On June 30, the Taxation Bureau of the Wanshan Marine Development Experimental Zone of the State Administration of Taxation took the opportunity of striving to create a civilized post for women in the country and established an "Island Women Tax Service Team" and came to Guishan

text and pictures / Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Zheng Da correspondent Zhu Ruixuan

html On June 30, the Taxation Bureau of the Wanshan Ocean Development Experimental Zone of the State Administration of Taxation took the opportunity to create a national women's civilized post and established the "Island Women's Tax Service Team" ", came to Guishan Island to publicize and provide guidance to island taxpayers on the new combined tax support policy, serve the "industry first" strategy, and help Zhuhai's blue ocean economy develop better and faster.

Tax officers publicize preferential tax policies to the heads of island fishery enterprises

Because it is located in the intersection area of ​​saltwater and freshwater, there are many kinds of fish, shrimps, shells and algae. Coupled with the vast sea area, clear water, gentle wind and gentle waves, Guishan Island has become An ideal destination for ocean tours, fishermen's entertainment and leisure fishing.

According to Li Xuewen, the person in charge of Zhonggui Leisure Fishery Business, the vigorous development of the island leisure tourism industry cannot be separated from the attentive service and support of the tax department. "The tax department often promotes various preferential tax policies to us. This year, the country has introduced a new combined tax support policy. We feel particularly benefited from the tax department's 'door-to-door' publicity and guidance." Li Xuewen said with emotion. said.

In order for the combined tax support policy to benefit taxpayers as soon as possible, the business backbones of the Island Women's Tax Service Team serve as both "preachers" and " counselors", taking the initiative to provide door-to-door services and provide policy publicity and consultation for enterprises. Service and process coaching. "With these preferential tax policies, I believe the development of Guishan Island will definitely get better and better!" Li Xuewen is full of expectations for the future.

Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel is another world-class "bridge, island, tunnel and underwater interconnection" cluster project after the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge . The deep-intermediate subsea tunnel constructed by CCCC Fourth Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. is the world's first large-scale application of a steel-shell concrete immersed tube tunnel with the characteristics of "extra-wide, deep burial, and variable width". Upon completion, it will become the world's first special-length two-way eight-way tunnel. Lane submarine immersed tube tunnel.

In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the project, the tax department of Wanshan District actively communicated with enterprises to understand their needs in a timely manner and provide face-to-face policy explanations. “The tax staff’s careful explanation gave us a more comprehensive understanding of the new combined tax support policy! In addition to tax refund policies, there are also tax exemptions, deferrals, etc. These policies cover a wide range and are highly preferential, which makes us I feel the country’s strong support for the development of enterprises.” Wu Jianfeng, tax clerk of CCCC Fourth Air (Zhuhai) Gulf Industrial Co., Ltd. , praised the tax propagandists.

Ouyang Rihao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Wanshan District Taxation Bureau, said: "The taxation department will thoroughly implement the new combined tax support policy, continue to provide publicity and guidance, strengthen communication and coordination with other government departments, and ensure that enterprises fully enjoy the policy dividends , vigorously improve corporate satisfaction and sense of gain. "

Source | Yangcheng Evening News·Yangcheng Pai

Editor | Zhu Jiale

Proofreading | Peng Jiye