Quick overview of important news, Securities Daily website www.zqrb.cn, July 3, 2022 1. In the first five months of this year, national coal production reached 1.81 billion tons, and the main coal transportation channels are operating at full capacity. Now, the power grid has ent

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Quick News

July 3, 2022

Quick overview of important news, Securities Daily website www.zqrb.cn, July 3, 2022 1. In the first five months of this year, national coal production reached 1.81 billion tons, and the main coal transportation channels are operating at full capacity. Now, the power grid has ent - DayDayNews

Securities Daily Network


Quick overview of important news, Securities Daily website www.zqrb.cn, July 3, 2022 1. In the first five months of this year, national coal production reached 1.81 billion tons, and the main coal transportation channels are operating at full capacity. Now, the power grid has ent - DayDayNews

1. In the first five months of this year, the national coal output reached 1.81 billion tons, and the main coal transportation channels were operating at full capacity.

At present, the power grid has entered the peak summer period. With the substantial increase in electricity demand, coal demand has also gradually rebounded. Since June, three dedicated coal lines, including the Daqin Railway , have been operating at full capacity. According to statistics, the coal inventory in the northern Bohai Sea has reached 24 million tons, which is at a historical high.

The latest data from the China Coal Industry Association shows that in the first five months of this year, national coal production reached 1.81 billion tons, a year-on-year increase of 10.4%. The national average daily output of raw coal exceeded 12 million tons, a record high. At the same time, this year, national hydropower and new energy power generation will continue to maintain a rapid growth trend, and their role in replacing coal will also increase. This summer, the national coal market will continue to maintain a basic balance and a slightly loose trend. ( CCTV website )

2. The State Administration for Market Regulation requires the Xinjiang Market Supervision Bureau to strictly investigate the issue of propylene glycol detected in Maiquer pure milk

Targeting 2 produced by Xinjiang Maiquer Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Maiquer Company) The State Administration for Market Regulation attached great importance to the detection of propylene glycol in batches of pure milk and immediately urged the Xinjiang Market Supervision Bureau to investigate Maiquer Company and deal with it in accordance with the law. Xinjiang Market Supervision Bureau and Changji Market Supervision Bureau immediately organized an investigation into Maiquer Company and conducted random inspections of products. After preliminary investigation and analysis, the detection of propylene glycol in Maiquer pure milk was caused by the company's excessive use of food additives and flavors in the production process. To.

According to the provisions of " National Food Safety Standard for the Use of Food Additives " (GB 2760-2014) and "National Food Safety Standard for Food Flavors" (GB 30616-2020), propylene glycol is an approved food additive and is also allowed to be used. Solvents allowed to be used in synthetic food flavors and food flavors. The maximum usage amounts of the food additive propylene glycol in wet and raw noodle products and pastries are 1.5 g/kg and 3.0 g/kg respectively. Propylene glycol should not be used in pure milk. The State Administration for Market Regulation organized a random inspection of 23 batches of samples of pure milk produced by 14 companies with high market shares and pure milk produced by Maiquer Company. The results showed that only 6 batches of pure milk produced by Maiquer Company were Propylene glycol was detected, with the detection value ranging from 0.264 g/kg to 0.363 g/kg. The State Administration for Market Regulation requires the Xinjiang Market Supervision Bureau to find out the illegal facts of Maiquer Company as soon as possible, strictly investigate and deal with it in accordance with the law, and announce the investigation and punishment results in a timely manner. (Official website of the State Administration for Market Regulation)

3. The issuance of 6 new shares by leading electrolyte additive companies next week will attract attention

According to the issuance arrangement, the A-share market will have 6 new shares for subscription next week (July 4-July 8). According to the sector, there is on the Shanghai Stock Exchange main board, on the Science and Technology Innovation Board 2, 2 on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange main board, and 1 on the Beijing Stock Exchange. It is worth noting that Huasheng Lithium Battery is one of the leaders in the electrolyte additive segment. The market share of lithium ion battery electrolyte additive products produced by the company from 2018 to 2020 ranks first among similar domestic products. (Securities Daily Network)

Table: (July 4-July 8) 6 new stock issuances

Quick overview of important news, Securities Daily website www.zqrb.cn, July 3, 2022 1. In the first five months of this year, national coal production reached 1.81 billion tons, and the main coal transportation channels are operating at full capacity. Now, the power grid has ent - DayDayNews

Details: 6 new stock issuances next week. Leading electrolyte additive companies attract attention

4. "New Combined Tax in 2022 "Fees Support Policy Guidelines" has been updated

Tax reduction and fee reduction are the fairest, most direct and most effective measures to help enterprises relieve their difficulties. This year, my country's economic development is facing triple pressures of shrinking demand, supply shocks, and weakening expectations. The Party Central Committee and the State Council have deployed and implemented new combined tax and fee support policies, which are of great significance for stabilizing market expectations, boosting market confidence, and assisting enterprises in bailing out development. .

In order to facilitate market entities to understand the applicable tax support policies in a timely manner, the State Administration of Taxation has sorted out the newly introduced and continued implementation of relevant policies, and formed a draft covering 33 items in accordance with the writing style of enjoying entities, preferential content, enjoyment conditions, and policy basis. The content of the new combined tax support policy guidelines will be continuously updated based on the newly introduced tax policies.(State Administration of Taxation WeChat official account)

Details: Collection! The "New Combined Tax and Fee Support Policy Guidelines for 2022" has been updated

5. The Emergency Management Department of the National Disaster Reduction Commission Office released the national natural disasters risk situation in July

Recently, the National Disaster Reduction Commission Office, Emergency Management Department jointly natural The Ministry of Resources, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the China Meteorological Administration, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration and other departments held a meeting to analyze and judge the national natural disaster risk situation in July. Comprehensive analysis shows that in July, rainy areas are mainly distributed in Northeast China, North China, northern Central China, and southern Jiangnan, South China, and southern Southwest. The risks of flood disasters in the above-mentioned areas are high, and some rivers may experience super-warning floods or regional heavy rain floods. Severe convective weather has become more extreme, and the characteristics of wind and hail disasters are further highlighted. Typhoons may land in the coastal areas of South China and Southeast China. Geological disasters may occur frequently in Southwest, Central and South China and other places. The risk of lightning fires continues in the Daxinganling forest area. (Official website of the Ministry of Emergency Management)

Details: Office of the National Disaster Reduction Committee The Ministry of Emergency Management released the national natural disaster risk situation in July

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Quick overview of important news, Securities Daily website www.zqrb.cn, July 3, 2022 1. In the first five months of this year, national coal production reached 1.81 billion tons, and the main coal transportation channels are operating at full capacity. Now, the power grid has ent - DayDayNews

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