Source: Global Times article on July 6 website of French "Perspective" weekly, original title: At this moment, China is developing and expanding its high-speed rail network. As the leader of the world's largest high-speed rail network, the Chinese government has made up its mind

2024/06/1015:06:32 finance 1185

Source: Global Times

Article from the French "Viewpoint" weekly website on July 6, original title: At this moment, China is developing and expanding its high-speed rail network As the leader of the world's largest high-speed rail network, the Chinese government has made a decision Determined to expand the high-speed rail network by another 70% by 2035, with a total mileage of 70,000 kilometers.

In fact, thanks to the establishment of the high-speed rail network, China Railway Company (China Railway) is releasing its traditional freight capacity. In 2021, China Railway will increase its freight trains to Europe by 22%, which is 8.9 times that of 2016; last year, freight revenue reached 435.9 billion yuan, exceeding passenger transport revenue of 302.1 billion yuan. High-speed rail is already one of the key factors for the sustainable development of China's engineering projects.

Source: Global Times article on July 6 website of French

French Railways, on the other hand, has always complained about the lack of investment in its outdated railway network. Just a few days ago, there was news that French railways were preparing to drastically cut infrastructure in order to cope with the additional costs caused by inflation and . Furthermore, French railways lack the necessary commitment at a time when environmental transformation needs to be prioritized.

In China, which is 10,000 kilometers away from France, there is no controversy over railway investment. Facing the economic slowdown caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, the Chinese government intends to promote recovery by investing heavily in infrastructure. As a state-owned enterprise responsible for managing railway networks and railway transportation, China Railway is vigorously developing high-speed railways with a total mileage of more than 40,000 kilometers. In 2021 alone, the world's largest high-speed rail network will add 2,168 kilometers. China鈥檚 grand plan is to reach 50,000 kilometers by 2025 and 70,000 kilometers by 2035.

China's ambitions are due to competition among local governments to attract new projects, with a view to creating jobs and promoting the development of related enterprises. After developing the backbone network between major cities, the newly built high-speed rail will be extended to other areas, where labor costs are significantly lower than in coastal areas, and high-speed rail can promote local opening up and economic activities. At the same time, China Railway is investing in and upgrading existing lines. On June 20, China Railway launched a state-of-the-art express train on a section of high-speed rail between Beijing and Guangzhou, with a speed of up to 350 kilometers per hour. Today, 93% of China's cities with a population of more than 500,000 are connected to the high-speed rail network. By adding high-speed rail to underdeveloped areas, China also hopes to regulate urban development and prevent the emergence of large, unmanageable cities. (Author Claude Leblanc, translated by Dong Ming)

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