According to news on July 4, Blue Hole has released industry survey data on monthly sales and operations of Chinese e-cigarette shop owners for 15 consecutive months. This data is from June 2022, which is only three months before the end of the e-cigarette regulatory transition p

2024/05/2117:47:32 finance 1498

Blue Hole New Consumption Today’s report

html reported on July 4 that Blue Hole has released industry survey data on the monthly sales and operations of Chinese e-cigarette shop owners for 15 consecutive months. This data is from June 2022, which is only three months before the end of the e-cigarette regulatory transition period.

As of the publication of the article, 1,138 store owners have effectively participated in the survey.

  • In April, the Blue Hole community survey showed that e-cigarette store owners’ April performance survey: 85% of sales declined, and 55% believed it was related to the policy.
  • In June, the Blue Hole community survey showed that e-cigarette shop owners in May and Sales performance survey in June: 53% of stores fell by 50%, 86% thought there were too many stores. In July, a Blue Hole community survey showed that e-cigarette shop owners’ sales performance survey in July: 25% began to recover, and 76% hoped for regulation as soon as possible. When
  • html was launched in August, the Blue Hole Community Questionnaire showed that e-cigarette shop owners’ survival survey in August: 71% had revenue of less than 30,000 yuan, and the industry had declined for 5 consecutive months. In September, the Blue Hole Community Questionnaire showed that e-cigarettes Sales survey of store owners in September: 50% decline, 30% income is less than 10,000, store closures are really coming
  • In October, the Blue Hole community questionnaire survey showed that the performance survey of e-cigarette store owners in October was released: 55% decline, 35 % of the leases are about to expire, 27% do not want to work anymore
  • In November, the Blue Hole community survey showed that the performance survey of e-cigarette shop owners in November was released: 57% declined, 43% suffered losses, and 37% were optimistic about
  • html in the long term. In December, Blue Hole According to the community questionnaire survey, the performance survey of e-cigarette shop owners in December was released: 51% declined, and 62% made money throughout the year, with 10 major predictions. In July 2020, the Blue Hole community questionnaire survey showed that the performance survey of e-cigarette shop owners in January was released: 66% of shop owners had good business, while 49% had poor business during the Spring Festival holiday. In July 2019, Blue Hole community questionnaire showed that e-cigarette shop owners’ February performance survey was released: 75% did not make any money, and only 27% were willing to renew the lease. In March, Blue Hole The Dong community questionnaire showed that the sales data of e-cigarette shop owners in March: 68%, the performance rebounded like a return to the past, and dealers were singled out for three crimes. In April, the blue hole community questionnaire showed that the sales data of e-cigarette shop owners in April: 65% was lower than in March, and 30% gross profit became the minimum survival bottom line. Attached is the ranking of exclusive operating brands html In May, the blue hole community questionnaire survey showed that the sales data of e-cigarette shop owners in May: 66% declined, 64% revenue was 30,000 Below, attached is the list of brands that store owners are dissatisfied with.

What is the actual operating situation of offline physical stores in 2022? Let’s take a look at the June survey data.

Statement: This survey data does not fully represent the overall industry situation and is for reference only.

According to news on July 4, Blue Hole has released industry survey data on monthly sales and operations of Chinese e-cigarette shop owners for 15 consecutive months. This data is from June 2022, which is only three months before the end of the e-cigarette regulatory transition p - DayDayNews

E-cigarette shop owners in 33 provincial tobacco regions across the country participated in this questionnaire.

The darker the color, the more people participate, which proves that the local e-cigarette shop owners are more active. Guangdong, Zhejiang, Henan, Shandong, Jiangsu and Hebei are at the forefront. Correspondingly, the number of e-cigarette retail licenses planned in the above-mentioned regions ranks among the top in the country.

According to news on July 4, Blue Hole has released industry survey data on monthly sales and operations of Chinese e-cigarette shop owners for 15 consecutive months. This data is from June 2022, which is only three months before the end of the e-cigarette regulatory transition p - DayDayNews

The survey showed that 21% of store owners’ performance was better than that in May, 34% had stabilized, and 44% of store owners’ performance was worse than that in May.

According to news on July 4, Blue Hole has released industry survey data on monthly sales and operations of Chinese e-cigarette shop owners for 15 consecutive months. This data is from June 2022, which is only three months before the end of the e-cigarette regulatory transition p - DayDayNews

The survey shows that 28.5% of store owners have neither increased nor decreased, and only 5% have experienced an increase of more than 20%.

According to news on July 4, Blue Hole has released industry survey data on monthly sales and operations of Chinese e-cigarette shop owners for 15 consecutive months. This data is from June 2022, which is only three months before the end of the e-cigarette regulatory transition p - DayDayNews

The survey shows that the sales ranges of 10,000 to 20,000 and 20,000 to 30,000 account for a total of 40%. Adding 12% of store owners with sales below 10,000, the proportion of sales below 30,000 accounts for 52%, and store owners with sales above 100,000 only account for 52%. 6%.

According to news on July 4, Blue Hole has released industry survey data on monthly sales and operations of Chinese e-cigarette shop owners for 15 consecutive months. This data is from June 2022, which is only three months before the end of the e-cigarette regulatory transition p - DayDayNews

The survey showed that 85% of the shop owners surveyed have obtained a retail license, while 13% of shop owners have not obtained it, and another 2% of shop owners have closed their stores.

According to news on July 4, Blue Hole has released industry survey data on monthly sales and operations of Chinese e-cigarette shop owners for 15 consecutive months. This data is from June 2022, which is only three months before the end of the e-cigarette regulatory transition p - DayDayNews

The survey shows that when it comes to how to solve the problem of transitional futures sources, 45% of store owners still get goods from the original brand or dealer, but there are also as many as 36% of store owners who mix and . The brands have currently terminated the exclusive business agreement with the store owners. , the store owner can purchase goods at will. This period can be called the free time of the e-cigarette store owner.

According to news on July 4, Blue Hole has released industry survey data on monthly sales and operations of Chinese e-cigarette shop owners for 15 consecutive months. This data is from June 2022, which is only three months before the end of the e-cigarette regulatory transition p - DayDayNews

A survey showed that 35% of store owners have no hope for the future national standard tobacco flavors, 18% said they are full of confidence, and as many as 46% said they have not tried the national standard flavors and do not know how to judge.

According to news on July 4, Blue Hole has released industry survey data on monthly sales and operations of Chinese e-cigarette shop owners for 15 consecutive months. This data is from June 2022, which is only three months before the end of the e-cigarette regulatory transition p - DayDayNews

The survey shows that regarding the reservation quota issue, 53% of store owners believe that there will definitely be a single brand quota limit, 20% believe that reservations are free, and 27% of store owners said they do not know.

According to news on July 4, Blue Hole has released industry survey data on monthly sales and operations of Chinese e-cigarette shop owners for 15 consecutive months. This data is from June 2022, which is only three months before the end of the e-cigarette regulatory transition p - DayDayNews

Without trying any national standard flavor products, the shop owner makes a choice based on the brand's sales, popularity, mentality, market share, etc. The above is a multiple choice.

According to news on July 4, Blue Hole has released industry survey data on monthly sales and operations of Chinese e-cigarette shop owners for 15 consecutive months. This data is from June 2022, which is only three months before the end of the e-cigarette regulatory transition p - DayDayNews

The final shop owner vote showed that RELX, Magic Flute and Youzi ranked in the top three, followed by Laimi and Ono.

Blue Hole Comments: Obtaining the license is equal to the national standard

The entire month of June is the most stressful day for shop owners across the country to apply for e-cigarette retail licenses. Fortunately, most shop owners have already obtained compliance business licenses, which means that if they If it goes bankrupt, it will be able to continue operating legally.

On the other hand, production licenses for e-cigarette production are also being issued one after another. However, currently only two domestic brands have obtained licenses and some products have passed national standards. More mainstream brands have not yet obtained production licenses and have not passed. National standard.

There are only three months left in the transition period. Most store owners are actually looking forward to the end of the transition period as soon as possible. Many people cannot get the supply of goods at all. As a result, it has become the craziest period in the e-cigarette industry in the past three years. WeChat business, Large warehouses, mixed goods, random prices, fake goods, and wild cards are rampant.

For enterprises, obtaining the production license and passing the national standard product review as soon as possible is the most important issue at the moment. As for the last copper plate issue, I must have no intention of paying attention to it.

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