn't grow well at all. They were tender, but they didn't taste good at all. Now that I grow up, I think of this every time I eat boiled corn.

Don’t just use water to boil the corn. Add these two things to make the cooked corn soft and sweet. - DayDayNews

Now I buy boiled corn outside. You can’t buy it without four or five dollars. Therefore, the gourmets bought fresh corn by themselves and cooked them at home. At the beginning, they couldn’t cook the delicious taste, and I felt that it was not good. Later, I realized that I was cooking the corn in a wrong way. Small tricks, you can't just use water to cook. How can it be cooked to make it soft and sweet? The delicacy is here to teach you.

When buying fresh corn, choose the one with corn leaves, which is fresh enough. Many people will peel the corn leaves clean before cooking. In fact, Gourmand does not recommend this. When we peel, we can leave the innermost corn leaves, about three or four pieces, so as to keep the original corn. The water, tastes more tender and sweet, and can retain the nutrients of corn to a greater extent. In addition to the corn leaves, add a pinch of salt to the water when cooking.

Don’t just use water to boil the corn. Add these two things to make the cooked corn soft and sweet. - DayDayNews

The saltiness and sweetness have a coordinated effect. The little salt added in the boiled corn water can strengthen the sweetness of the corn. After the water is boiled, do not immediately put it out of the pot, continue to boil it in the water for 8-10 minutes, and then you can directly remove it to drain the water. Do not let the boiled corn soak in the water for too long, because it will be soaked for a long time. This will make the sweet and fragrant corn taste weaker, and the taste will become bad.

Don’t just use water to boil the corn. Add these two things to make the cooked corn soft and sweet. - DayDayNews

When boiled corn, corn leaves and salt must be two things. The corn cooked in this way is sweet and soft. Let’s try it. Don't just add water to boiled corn. Add these two more things. The cooked corn is soft and sweet, and the more you eat it, the more enjoyable

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