What is Dirty coffee? How to do it? I heard that Dirty can only be made with ice bok milk?

2021/04/1219:40:19 food 250

   The weather has gradually become hot, and my favorite iced coffee is about to become popular. In addition to the most conventional iced latte iced American style, and the cold brew coffee that has been on fire a few years ago, there is also a novel iced coffee-Dirty coffee, which looks good and delicious, don't you know if you have tried it?

   Dirty coffee, some translated as dirty coffee, or dirty coffee, but there is a creative drink that is transformed from a dirty bag is also called dirty coffee (the coffee cream overflows and the surface is covered with chocolate powder or chocolate chips , Let people start dirty), in order not to confuse, we still call Dirty coffee directly.

What is Dirty coffee? How to do it? I heard that Dirty can only be made with ice bok milk? - DayDayNews

   It is rumored that Dirty coffee originated from a Japanese coffee shop, but the specific shop cannot be verified, and it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity. Therefore, the Dirty coffee practices on the market are different. There are no strict standards. But I think this ice milk coffee is probably really a Japanese creativity. The reason is that I will talk about it later.

   The classic method of Dirty coffee is to slowly flow Double Ristretto into the surface of the frozen milk, while the Espresso slowly penetrates the surface of the milk and the edge of the glass to sink, and the white milk is like stained. In general, that's why the drink of Dirty appeared.

   In the process of enjoying Dirty coffee, you can feel the first sip of hot Espresso, first taste the slight acidity and flavor of the coffee, as you continue to drink, the frozen milk will immediately pour into your mouth. Balance the coffee aftertaste and sweetness and sourness in the tongue. You will instantly feel two sensations in 1-2 seconds:

  ①The exchange of hot and cold sensations

  ②The instant fusion of coffee and milk

img1span strong   span39 How does Dirty do?

   However,If you think that Dirty Coffee is as simple as pouring Espresso into iced milk, you are quite wrong.

   A cup of good Dirty coffee can get the heat of Espresso, the milk freezes, the cold and heat alternate in the mouth, the sour and the sweet bitter and bitter surging on the tongue, the suggestion is:


   1. Milk must be iced enough. Many brands of milk are not iced enough or when the room temperature, the milk has a heavier taint, which will affect the flavor of the whole cup of coffee. The iced milk has a higher viscosity and is easier to create a layering effect. ; _Span2span

   2. Ice should not be added, the ice melts on the surface of the Espresso, the water will dilute the taste and taste of the whole cup of coffee;

   3. You can try to freeze the cup beforehand. And visual enhancement effect.

  Second, appearance and taste

   1. There are two ways to make Dirty:

   the first kind of      the first kind of       the perfect layering , Use a bar spoon on the surface of the ice milk, slowly pour the Espresso through the spoon surface, and pour it on the surface of the milk;

   The second type: prepare an ice cup of ice milk first, and put the milk surface in the cup close to flushing. With the diverter nozzle of the brewing handle, Crema will naturally spread on the surface of the milk when the coffee is extracted. During the production process, you can slowly turn the glass body to make the coffee completely cover the surface of the milk. This method is almost the same as the traditional Japanese iced coffee method-prepare ice cubes first, and let the coffee cool down as soon as it is extracted, so as to maximize the aroma of the coffee.So I would like to believe that Dirty originated in Japan.

What is Dirty coffee? How to do it? I heard that Dirty can only be made with ice bok milk? - DayDayNews

   2. Coffee extraction has also become one of the keys to good Dirty. Try a shorter extraction time or a slight excess of coffee powder to extract thick Crema as much as possible. If the extraction is normal or excessive, the moisture will affect the Dirty stratification;

   3. It is not necessary to use ice bok milk! You don’t have to use ice bok milk! You don’t have to use ice bok milk! Ice Bok milk has a higher density and higher sweetness, which can indeed achieve better layering effect, but milk has a stronger taste and even has a salty taste. It may not match the taste of beans, and may not be better than ordinary milk. It tastes better! Don't fall into the trap of thinking! Don't listen to it!

   4. The amount of milk can be adjusted according to the extraction of Espresso to adjust the overall taste, the general Dirty on the market is 4oz~6oz;

   5. The visual effect of bleaching and dyeing is better.

What is Dirty coffee? How to do it? I heard that Dirty can only be made with ice bok milk? - DayDayNews

   3. How to enjoy Dirty

   1. It is not recommended to provide or use a spoon because it is not recommended to drink _span2ppan. , Because you drink milk first and then coffee, the order is wrong;

   3. If you want to drink the temperature difference and taste level of coffee and milk, you still need to drink Dirty according to the slope when you drink Dirty. But don’t drink too fast~

   When you see this,Are you a little surprised that this simple cup of milk and coffee has so many skills! So, don’t keep urging the barista next time~

   As for how to evaluate "a good cup of Dirty"? It's nothing more than visual beauty, taste, temperature, everything is purely personal!


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