Here, I would like to share it with you based on my past experience. I hope it will be useful to those who are destined to do so. The first one is Wu Chuanzhong, a retired associate professor from a business school of a university in Anhui Province. He is over 100 years old this

2024/05/2708:53:33 finance 1955

Recently, I saw the story of two centenarian stock investors in the media, which was very touching. Here, I would like to share it with you based on my past experience. I hope it will be useful to those who are destined to do so.

Here, I would like to share it with you based on my past experience. I hope it will be useful to those who are destined to do so. The first one is Wu Chuanzhong, a retired associate professor from a business school of a university in Anhui Province. He is over 100 years old this  - DayDayNews

The first one is Wu Chuanzhong, a retired associate professor from the business school of a university in Anhui. He is over 100 years old this year. Almost every trading day, he basically goes to the brokerage business department on time at 8:30 to read the market, and stays there until the trading closes at 3 p.m.

Professor Wu started stock trading in 1993. After several years of actual practice, he withdrew his principal. Now the funds operating in the stock market are all earned from the stock market. The old professor has a good attitude, and it doesn't matter whether he makes a loss or a profit. In Professor Wu's own words, "Stock trading uses your brain and can prevent Alzheimer's disease ." Professor Wu also has his own principles for stock selection, which are those that are in line with national policies and have a promising future.

Professor Wu has integrated stock trading into his life and has become an important part of his life. Surrounding the ups and downs of the stock market, Professor Wu must watch the news broadcast every day, and is very concerned about national events and financial news.

Here, I would like to share it with you based on my past experience. I hope it will be useful to those who are destined to do so. The first one is Wu Chuanzhong, a retired associate professor from a business school of a university in Anhui Province. He is over 100 years old this  - DayDayNews

Another centenarian investor is the 104-year-old grandmother Zhou Hongbao in Shanghai. She may be the oldest investor in our A shares . She has experience in Shanghai's "old stereotypes" speculation. It cannot be said that it is not a miracle that she can still "survive" well in the ups and downs of the stock market during such a long investment career.

Compared with many investors who were defeated by the stock market during this same period, the experience of Professor Wu and the old lady may be more suitable for many retail investors. At present, the number of investors participating in the stock market, more specifically the number of investor accounts, is close to 200 million. This is an extremely large group and we are all part of it. We can learn a lot from these two old men.

Here, I would like to share it with you based on my past experience. I hope it will be useful to those who are destined to do so. The first one is Wu Chuanzhong, a retired associate professor from a business school of a university in Anhui Province. He is over 100 years old this  - DayDayNews

The lotus flowers I took by myself are beautiful!

First, surviving in the stock market is far more important than making money in the stock market.

I personally believe that the survival principles of the stock market are basically in line with the law of the forest, "the weak eat the strong" and "a few people make money". Whether it is in the stock markets of foreign developed countries or in our own capital market over the years, this is followed. law. "Seven losses, two draws and one profit" is the basic consensus of everyone. One of the main reasons why many investors fail to invest is that they have not learned to survive in the stock market, so they hope to cling to the big bull stocks and keep rising every day, so as to quickly realize their wealth dreams. It is understandable that

has this idea, because this is the ultimate goal that almost all investors aspire to. But the problem with most investors is that they only focus on their own dreams and forget how to obtain the methods and ways to realize their dreams through their own efforts. It is also because they focus too much on the long-term goal and forget the eternal motto "the stock market and risks, investment needs to be cautious".

Here, I would like to share it with you based on my past experience. I hope it will be useful to those who are destined to do so. The first one is Wu Chuanzhong, a retired associate professor from a business school of a university in Anhui Province. He is over 100 years old this  - DayDayNews

Many investors have had the experience of making money, but what makes them remember more deeply is that the wealth they once had temporarily gradually disappeared through their continuous operations. If we lower our expectations of realizing our dreams quickly, for example, in 15 or even 20 years, our thinking about the stock market may change.

To put it another way: "As long as I can achieve financial freedom, I don't care how long it takes." If this becomes this attitude, perhaps our thinking about the stock market will become another more rational state.

Simply put, if you want to learn to survive in the stock market, you must first learn not to lose money in the stock market. Most people only know about losing and making money. In fact, the stock market also has another state, which is a flat market, no profit or loss. If we start not losing money, the remaining investment path will begin to change in the direction we expect. We are on the right road, in the right direction, and it is only a matter of time before we reach our desired destination. If we are not on the right team direction and path, the harder we work, the farther away we will be from the destination we expect.

Here, I would like to share it with you based on my past experience. I hope it will be useful to those who are destined to do so. The first one is Wu Chuanzhong, a retired associate professor from a business school of a university in Anhui Province. He is over 100 years old this  - DayDayNews

Second, form trading rules that suit you and can make profits repeatedly.

Many friends like to follow market hot spots in the stock market. In fact, this is a very bad habit. Hot spots rise with the wind, and sometimes we don't even know the specific reasons. Some stocks are driven up crazily by various hot money , which is spectacular. This is also the attractive charm of the stock market. But for most of us ordinary retail investors, we basically do not have the ability and effective channels to obtain various news in advance. Years of market experience tells us that in fact, by the time we know a lot of news, it is basically others who let us know it. Wish we knew it by the time. At this time, many people cannot resist their inner impulses and operate frequently, rushing in and out. This method seems very enjoyable and enjoyable, but after a long time, the profits that can be formed may not completely change our lives. In fact, not losing money and not standing guard on the mountain are already very lucky.

From the emergence of "Xiong'an New District " to "numbering in the east and counting in the west", hot spots in the stock market have emerged one after another over the years, but how many people have achieved financial freedom with the help of these hot spots?

Here, I would like to share it with you based on my past experience. I hope it will be useful to those who are destined to do so. The first one is Wu Chuanzhong, a retired associate professor from a business school of a university in Anhui Province. He is over 100 years old this  - DayDayNews

OCT stock trend

Some friends are confused, I am working very hard! Isn’t it wrong to review the market frequently and try to seize every hot spot in the market? We must understand that whether it is a so-called institution or a banker , they all want to make money in the stock market. The reason why the main force raises the stock price is undoubtedly to accumulate profits during the rising stock price, and then realize the profits after reaching a certain position. On this point, the main force and retail investors are actually consistent, but what we need to pay attention to is that the main force and retail investors are a natural pair of rivals. After the main force raises the stock price, it hopes to find funds to take over the transaction and get its own profits.

At present, as the power of all parties participating in the market gradually increases, there has been a situation of "the main force killing the main force", or in other words, the trend of the main force with strength, theory and preparation killing the main force with weak comprehensive strength. Throughout 2020, 207 funds were liquidated; in 2021, 240 funds were liquidated; in the first quarter of 2022, there were approximately 967 funds with a size of less than 50 million yuan. These funds are all at risk of liquidation. It takes less than a year for some funds to go from to to liquidation. It is not easy for these so-called main players to survive, so what reason do we retail investors have for not paying full attention to market risks and not improving our own trading system?

I suggest that you take a good look at the stocks you have operated, find out the ones you are most familiar with and observe them for a long time, gradually gain a deeper understanding of the company's fundamentals, and gradually formulate when the company's stock price is undervalued and you can enter the market, and when the company's stock price is high. If it is estimated, you can consider selling and leaving the market. After a few effective operations, your self-confidence will be greatly enhanced. Once a person has confidence, if he follows this method, he may perform more and more successful operations.

Here, I would like to share it with you based on my past experience. I hope it will be useful to those who are destined to do so. The first one is Wu Chuanzhong, a retired associate professor from a business school of a university in Anhui Province. He is over 100 years old this  - DayDayNews

Wanma shares stock trend

Third, the funds invested in the stock market must be spare money, let alone participate in the market through margin financing and securities lending or even leverage .

A friend’s classmate graduated from the 985 College and was a promising reserve talent in the career department. With the knowledge of finance and the pride of graduating from college, he continued to increase leverage in the market, trying to realize his wealth dream early in his youth. But the cruel reality hit him mercilessly, and he suffered repeated defeats, eventually resulting in a loss of about 2 million. In desperation, he resigned from the professional establishment and joined a private enterprise. The reason was simple. Only the salary and benefits of a private enterprise could give him the possibility to pay off his debts. As for his originally bright career prospects, it has become a luxury in the face of huge debts. As for marriage and family, there are no basic factors to consider for the time being.

Here, I would like to share it with you based on my past experience. I hope it will be useful to those who are destined to do so. The first one is Wu Chuanzhong, a retired associate professor from a business school of a university in Anhui Province. He is over 100 years old this  - DayDayNews

There are many such examples. There is also a friend who fell in the decline of Changchun High-tech because of increasing leverage. We must have a full understanding of our own abilities, and we must also have a full understanding of the cruelty of the market. Funds, as the main force in the market, continue to fail and fall, not to mention us retail investors who have no advantages.

Controlling capital investment is the basic principle for retail investors to enter the market.Use small funds to constantly sum up experience and continuously improve your judgment of the market. As long as the method is appropriate, small funds will gradually turn into considerable and relatively large funds. In this case, especially if the correct method and method continue to make profits, you can try to increase the capital investment, but even so, the increased amount of capital is still controllable. If an investment goes wrong, it will not have a disruptive impact on family life. This is the bottom line of investment.

Here, I would like to share it with you based on my past experience. I hope it will be useful to those who are destined to do so. The first one is Wu Chuanzhong, a retired associate professor from a business school of a university in Anhui Province. He is over 100 years old this  - DayDayNews

Zhenhua Stock Trend

Fourth, if you have shares in your hands, you have no shares in your heart.

From the investment strategies of the two centenarians, we can clearly feel that stock investment has become a way of life for them. Although Professor Wu reported to the trading floor on time and Mrs. Zhou Hongbao liked to watch the market changes, their operations were not frequent. Perhaps they watch the market mainly to kill time, have something to do, and "prevent Alzheimer's disease." Their mentality is very stable, and they will not instantly change their long-established trading habits because of the temporary rise and fall of the stock market. This is particularly special. It requires our attention.

Many of our friends can't control their hands and feet when watching the market. If there is any trouble, they will take action immediately. This is a taboo in stock market investment. What's more, under the leadership of so-called experts, they relied on short-term technical indicators as a guide to guide their operations. They thought they had the "Eternal Sword and Dragon Slaying Knife", but after a long time, they found that "in the big pit" There are still deep pits." The originally lively WeChat group no longer knew where the group leader was. Those so-called "strategies" are just wishful thinking that I want to believe.

A very simple truth, if those who pull you into the group really have such powerful means of making money, wouldn’t they have solved the wealth problem long ago? Who is so kind-hearted that he is willing to give up his wealth channels, especially to teach them to you through personal guidance. Do we have such a close blood relationship with those stock group owners that can withstand the test of wealth?

In my opinion, the stock market is a life practice, especially training people. Human nature, basic human abilities, human greed, and human fear and avoidance are all being tested in the stock market all the time. There are undoubtedly only a few people who can finally succeed in their stock market career. This is definitely not good news for most people!

Here, I would like to share it with you based on my past experience. I hope it will be useful to those who are destined to do so. The first one is Wu Chuanzhong, a retired associate professor from a business school of a university in Anhui Province. He is over 100 years old this  - DayDayNews

Garden Bio stock trend

Is it difficult to make money in the stock market? It's not difficult at all. We can know from the conversations of people around us that almost everyone who participates in stock market investment has the experience of making money. But the most rare thing in the stock market is long-term stable making of money, which is the same for both retail investors and funds. We can look at the fund rankings over the years, especially the top ten rankings. Very few funds can occupy the top of the list many times for a long time.

’s effective experience last year is likely to be investment poison this year. The most constant theme of the stock market is that it is always changing. If we are not able to change ourselves according to this change at any time and keep up with this change, then we should stick to ourselves and only do things that we can control. Before long, we will get better investment returns.

wrote this article while looking at his own stocks. Garden Creatures voted online today, and I voted in favor of them all. The stock is still fluctuating at a relatively high level, so we continue to hold and wait. Zhenhua shares have finally started to rise, keep waiting! Wanma shares, which I have high hopes for in the next two or three years, are also fluctuating.

Profits in the stock market are all achieved by waiting patiently.

Buffett’s annualized investment income of is only about 16%; and Mr. Gann, the inventor of the wave technology theory that many people like to read, only had a dozen dollars left when he died. He did not owe anything to the invention of this theory. , to win huge wealth for their descendants.

The above two points are worthy of each of us who invest in the stock market to think deeply and deeply!

Here, I would like to share it with you based on my past experience. I hope it will be useful to those who are destined to do so. The first one is Wu Chuanzhong, a retired associate professor from a business school of a university in Anhui Province. He is over 100 years old this  - DayDayNews

Stew a pot of pigeon, astragalus and red date soup to reward yourself!

Maintain a healthy and stable mentality and actively exercise. I am also willing to be able to enjoy the joy of life in the stock market just like these two old people when I am a hundred years old in a few decades!

I would like to express my highest respect to two centenarians, Professor Wu Chuanzhong and Grandma Zhou Hongbao!

wishes everyone good luck with their investment!

Here, I would like to share it with you based on my past experience. I hope it will be useful to those who are destined to do so. The first one is Wu Chuanzhong, a retired associate professor from a business school of a university in Anhui Province. He is over 100 years old this  - DayDayNews

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