July 27 Continuous crit attacks, the main force does not speak martial ethics, how to deal with it

closed all day. Today, the stock market once again walked out of a downward trend that the six parents did not recognize. I don’t talk about the funds of Wude, because I stepped on each other, I buried myself. I can only say that the trading pattern of is not as big as the bowl for small leeks to eat , many people are Xinxin After a whole year of hard work, two days before the liberation!

If yesterday’s slump made you shiver and there is a glimmer of hope, today’s full-scale crash will surely make you completely desperate and surrender.

Today’s afternoon review, Xiao Leek said that choosing the right track may not make money, but if chooses the wrong track, he must lose a lot of money . Today, Little Leek has lost money by choosing the right semiconductor chip. If you choose another one, you will definitely lose a lot of money.

Today's afternoon review, Xiao Leek repeatedly emphasized that card position is low, make a wrong stop loss, do not chase high , chase high today, is it all buried by the main force.

The market closed at noon today. The small leek account made a profit of seven points, and it closed with a loss of almost two points. I will ask someone to make sense.

Too many people must have doubts about today's market. What happened to the market?

Little Leek’s point of view, the high probability is that swaps positions and shares . When reaping chips, is like the change of dynasty, and the dead will be everywhere, and blood will flow into rivers. From group stocks to growth stocks, to the deterministic emerging strategic technology industry in the future,The main force of does not hesitate to lose 800, but also to kill 1,000 of our retail investors . If we say that yesterday’s slump is to wash our retail investors, wash the unreliable floating chips . So today's slump is the departure of the technical school, because in the eyes of the technical school, the market is already severe and broken, and not leaving the market is going against the trend.

Until now, many people are still thinking, has the pandemic crashed? Is there a chance to escape?

Little Leek’s point of view, on a larger scale, now second-hand houses cannot be borrowed, currency is not allowed to speculate, bank deposit rates are falling, and there is really no good place for idle funds. From the perspective of the market, the continuous trading volume of more than one trillion yuan, once a wave of market conditions is formed and a money-making effect is formed, the pulling effect on over-the-counter funds will be even greater. But now that the broader market is falling, over-the-counter funds will wait and see for a while. The main force can only move up until they collect enough chips. Little Leek believes that will not collapse. Two days after the crit, there is a high probability that it will drop slightly and then move up, and then oscillate sideways for a while . The main force also has a cost.

Today, if it weren't for the main line of big technology to support the disk, the small leek would definitely be a blood loss. But not only did I not persuade me, was also too impulsive. The mobile units that were recovered by the high sale were all shot out at the end. The plan was to hit 70% of the position, and the result was close to 90%. The position of was too heavy. Invisible, I was at risk and committed a big taboo . will rebound tomorrow, so I will reduce my position significantly. The total position will be controlled at around 50%.

The significance of replay is to correct one's own mistakes.The situation is uncertain and the market is unstable. It is the most correct choice to control the position and keep the principal safe.

small leek coping strategies:

will be adjusted to a bottom position of 4-5 tomorrow, and will operate in a light position to hold the base camp .

mobile force sent 20% of the funds, played positional warfare , fast in and out of the plate, run at the profit, reduce the cost of the bottom position.

The mobile unit will send another 10% of the funds, to fight guerrilla warfare , make a surprise attack in the late game, and run away after making a profit the next day, replenishing guns and ammunition.

Attack target: semiconductor, chip, software main line

Anti-enemy measures: the timing is bad, decisively stop the loss and retreat.
